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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

1.If you select a field from the mapping selections list on the left that has already been mapped, QuoteWerks will scroll the list on the right to display the text field sample data that this field is mapped to.

2.Once you have selected a field from both lists, you can double-click on either in either list to map them.

3.When importing keywords, include a leading and a trailing space to your keyword string. If this is not done, then the first and last keyword will not be able to be searched until editing the product in the product lookup. When the product is edited, the extra spaces will automatically be added.

4.If you want to import the products into a particular folder, use the &FolderName mapping. If for example you want to associate an imported product with the Paper sub-folder, which is underneath the Office Supplies folder, use the notation of “\Office Supplies\Paper”. You can associate a product with multiple folders by separating them with commas. For example: “\Office Supplies\Paper,\Office Supplies\Consumables”.

5.When importing your items, QuoteWerks makes them non-taxable by default. To import them as taxable, you will need to select the [TaxCode] field from the list on the left, click on the properties button, and enter a taxable value. For the USA taxable values are (Y,1,-1,Yes,True). For Canada, taxable values are (GST,GSTONLY,PST,PSTONLY,GSTANDPST,PSTANDGST,Y,YES,-1,1,TRUE). If you are importing the item’s taxable status from the text file, the value that you import must be one of the above taxable values. Non-taxable values are (N,NO,FALSE,0).

6.When importing into the Boolean (true/false) type of field like the PrintPicture field you can use the values (Y,YES,TRUE) to represent True and the values (N,NO,FALSE) to represent False.

7.Before importing any values into the Vendor field on this advanced tab, please review the purpose of this field as described in the “Vendor” field definition in Creating and Maintaining Products and Services Databases.

8.For each QuoteWerks pricing level (or costing level), there is a single field (PricingLevel01 for example) that stores that levels pricing related data. Inside this field, the values for lower quantity, upper quantity, and amount are all stored in this field. The import wizard lets you map to the macro fields &PricingLevel##.LowerQty, &PricingLevel##.UpperQty, and &PricingLevel##.Amount. Those are the fields that you need to map to. The only time you want to map to the actual PricingLevel01 field is when you are importing text file data that was exported from QuoteWerks where the quanties and amount are all combined into that 1 field.

9.When importing products with a Volume Based Item Costing Method, the [CostModifier] field will need to be set to “V”. You will need to also set the [&CostingLevel##.Amount], [&CostingLevel##.LowerQty], and [&CostingLevel ##.UpperQty] for each level. These fields can be mapped or set to static values.

10.When importing products with a Volume Based Item Pricing Method, the [PriceModifier] field will need to be set to “V”. You will need to also set the [&PricingLevel##.Amount], [&PricingLevel##.LowerQty], and [&PricingLevel##.UpperQty] for each level. These fields can be mapped or set to static values.

11.When importing products with a Customer Based Item Pricing Method, the [PriceModifer] field will need to be set to “C”. You will need to also set the [&PricingLevel##.Amount] for each level. These fields can be mapped or set to static values.

12.When importing products with a Customer/Product Based Item Pricing Method, the [PriceModifer] field will need to be set to “T” and you will need to map the [PriceProfile] field to the appropriate value such as “Default”. The Price Profile should be configured prior to import. These fields can be mapped or set to static values.

13.If you map a field from the text file to the LastModified date field in QuoteWerks, keep in mind that if you use the product synchronization features, and the LastModified date imported is a date that is before the last product synchronization the product will not be synchronized during the next synchronization.

14.If wanting to import labor items utilizing the Simple Labor feature, the fields of &LaborData.LaborQuantity, &LaborData.LaborDescription, &LaborData.LaborUnitCost, &LaborData.LaborUnitPrice, &LaborData.LaborTaxCode, and &LaborData.LaborLineAttributes should be mapped.