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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

The QuoteWerks My Summary Dashboard gives a high-level overview of your total dollar amount and number of quotes and orders from the current month, last month, and two months ago. This is highly beneficial because it helps you step back and see the bigger picture, which can be difficult when dealing with detailed day-to-day tasks. By having this information in front of you, you can use your easy-to-read progress to help set milestones for yourself.

The QuoteWerks My Summary Dashboard is accessible by clicking the Dashboard icon on the main toolbar.

From the QuoteWerks Dashboard, you can also see quotes expiring within the next week and even handle ConnectWise quote-request notifications.

The QuoteWerks Dashboard window will appear, displaying the My Summary Dashboard by default.

If you have QuoteValet, you can also access the QuoteValet Dashboard and QuoteValet Insight by clicking the QuoteValet tab at the top of the page.

Quotes, Orders, and Recent Documents

The My Summary Dashboard includes a panel displaying all your quotes and orders for the current month, previous month, and two months ago. It shows both number and dollar amounts of quotes and orders.

Quota for This Month

If you have set a quota for your users on the Sales Tab, users will see the quota amount, quota remaining for the month, and the total quota amount for the month.  There is also a status bar that displays the percent closed towards the sales reps quota.  



Below the total quotes and orders, you can quickly view recent documents that have been accessed in QuoteWerks. To open any of these, simply click the appropriate hyperlinked document name.

Expiring Quotes

The My Summary Dashboard will also display all the quotes that will be expiring within the next seven days, providing you with an instant view of documents that need attention in the immediate future.

Clicking the hyperlinked document name will open the document in QuoteWerks; clicking Open on QuoteValet under QuoteValet documents allows you to add a comment, notifying your customer that the quote is expiring soon.

Notifications (Available only with Autotask and ConnectWise Integration)

See QuoteWerks Dashboard Notifications for Autotask or QuoteWerks Dashboard Notifications for ConnectWise, depending on your CRM.