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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

The following steps will take you through the process of configuring QuoteWerks for use with ConnectWise.  Only follow the below instructions once you have completed Setting Up ConnectWise to Integrate with QuoteWerks.

Step 1: Launch QuoteWerks.

Step 2: Click Contacts -> Setup Contact Manager from the main toolbar.

Step 3: Select ConnectWise as your contact manager on the left side of the Contact Manager Setup window.

Note:If you're running ConnectWise on your local/internal server, ConnectWise requires that your server have an SSL certificate enabled before you can run any ConnectWise add-ons that use the ConnectWise API. Please contact ConnectWise technical support to find out more information about how to set up ConnectWise with an SSL certificate.


Step 4: ConnectWise Server URL

Enter your ConnectWise Server URL here. If you’re using a locally hosted version of ConnectWise, the URL will display in the Site field above your Company ID, Username, and Password on your ConnectWise login window, as shown below:

If you’re using a hosted version of ConnectWise, the URL will be the same URL you enter into your browser to launch ConnectWise. Typically, when using the ConnectWise hosted version, this URL will look something like (if in North America).  If you're hosting ConnectWise on a local server, enter your local URL.

Note:If the ConnectWise Server URL field is empty and you're a hosted customer, you can click the button to automatically fill the field with the default URL of

Click the Test button next to the ConnectWise Server URL to validate it.


Step 5: ConnectWise API Credentials

Enter your Public and Private keys you created from the Setting Up ConnectWise to Integrate with QuoteWerks topic in the corresponding fields.  Click the [Test] button to ensure they are active. This will also display the modules enabled in ConnectWise.


Step 6: ConnectWise User Credentials

QuoteWerks also needs your ConnectWise Username to log into and integrate with ConnectWise. Enter these credentials, click the Test button to verify them, then click the icon to save them.

Since these are user-based credentials, you will also need to enter these on the Contact Manager tab under Tools > My Preferences, for each user setup in QuoteWerks as shown in the screen shot below.

Use the Test button to verify your credentials are entered correctly.


Note:If you check Overide these settings in the Contact Manager Setup window, it will override any ConnectWise username and password you provide under Tools > My Preferences > Contact Manager tab.

The next step is to work on the ConnectWise Setup.

Once that is completed, you can move onto the DataLink Setup.