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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

General Tab

The General Sub Tab allows you to set the default information that will appear in new quotes.

Document Type

This field determines the default document type when creating a new document by clicking on the [New] icon from the icon toolbar.

Sales Tax Rate

Set the default tax rate here. For example, enter 6.75 for a 6.75% sales tax rate.

Terms, FOB, and Ship Via

The values entered here will appear as the default in new quotes.

Cust PO#

The value entered here will be the default setting for all new quotes.

Alternate Currency

Select name of the default currency, or click on the button to display the Exchange Rate Maintenance window. See Alternate Currency Support for more information on Exchange Rate Maintenance.

Customer Profile

Select the default customer price profile that you would like all new quotes to default to. Clicking on the button will allow you to maintain the list of customer price profiles.

Due Date

When creating a new quote, the Due Date field on the Sale Info tab will be blank if this field is left blank. If set to 0, the default Due Date will be today’s date. If you would like to set it to a day in the future, set the appropriate number of days here.


When creating a new quote, the expires field on the Sale Info tab will be blank if these fields are left blank.  Set the number of days and time here to have quotes automatically display the expiration date of the document to clients.  In the time text box if you enter, for example, +5:35 then it will add 5 hrs and 35 minutes to the current time that the quote is created. Without a + symbol the time will be a fixed time.  

Shipping Drop Down

Deposit Amount

If you require a deposit from your customer, you can set an amount by clicking next to the Deposit Required display at the bottom of the Quote Workbook. This will bring up the Deposit Required window, allowing you to set the deposit for this quote.

The Deposit Amount for each document will use this default setting. The deposit amount can be set to None, the Full Amount of the document, a Percentage of [the] document total, a Fixed Amount, or based on a line-item amount (like a subtotal or percent of a line item’s extended price). Typing an amount into the Percentage of document field will auto-populate the Fixed Amount field with the actual amount related to the percent you entered. You can still change the Fixed Amount field manually, for rounding purposes or otherwise.

You can also select Percent of a line item in the document which will calculate the deposit based on that single line item. Additionally, by using the Add up multiple matching line items in the document option, you can choose to add up multiple line items where the item type, manufacturer, manufacturer part number, vendor, vendor part number, and custom text fields match the criteria specified. You can add up items that are "Equal to", "Not Equal to", "Contains", or "Begins with".  This enables you to set the deposit for only a certain amount of line items. So if the quote contains a few items that require a deposit but others that don’t, you can easily calculate the deposit automatically using this summary filter.

You can also set the deposit to charge a percentage on the item type in order to calculate the deposit for 100% of the products, but only 50% of the labor or installation.  This provides a lot of flexibility in using the deposit to collect the exact amount you need to move forward.

The Deposit Required feature can be used in conjunction with QuoteValet, requiring a customer to put down a deposit when they accept the quote. For more information on payments through QuoteValet and accepting deposits, see QuoteValet.

In QuoteValet, allow customer to pay full amount /  remaining balance at any time.  
This checkbox will let your customer pay the deposit of the document or choose to pay the full/remaining balance of the document at any time when using QuoteValet.  They can still pay the deposit amount first, but would also be able to pay the full amount instead. It simply gives them the option. They can also come back to the payment screen to pay off the remaining balance after the initial deposit payment at any time.


Document Name

Here you can set the default name for new documents. You can also click on the button to select from a list of macro values such as the SoldToCompany or TodaysDate, that way the default quote name for new quotes can be different based on the values in the macros.

Generate new DocName using macro when duplicating
This checkbox option will use the macro(s) set in the Document Name as the new name of any document that is duplicated.

Generate new DocName when creating from template
This checkbox option will use the macro(s) set in the Document Name as the new name of any document that is created from a template.


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