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Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

Navigation: QuoteWerks Help > CHAPTER 26: Importing XML Documents

QuoteWerks XML File Format Specifications

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In order for QuoteWerks to be able to import an XML formatted file containing documents (quotes/orders/invoices), it must contain a specific structure of data described below.

QuoteWerksXML Root Element

The QuoteWerks XML format contains a root element called “QuoteWerksXML”. The QuoteWerksXML root element contains data that relates to the entire XML file:

These tags are described in the QuoteWerksXML root element tags table below.

QuoteWerksXML Root Element Tags

Tag Name



(required). This tag identifies the format of the QuoteWerks XML file. Currently, QuoteWerks 3.0 build 19 and later only support a FileFormat=1


(required). This tag identifies the version of QuoteWerks that this XML file is intended for. QuoteWerks 4.9 will accept AppVersionMajor=4.0 and AppVersionMajor=4.8. The version number will always use a period as a decimal symbol regardless of your countries decimal symbol.


(optional). This tag identifies the build of QuoteWerks that this XML file was created using, such as AppVersionMinor=19. The QuoteWerks XML export feature writes this tag when creating an XML file.


(optional). If omitted, it will default to a period “.”. If the XML file is created in one country, and then imported by QuoteWerks in another country, and the countries use a different decimal symbol, you will want to define the decimal symbol that is used in the XML file using this tag like DecimalSymbol=..


(optional). If omitted, it will default to local date/time format. If the XML file is created in one country, and then imported by QuoteWerks in another country, and the countries use a different date/time format such as reversing the month and date placement, you will want to define the DateTimeStandard that is used in the XML file using the tag of DateTimeStandard=ISO 8601. This will tell QuoteWerks to expect all the date/time fields to be formatted in the ISO 8601 standard of yyyy-mm-dd followed by a T to indicate the beginning of the time portion and then hh:mm:ss and then time zone information in the format of +/- hh:mm. So for example, 5:02pm and 16 seconds Eastern Standard Time (which is 5 hours behind Greenwich mean time) on October 30th, 2001 would be formatted as: 2001-10-30T17:02:16-05:00


(optional). This value indicates the date/time that the XML file was created.


(optional). This value contains any comments that you may want to include with the file.

QuoteWerksXML/Documents Element

The QuoteWerksXML root element contains an element called “Documents”. This “Documents” element contains one or more documents that are to be imported defined by “Document” elements . These tags are described in the QuoteWerksXML root element tags table below:

QuoteWerksXML/Documents/Document Element

The QuoteWerksXML root element contains an element called “Documents”. This “Documents” element contains one or more documents that are to be imported defined by “Document” elements. Each document element needs to be enumerated with an “id” attribute starting with the number 1.

QuoteWerksXML/Documents/Document/DocumentHeader Element

The Document element contains an element called “DocumentHeader”. This “DocumentHeader” element contains a tag for each of the fields in the DocumentHeaders table of the QuoteWerks docs.mdb database. For a complete list of these fields, you will need to open the docs.mdb database using Microsoft Access to view them. The field tags described below are mentioned in particular because they are fields that QuoteWerks sets default values for if they have blank values.

DocumentHeader Element Tags

Tag Name



(optional). This tag determines the QuoteWerks document number. If you do not specify a DocNo value, QuoteWerks will use the next available document number taking into account the DocType specified.


(optional). This tag determines if the QuoteWerks document is a QUOTE, ORDER, or INVOICE. It can only contain the values of QUOTE, ORDER, or INVOICE. These values are case sensitive. If you do not specify a DocType, QUOTE will be used as a default.


(optional). This tag determines the DocStatus of the document. If you do not specify a DocStatus, QuoteWerks will use the default DocStatus for a new document of DocType type.


(optional). This tag determines the SalesRep of the document. If you do not specify a SalesRep, QuoteWerks will use the currently logged in user as the default SalesRep.


(optional). This tag determines the DocDate of the document. If you do not specify a DocDate, QuoteWerks will use todays date as the default DocDate.


(optional). This tag determines the date/time that the document was created. If you do not specify a date “Created”, QuoteWerks will use today’s date/time as the default “Created” date.


(optional). This tag determines the date/time that the document was last modified. If you do not specify a LastModified date/time, QuoteWerks will use today’s date/time as the default LastModified.

QuoteWerksXML/Documents/Document/DocumentItems Element

The “Document” element contains a “DocumentItems” element. For each line item in the document there is a “DocumentItem” element. Each “DocumentItem” element needs to be enumerated with an “id” attribute starting with the number 1.

QuoteWerksXML/Documents/Document/DocumentItems/DocumentItem Element

Each DocumentItem element contains a tag for each of the fields in the DocumentItems table of the QuoteWerks docs.mdb database.

For a complete list of these fields, you will need to open the docs.mdb database using Microsoft Access to view them. The field tags described below are mentioned in particular because they are fields that QuoteWerks sets default values for if they have blank values.

DocumentItem Element Tags

Tag Name



(optional). This tag determines the type of line item (Product/Service, Comment, SubTotal, etc). If you do not specify a LineType value, QuoteWerks will default the LineType to Product/Service. See Appendix C: Developer Integration Notes for more details.


(optional). This tag determines the attributes of the line item such as “Hide Price”, “Don’t Print”, “Excluded Line”, etc. If you do not specify a LineAttributes value, QuoteWerks will default to no attributes. See Appendix C: Developer Integration Notes for more details.

QtyBase, QtyMultiplier1, QtyMultiplier2, QtyMultiplier3, QtyMultiplier4, QtyGroupMultiplier, QtyTotal

(optional). These tags determine the quantity of the line item. If you do not specify these quantities, QuoteWerks will use 1 as the default value. The relationship of these quantity fields is as follows:

QtyBase X QtyMultiplier1 X QtyMultiplier2 X QtyMultiplier3 X QtyMultiplier4, X QtyGroupMultiplier = QtyTotal

UnitOfPricingFactor, UnitOfMeasureFactor

(optional). These tags determine the Unit of Price and Measure factors. If you do not specify these values, QuoteWerks will use 1 as the default value.