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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

Navigation: QuoteWerks Help > CHAPTER 32: Command-Line Options

Available Command-Line Parameters

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Used to perform an action.


The ActionNumber argument can have the following values:


1 = Merge DTF Files. You can also pass a 1 as the second parameter of this action to perform a download of the attachment dtf files from or MSCRM before merging the remote documents (DTF files). You can also pass a 1 as the third parmeter of this action to only merge the documents that have been updated/added since the last merge. If you pass a 0 or do not pass this third parameter, then all the documents will be merged.

2 = Re-index Tech Data database

3= Import SYNNEX data file and optionally retrieve it from the SYNNEX FTP server. You can pass a 1 as the second parameter of this action to indicate that you want to download the SYNNEX data file from the SYNNEX FTP server. Alternatively, you can pass a 2 as the second parameter of this action to indicate that you want to simply import the SYNNEX data file that has already been downloaded. If you pass a 2 as the second parameter, then a 3rd parameter is required which is the full path and file name of the previously downloaded SYNNEX data file.


This example will Merge Remote Documents:


This example will download the dtf files first, and then Merge Document Transport Files:


This example will download the dtf files first, and then Merge Remote Documents, merging only the dtf files that have been updated/added since the last merge:


This example will Re-index the Tech Data database:


This example will download the SYNNEX data file from the SYNNEX FTP server and then import the data:


This example will import a specified (previously manually download) SYNNEX data file:





Used to retrieve the contact information currently displayed in your contact manager into the quote. This is the same functionality as the

button on the Sold To /Ship To tab. The Options argument can be used to specify if the contact information should be placed in the sold to fields, ship to fields, bill to fields, or combinations of them.


The Options argument can have the following values:


1 = Sold to Fields

2 = Ship to Fields

4 = Bill to Fields



This example will retrieve the information into the Ship To fields:



This example will retrieve the information into the Ship To and Sold To fields:



This example will retrieve the information into the Sold To, Ship To, and Bill To fields:





Used when you are automating QuoteWerks to for example run a product import through the command line, and a 3rd party addon is loading and stopping the process because it is asking for you to supply login credentials.


This command line option requires the /exit command line option, so when the process has finished, QuoteWerks will shutdown. Requiring QuoteWerks to shutdown after it has performed the automated action, when the /dontstartaddons command is used, will prevent the situation where QuoteWerks is running and the QuoteWerks user is logged in and using QuoteWerks, but their addon is not running.








Used to close QuoteWerks. This is useful when used in conjunction with other command line parameters that perform an action, where you want to close QuoteWerks after the action has been performed.


The Options argument can have the following values:


1 = Exit QuoteWerks, prompting to save changes to open documents if necessary (default).


2 = Exit QuoteWerks immediately, and discard changes to any open documents.








Used to import products into a product database using an existing products import template.


The TemplateName argument needs to be the name of an existing import template followed by .pit extension


/i:”ACME Product Inventory.pit”




Used to import contacts into the QuoteWerks contact database using an existing contact import template.


The TemplateName argument needs to be the name of an existing import template file followed by .cit extension.






Used to import vendors into the QuoteWerks vendor list under Utilities-> Vendor Maintenance using an existing vendor import template.


The TemplateName argument needs to be the name of an existing import template file. Vendor Import template files have an .vit file extension.





/n:DocumentType[,TemplateName] [,RefreshTemplate]


Used to create a new document. The arguments can be used to specify if the document will be a QUOTE, ORDER, or INVOICE. The arguments can also be used to specify if the new document should be based on a document template.


The DocumentType argument can have the following values:







The RefreshTemplate argument can have the following values:


0 = Do not refresh prices of items when generating document from template

1 = Refresh prices of items when generating document from template


If the DocumentType argument is set to “t”, then the TemplateName argument needs to be the name of a document template.





/n:t,”Premium Products Template”

/n:t,”Premium Products Template”,1




Used to send an e-mail notification upon the successful or unsuccessful completion of a command line process. This command line option can be used with the command line options: “/a:”, “/import:”, “/sync:”, “/report:”.


The UserName argument needs to be the UserLoginName of a QuoteWerks user.


The NotificationCondition argument can have the following values:


1 = Notify upon successful or unsuccessful completion.

2 = Notify upon successful completion only.

3 = Notify upon unsuccessful completion only.



This example sends a notification email (upon successful or unsuccessful completion) to the email address setup for the QuoteWerks user “John Lewe”:

/notify:”John Lewe”,1


This example sends a notification email (upon successful or unsuccessful completion) to the email address setup for the currently logged in QuoteWerks user:



This example sends a notification email (upon successful completion only) to the email address setup for the currently logged in QuoteWerks user:






Used to open the document specified by the DocumentNumber argument.









Used to supply the user login password. If the command is used without specifying an argument, it will assume that the password is blank.


The user login password argument also supports an encrypted password. Often, to use command line options, you need to specify your UserLoginName and UserLoginPassword in the command line. Anyone that has access to the scheduler or shortcut you are using to run QuoteWerks with the command line options will be able to clearly see your password. To use an encrypted password the syntax is /p:"DECRYPT:A7DGKE8Y" where “A7DGKE8Y” is the encrypted equivalent of your password. The encrypted equivalent of your password is displayed on the Edit User window where you enter your password. Please note, each time you display the Edit User window, the encrypted equivalent of your password will change to a different, but still valid encrypted password.





/p:”orlando magic”







Used to preview, or output report to a Layout CSV, PDF, or export file.


The ReportRecGuid argument is the RecGUID for the Report instead of the old RCF file name, for example. You can obtain this using the [Generate Command Line Option] button on the General tab of the Edit Report window.


The OutputType argument can have the following values:


1 = Preview (default)

2 = Print


The PrinterName argument is only required when the OutputType argument is set to 2 (for print). Then, the PrinterName argument must be set the name of a printer on the computer.


These examples preview the report:

Preview (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):

/r E39B8128AA9D46999385FAB16C4FF598.rcf

/r E39B8128AA9D46999385FAB16C4FF598.rcf,1

Print (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):

/r E39B8128AA9D46999385FAB16C4FF598.rcf,2,"HP LaserJet P2055dn"

SaveToPDF (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):

/r E39B8128AA9D46999385FAB16C4FF598.rcf,3,"c:\temp\reportcmdlineoutput.pdf"

SaveToCSV (only works when report is configured for Layout output vs TextFile output):

/r E39B8128AA9D46999385FAB16C4FF598.rcf,4,"c:\temp\reportcmdlineoutput.csv"

Export (only works when report is configured for TextFile output vs Layout output):

/r E39B8128AA9D46999385FAB16C4FF598.rcf,5,"c:\temp\reportcmdlineoutput.txt"





Used to set “silent” mode when starting up QuoteWerks. It will suppress non-essential messages.








Used to run a synchronization profile.


The SyncProfileFileName argument needs to be the name of an existing QuoteWerks Sync Profile.


/sync:”Chicago Sync Profile”




Used to specify which tab on the quote workbook to display.


The TabNumber argument can have the following values:


1 = Document Items

2 = Sold To / Ship To

3 = Sale Info

4 = Notes

5 = Custom






Used to supply the user login id.



Note, there are two macros that you can use instead of hard coding the user login name:



Using this option will retrieve the login name used to log into Windows on this machine.



Using this option will retrieve the login name used to log into the currently running instance of GoldMine.


Note, these macros may be of limited use since the QuoteWerks user login name is the name that is displayed as the SalesRep on quotes, so we typically recommend that you use the user’s full name rather than their initials so that on the quotes, the sales reps full name will be displayed on the quote otherwise initials like JCL are somewhat cryptic for a sales rep name.


/u:”John Lewe”

/u: &SYS_WindowsLoggedInUser

/u: &SYS_CMLoggedInUser