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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

The combination of QuoteWerks and ConnectWise makes it simpler to provide estimates and proposals to prospective customers, combine sales quotes with business development opportunities in the pipeline, create orders and service tickets within ConnectWise, and gain visibility into revenue streams from products, services, managed services, and other sources.


For more information on the ConnectWise integration, please see:

Setting Up the ConnectWise Integration

Using the ConnectWise Integration


Features available in ConnectWise Integration:

QuoteWerks leverages your ConnectWise Contacts

Automatically creates and updates Sales Opportunities

Create Agreements in ConnectWise

Creates products in ConnectWise and links to existing ConnectWise Item List

Creates Bundles in ConnectWise

Recurring items flow seamlessly into your ConnectWise Opportunity

Automatically categorizes products, services, managed services, and other forecasts on your Sales Opportunity

When quotes are Won in QuoteWerks, the ConnectWise Opportunity is also updated as Won

Use your ConnectWise Products in your QuoteWerks Quotes

Schedule follow-up activities in ConnectWise for your quotes

Creates ConnectWise Service Tickets

Creates ConnectWise Sales Orders

Attaches PDFs to ConnectWise so people in your organization without QuoteWerks can view quotes

QuoteWerks sends Purchase Orders to the ConnectWise Purchasing Module

QuoteWerks syncs Item Receipts with Serial Numbers to the ConnectWise Purchasing Module

ConnectWise Bundles created by QuoteWerks can becomes Project Phases in ConnectWise Projects

Fully integrated Quote Button on ConnectWise Sales Opportunity

Option to use your CRM for Quoting and ConnectWise for Orders

Create Quotes from an existing ConnectWise Opportunity that appear as Notifications in QuoteWerks

Create New ConnectWise Contacts from QuoteWerks

Electronically deliver quotes and proposals to your customers in ConnectWise