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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

In some cases, your Opportunity may have items that have recurring revenue associated with them. You can set items in QuoteWerks to be recurring by first right clicking on the product or service line item on the Document Items tab, and then choose the option “Line Attributes”:

The options on this window are explained in more detail in Line Attributes. If the option "Include First Payment in Document Total" for recurring revenue is checked, the base cost and price and the the recurring cost and price will be set in the line item in the ConnectWise opportunity.  If it is left unchecked, the base cost and price will be set to $0.00, but the recurring cost and price will be set in the line item opportunity.

In ConnectWise, recurring revenue forecast lines cannot represent a group of individual line items under the Opportunity’s Products tab.

If you use recurring revenue lines in QuoteWerks, under the Forecast Lines subtab on the Opportunity tab you will need to check the box to create / update the individual product items checkbox. If you don’t the recurring items won’t be written over until your opportunity has been converted to an order or invoice.

If you do not need the individual products and services to be listed, you will need to make sure to map the QuoteWerks ItemType to the ConnectWise Forecast Type of "Service', “Managed Service”, or "Other".   If you want all individual lines to show up, be sure to set all the Forecast types to "Product"

Once the recurring line item defaults have been set, when an Opportunity is created in ConnectWise, you will be able to view the recurring revenue.