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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

QuoteWerks Layout Designer organizes a layout by sections. A print layout can have 1 or more of the following 7 sections:

Report Headers

Page Header

Sort Headers

Detail Sections

Sort Footers

Report Footers

Page Footer


Report Headers

The Report Header section is printed only once, in the beginning of the layout. The Report Header 1 section typically contains your company logo or contact details, as well as fields that should typically appear on the first page of the printout, such as Document Header information like Sold To Company Name, Sold To Company Address and the Document Number.

Page Header

The Page Header section is typically used for information that should repeat at the top of every page, such as column headers for the fields listed in a Detail Section (quantity, description, price, etc).

Sort Header (Reports Only)

When adding a Sort Header section you will be prompted for a sort field. This will determine the sort order of the fields listed either in the Sort Header section itself or in the Detail Sections below. Additional sort header sections can be added to create multiple layers of arrangement.

Detail Section

The Detail Section is typically printed on each page of the document. A detail section is printed for each record (line item) on the Document Items tab. You can create up to 9 different detail sections. Multiple detail sections can be used to change the way different kinds of data are displayed, including font settings and displayed fields. Detail sections also have an option to print records in columns which is useful for printing labels, as two or more addresses can be printed in 1 row. This option is available for the layouts with only 1 detail section.

In Detail Section 1 you would typically insert fields from the DocumentItems Table, such as Quantity, Description, Unit Price, Extended Price, Manufacturer, Manufacturer Part Number, etc.

Sort Footer (Reports Only)

The Sort Footer section is printed each time the data in the sort field changes. Typically this is used to total fields of data contained in detail sections. Sorting by SalesRep, the sort footer can then total all the orders per SalesRep. Before the SalesRep changes to the next SalesRep in the sort order, the Sort Footer will print giving you a chance to print the totals for only that SalesRep.

Report Footer

The Report Footer section is printed at the end of the layout, immediately following the last detail section, and is typically used to print the layout summary. You can have more have up to 9 report footers.

The Report Footer 1 section is typically used for totaling information like the Subtotal, Sales Tax, Shipping, and the total price of the quote.

The Report Footer 2 section is typically used for standard company disclosure information, closing statements, etc.

Page Footer

The Page Footer section is printed at the bottom of every page. A page footer is typically used for displaying information like the page number or the page count, although it could also be used to display information like your company name, so your company name will show at the bottom of every page.

Resizing a Section’s Vertical Height

When placing fields in each section, you may need to increase the vertical size of a section in order to have room to place additional fields. To increase the vertical size of a section, click on the section header (the section header is the gray bar that contains the name of section, such as “Detail Section 1”). Once you have clicked on the section header, you will see resizing blocks at the top and bottom of the section. Move your mouse over the resizing block at the bottom of the section, click and hold the left mouse button and drag downward to increase the vertical size of the section. Release the mouse button when the section is the size you need it to be.

Setting Section Properties

Each layout section has formatting properties that can be set. To view or change these formatting properties, click on the section header (the section header is the gray bar that contains the name of section, such as “Detail Section 1”) and then right-click and choose Format. The Format Section window will have properties that determine if the section should be advanced to the beginning of the next page before printing, if blank space should be removed, if the section data should be kept together instead of split across pages, etc.