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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

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Appendix: QuoteWerks System Files

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It is often necessary to rollout a QuoteWerks installation to several locations and or onto a sales force’s laptops. The following table is a list of the core files used by QuoteWerks. This information is very helpful in determining which files to copy when you want to copy information from the main installation of QuoteWerks to other installations like Remote Sites or Remote laptops.

QuoteWerks System Folders




Contains archived documents created by the Document Purge Wizard.


Contains subfolders with datetime of each backup. These backups are typically of files changed during updates.


Contains the cover pages. Cover pages are in .rtf or .doc format.


Contains the DTF files.


Contains .dta backup files created as part of audit trail logging.


Contains .pdf formats of the quotes that have been e-mailed.


Contains xml requests and responses from online ordering. This is used for troubleshooting issues.


Default location for Purchase Orders that are saved to PDF from the Purchasing window.


Contains pictures of products using .jpg or .bmp formats.


Contains DTF files saved into this folder. This is the default location to import DTF files from.


Contains the print layouts.


Contains xml files with lease rate information.


Contains literature files.


Contains DTF files saved into this folder. This is the default location to export DTF files into.


Contains files that can be downloaded, modified and then re-uploaded to QuoteValet.


Contains the management report files.


Contains linked resource files.


Contains linked resource template files.


Contains the Spec Sheet files.


Contains system files like required system image files.


Designed to be used as the folder that users save the Tech Data prodcode.exe data file into for use in QuoteWerks.


Contains backups of any files replaced by the installer during updates. When you are confident that the update has been applied correctly, all files in this folder can be deleted.

QuoteWerks System Data Files





\QuoteWerks folder

This file contains a limited amount of low level settings

English (American).spell

\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the spell checking dictionary. Different .lex files are available depending upon what region of the world you are in.


\QuoteWerks\DTF folder

These files are QuoteWerks Document Transport Files (DTF). When quotes are saved, they are saved into the database and also into a DTF file. These DTF files are then synchronized sometimes by the CRM software that you are using.


\QuoteWerks\Archives folder

These files are archived DTF files. Archived DTF files are DTF files that have been imported into QuoteWerks using the option to archive the file.


\QuoteWerks folder

These are custom dictionary files that are created for each user whenever the user adds custom words to the dictionary. The file name will be in the format {UserName}.dic.


\QuoteWerks folder

These files are log files created by processes that are run in QuoteWerks such as merging remote documents, synchronizing, rebuilding cm transport files, etc.


\QuoteWerks folder

This text file contains the customizations that enable you to add custom menu items to the QuoteWerks Tools menu.


\QuoteWerks folder

QuoteWerks lock files.

*.fpc, *.lt

\QuoteWerks\Layouts folder

These files are the print templates layouts. The files with the .lt extension are the templates used as the default when a new quote, order, invoice template etc is created.

*.fpc, *.lt

\QuoteWerks\Reports folder

These files are the report templates layouts. The files with the .lt extension are the report templates used as the default when a new layout is created. The .fpc files are the report layout that is used for the display of the results.

*.rtf, *.doc

\QuoteWerks\Covers folder

This folder contains a list of all the available cover pages.

*.rtf,*.pdf, *.doc, *.docx

\QuoteWerks\Literature folder

This folder contains a list of all the literature sheets that will appear on the Literature tab of the print window.

*.rtf,.*pdf, *.doc, *.docx

\QuoteWerks\Specs folder

This folder contains a list of all the product and service spec sheets.

*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg, *.png

\QuoteWerks\Images folder

This folder contains a list of all the pictures that are associated with the products in the product databases.

Database File (Access Backend only)




\QuoteWerks folder

This file contains all the documents including quotes, orders, invoices, etc. (This file is paired with security.mdb). Use caution when replacing this file - It is not recommended. Do not copy this file out to a laptop installation unless doing a FULL folder copy.


This file contains a list of all the users and their security rights. (This file is paired with docs.mdb) Use caution when replacing this file. It is not recommended unless working with a remote installation.


This file contains information specific to this installation of QuoteWerks, like SiteSettings, LicenseMetering and RunningInstances. Do not copy this file out to a laptop installation unless doing a FULL folder copy.


This file contains the SystemSettings table which stores most of the setup and configurations for QuoteWerks.


This file contains the UserSettings table which stores all the user related preferences.


This database contains the contacts for users that are not using an external contact manager such as ACT!, GoldMine, Maximizer, Outlook, etc.


This file contains all of the links to native product databases and external product sources.


This file contains the exchange rate listings.


This database contains all the custom lookup values used for fields such as Terms, Ship Via, etc.


This file contains all the customer and product price profiles.


This is the default product database. If you have created other product databases, you will need to copy them too.


This database stores all of the bundle, configuration, required items, optional items, and substitute items settings.


This file contains synchronization transactions used to make sure that data between different installations are synchronized. Do not copy this file out to a laptop installation unless doing a FULL folder copy.


This database contains a list of all the vendors contact information.


This database contains all the customized menu settings.

QuoteWerks System Non-Data Files





\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the QuoteWerks program file.


\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the QuoteWerks medic utility program file.


\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the QuoteWerks version checking utility.


\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the Node Installation setup program. This file is launched from any workstation on the network and installs the necessary Control files, MDAC, and Jet database engines necessary to run QuoteWerks on this workstation.


\QuoteWerks folder

This is the database engine installer application. It cannot be launched on its own. This application is used during the Node Setup.


\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the QuoteWerks medic utility program file.


C:\Program Files\Common Files\QuoteWerks folder

This file is the QuoteWerks Launcher program. Whenever a file with a .dtf extension is launched, this program will run and determine which installation of QuoteWerks should open the DTF file.


\QuoteWerks folder

This file is used to display messages from QuoteWerks when QuoteWerks is not running


\QuoteWerks folder

This file is used to display a message after QuoteWerks is uninstalled.