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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024
Note:Ensure you follow the instructions under Selecting Items to Order before reading on.

The Tech Data online order form has 4 tabs:

Purchase Order Info Tab

PO Number

You'll use this value when creating a purchase order. If you're linking to QuickBooks, Sage 50 (Peachtree), Autotask, or ConnectWise, the same PO Number will be used when exporting to that application. You can set this number manually or, if you've set a default numbering sequence under Tools -> Options menu -> Installation tab, you can click the button next to the Next PO number sequence field to select the next numerical value. Additionally, if you've set a PO Prefix/Postfix value under Utilities -> Vendor Maintenance menu, then this value will display with the PO number. For example, if you'd set the postfix to "TD" (for Tech Data), the PO number would read, "14-1001TD," where "14" indicates the year 2014 and 1001 represents the unique numeric sequence.This field also supports the F2 Lookup List  feature.

PO Description (QW)

The "PO Description" field allows you to store the description of the purchase order in the QuoteWerks database and is displayed on the Purchasing Window when viewing Purchase Orders. This description is not transmitted to the distributor.


In this field, you can enter a job or ticket number to group purchase orders. For example, you might create five purchase orders to purchase all the products required for the job, and by entering the same job number for each PO, you can easily group and display them together under the Purchase Orders tab.

Filtering by PO RefID while under the Purchase Orders tab will show you the purchase orders linked by job number, and you can get an overall view of whether most of the items have been shipped and received. Filtering by PO RefID while under the Ordered Items tab will show you a complete list of all the items ordered within all purchase orders. It will also show their statuses in terms of whether they've shipped and been received, as well as their serial numbers. Once you see you've received all the items under this tab, you can schedule the job to deliver them to the customer.

Order Pricing Type

Here you can choose the Tech Data pricing market. Typically the market used will be Commercial (Non-Govt), but for government and educational orders, there are options for these.


Here, you can choose the payment method for the order as Terms, your Flooring Account, or your Credit Card on File with Tech Data.

Flooring Account

If you have Tech Data flooring account (floor plan number) alternate financing, you may enter your account number here. The field is limited to three characters. You can also predefine a list of flooring accounts by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Back Order Handling

You can select from two options, either to have each back ordered item shipped independently as each becomes available or to wait until all items are available and ship them together.

Ship on Date

By default this will be set to today’s date unless manually changed. If you want, you can enter a date in the future, and the order will not ship until that date.

Special Instructions

Enter any special instructions intended for review by the Tech Data sales rep. Entering anything into this field will cause the order to be placed on hold, requiring the sales rep to manually review it before it will be released for processing.

Tip:The Special Instructions field supports the F2 Lookup feature. Simply press the [F2] key on your keyboard or double-click within the field to bring up a list of available selections.

The Special Instructions field holds up to 132 characters. By using the Sepcial Instructions field, users can choose to submit online orders to TECH DATA overriding the TECH DATA real-time price with your own TECH DATA sales rep negotiated price. When submitting an overridden price you can enter a reason such as a TECH DATA quotation # in the Special Instructions field. Upon receipt of an order where prices don’t match the TECH DATA real-time pricing, the TECH DATA order is automatically flagged and the TECH DATA sales rep will review the order manually.

Note:The input boxes for the following fields have max length limits preventing the entering of data longer than the TECH DATA order will allow. This will avoid getting messages telling you that the data is too long and then requiring you to manually change it The fields are ShipToName, ShipToContact, ShipToAddress1, ShipToAddress2, ShipToAddress3, ShipToCity, ShipToState, ShipToPostalCode, ShipToPhone, EndUserCompany, EndUserContact, EndUserAddress1, EndUserAddress2, EndUserCity, EndUserState, EndUserPostalCode, EndUserPhone, EndUserEMail.

Shipping Tab

Ship To

If you selected to order items from the currently open order, when you click the [Copy from] menu button you will have the option to pull from the ‘Ship To’, ‘Sold To’, ‘Bill To’, ‘Sales Rep Location’ and ‘Our Location’ areas in QuoteWerks.

If you selected to place an online order with items from multiple orders in QuoteWerks, any of the the 'Ship To’, ‘Sold To’, ‘Bill To’, ‘Sales Rep Location’ options from those orders will be available in addition to the ‘Our Location’ option. The windshield wiper icon to the left of the [Copy from] menu button clears all the fields.

If all of the items are from the same order the Ship to fields will default to the Ship to fields from the quote.

Note:   When you submit the Tech Data electronic order, the Ship To information entered into the online order will be saved in the QuoteWerks purchase order.


Ship Via

Here you can select your preferred shipping carrier. These options are defined by Tech Data.

Note: If your amount reaches your free shipping minimum sales requirement, Tech Data will only give you free shipping if you select “FedEx Ground” as the shipping carrier.

Blind Packaging

Blind Packaging allows you to strip all Tech Data references from the package so it appears to be coming directly from you instead of through the distributor.

End User Tab

End User Details

This tab provides fields to supply End User contact details for the order. These are typically only necessary in situations where the product being ordered is a software license or warranty that requires the End User’s details. Additionally, if you populate these fields, Tech Data’s MyOpportunityTracker can associate this end user with the item(s) being ordered.

Tip:The Email Address fields supports the F2 Lookup feature. This allows you to store email addresses to use for your orders if you don't want to use the end users email address, especially if this online order contains items for multiple end users.

Copy From Field

The "Copy from" field enables you to pull the Sold to, Ship to, or Bill to contact information from any order that is currently in the online ordering form. The windshield wiper icon to the left of the [Copy from] menu button clears all the fields.

Reseller E-Mail

The Reseller E-mail address is required for some license and/or warranty orders. This is typically used for the license or warranty vendor to contact the reseller should they have any questions about the order.

When you click the [Copy from] menu button, you will have the option to pull the e-mail address from the e-mail address of the currently logged in user, the e-mail address from the ‘Our Location’ area of QuoteWerks or from a pre-defined list.

End User PO #

The End User PO # field may be used if the end user would like their PO number displayed in the packing slip of a drop ship order.

MyOrderTracker Tab

This tab contains Tech Data MyOrderTracker options.

Reseller Notification(s)

Set the e-mail address for the reseller order status notification e-mails for this order here. Then using the checkboxes below, select the order status notifications that you would like to receive.

Click the [Copy from] menu button here and you will have the option to auto fill the e-mail field with the e-mail address from the logged in user, the ‘Our Location’ E-mail address from the Company tab in Tools -> Options menu or from a pre-defined list.

End User Notification(s)

Set the e-mail address for the end user order status notification e-mails for this order here. Then using the checkboxes below, select the order status notifications that you would like the end user to receive.

When you click the [Copy from] menu button, you will have the option to pull the e-mail address from the Ship To, Sold To, Bill To fields as well as from a pre-defined list. If you selected the option to order items from multiple orders, only the option to select from a pre-defined list will be available.

Line-Item Information

This section of the Online Order Form displays the line items that you have selected to order. You may remove an item from the list by selecting it and clicking the [Remove Item] button.


Next, see Placing the Order.