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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024
Note:Ensure you follow the instructions under Selecting Items to Order before reading on.

The Ingram Micro Online Order Form has four tabs:

Purchase Order Info Tab

Order Pricing Type

Here you can choose the Ingram Micro pricing market. Typically the market used will be Commercial (Non-Govt), but for government and educational orders, there are options for these. If you choose either Education or Government pricing, the screen will change to display the following additional fields:

Government & Education Details

Customer Name / Postal Code

If you selected to order items from the currently open order, when you click the [Copy from] menu button you will have the option to pull from the ‘Ship To’, ‘Sold To’, or ‘Bill To’ areas in QuoteWerks. This option is not available if you are ordering items from multiple orders.

Gov’t Solicitation Number

If you need to include a Government Solicitation Number with your order, you can enter it here. You can also create a list of solicitation numbers by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Education Sector

Here you can choose whether the education sector is Public or Private.

PO Number

You'll use this value when creating a purchase order. If you're linking to QuickBooks, Sage 50 (Peachtree), Autotask, or ConnectWise, the same PO Number will be used when exporting to that application. You can set this number manually or, if you've set a default numbering sequence under Tools -> Options menu -> Installation tab, you can click the button next to the Next PO number sequence field to select the next numerical value. Additionally, if you've set a PO Prefix/Postfix value under Utilities -> Vendor Maintenance menu, then this value will display with the PO number. For example, if you'd set the postfix to "TD" (for Tech Data), the PO number would read, "14-1001TD," where "14" indicates the year 2014 and 1001 represents the unique numeric sequence.This field also supports the F2 Lookup List  feature.

PO Description (QW)

The "PO Description" field allows you to store the description of the purchase order in the QuoteWerks database and is displayed on the Purchasing Window when viewing Purchase Orders. This description is not transmitted to the distributor.


In this field, you can enter a job or ticket number to group purchase orders. For example, you might create five purchase orders to purchase all the products required for the job, and by entering the same job number for each PO, you can easily group and display them together under the Purchase Orders tab.

Filtering by PO RefID while under the Purchase Orders tab will show you the purchase orders linked by job number, and you can get an overall view of whether most of the items have been shipped and received. Filtering by PO RefID while under the Ordered Items tab will show you a complete list of all the items ordered within all purchase orders. It will also show their statuses in terms of whether they've shipped and been received, as well as their serial numbers. Once you see you've received all the items under this tab, you can schedule the job to deliver them to the customer.

End User PO Number

This field may be used if the end user would like their PO number displayed in the packing slip of a drop ship order.

Flooring Account

If you have an Ingram Micro flooring account (floor plan number) for alternate financing, you may enter your account number here. The field is limited to three characters. You can also predefine a list of flooring accounts by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Special Instructions

Enter any special instructions intended for review by the Ingram Micro sales rep. The Special instructions field also holds 175 characters and will appear as Ingram Micro sales reps internal comment lines at the top of the order.

Tip:The Special Instructions field supports the F2 Lookup feature. Simply press the [F2] key on your keyboard or double-click within the field to bring up a list of available selections.

Place Order ‘On Hold’

Checking this option will cause the order to be placed on hold, requiring the sales rep to manually review it before it will be released for processing. QuoteWerks will then automatically send the Ingram Micro sales rep an email letting the rep know to look for this order and to process it. QuoteWerks will pass the reason specified for the non-standard pricing as comment lines below each of the line items so the Ingram Micro sales rep knows the reason for the non-standard price. The benefit is that users can send over standard and specially negotiated price orders and even though it will flag the order to be manually reviewed, all the information will already be in the order without anyone having to re-type information.

Shipping Tab

Ship To

If you selected to order items from the currently open order, when you click the [Copy from] menu button you will have the option to pull from the ‘Ship To’, ‘Sold To’, ‘Bill To’, ‘Sales Rep Location’ and ‘Our Location’ areas in QuoteWerks.

If you selected to place an online order with items from multiple orders in QuoteWerks, any of the the 'Ship To’, ‘Sold To’, ‘Bill To’, ‘Sales Rep Location’ options from those orders will be available in addition to the ‘Our Location’ option. The windshield wiper icon to the left of the [Copy from] menu button clears all the fields.

If all of the items are from the same order the Ship to fields will default to the Ship to fields from the quote.

Note:   When you submit the Ingram Micro electronic order, the Ship To information entered into the online order will be saved in the QuoteWerks purchase order.


Ship Via

Here you can select your preferred shipping carrier. The available options will vary depending on your country but include Fedex, UPS, and Purolator (Canada).


If you would like Ingram Micro to provide your shipping carrier account # to your carrier for shipping rather than charging the shipping to your Ingram Micro account, you can specify your shipping carrier account # here.

End User Tab

Important:   Checking this box changes the order submission type to a DType order. DType orders are for warranty and licensing items only and cannot be placed in conjunction with physical items. This checkbox must be enabled when placing a DType order.

Note:It is possible Ingram Micro may request End User information when submitting a Standard order type.  If this is the case, the End User contact details can be added to the Special Instructions field under the Purchase Order Info tab.  Do not enter them in the End User fields as it will change the order type as explained in the "Important" note in above in yellow.

Ingram Micro supports two different types of online order, Standard and DType.  

DType orders are the orders associated with software licensing or warranty orders and requires that the end user information be supplied and hence users must check this checkbox. DType orders also have a few requirements including:

Only items that are license or warranty items can be DType orders

DType orders can only contain items from the same manufacturer on the same order (e.g. all items would have to come from Microsoft, or all Cisco, or all Symantec, etc.)

End user information MUST be submitted with this order

Items must be for same end client/customer/end user

Warranty/software items cannot be placed with physical items (e.g. on a single order, users could not order a laptop AND the warranty or software licensing.  The warranty and or licensing would need to be placed on it's own separate order.)


If an item requires End User information and it is not provided on this tab, you will receive an error when you attempt to submit the order:

You will then be provided the opportunity to enter the End User Contact Details and resubmit. If all the items selected for ordering come from the same order, the SoldTo/ShipTo/BillTo address from that order will be available for selection when ordering.

Items that do require End User information also cannot be mixed with items that do not require it – each type of product must be submitted as independent orders or you will receive an error when you attempt to submit the order.

When QuoteWerks submits a DType order it does NOT set:

The "AutoRelease" tag

The "ThirdPartyFreightAccount" tag

The "SplitShipmentFlag" tag


When QuoteWerks submits a DType order it DOES set:

The "ShipFromBranches" to be a list of all warehouses

The "EndUserInformation" tag information including all the fields for the end user information

The "ResellerInformation" tag information

The "CarrierCode" to "OT" (in v5.1 Build 4.24 or higher) previous versions you need to select "Other" as the shipping method on the Shipping tab


End User Contact Details

The "Copy from" field enables you to pull the Sold to, Ship to, or Bill to contact information from any order that is currently in the online ordering form. The windshield wiper icon to the left of the [Copy from] menu button clears all the fields.

Tip:The Email Address fields supports the F2 Lookup feature. This allows you to store email addresses to use for your orders if you don't want to use the end users email address, especially if this online order contains items for multiple end users.

Point of Contact for Vendor

Sales Rep

The vendor that you are ordering items from may require Sales Rep contact information. This field will either be your internal sales rep or the Ingram Micro sales rep you work with. You can also predefine a list of sales reps by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Vendor-Specific Details

VAT Number

If you need to include a VAT Number with your order, you can enter it here. You can also predefine a list of VAT Numbers by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Authorization Number

If you need to include an Authorization Number with your order, you can enter it here. You can also predefine a list of sales reps by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Pricing Level

If you need to include a Price Level assignment with your order, you can enter it here. You can also predefine a list of sales reps by clicking on the button to launch an F2 Lookup window.

Reseller Tab

This tab provides fields to supply Reseller contact details for the order. These are typically only necessary in situations where the product being ordered is a software license or warranty that requires the Reseller’s details. The Reseller for an order will typically be your company.

Reseller Details

The "Copy from" field enables you to pull any sales rep's location (if there's more than one) contact information from any order that is currently in the online ordering form. The windshield wiper icon to the left of the [Copy from] menu button clears all the fields.

Line-Item Information

This section of the Online Order Form displays the line items that you have selected to order. You may remove an item from the list by selecting it and clicking the [Remove Item] button.


Next, see Placing the Order.