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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

The Bundles sub-tab is shown below:

How should QuoteWerks grouped bundles be represented in the ConnectWise Opportunity?

Represent Grouped Bundles (Non-Recurring) as:

ConnectWise Bundle
Choosing this option will create the bundle from QuoteWerks in ConnectWise as a ConnectWise bundle.

Bundle Header Only (with no Products)
Choosing this option will create the QuoteWerks bundle header in ConnectWise as a single line item under the Opportunity's Forecast and Products tabs, but will not carry over its individual products.

Individual Products (with no Bundle Header)
Choosing this option will carry over the QuoteWerks bundle's individual line items to the ConnectWise Opportunity's Forecast and Products tabs, but will not assign a ConnectWise bundle header.

Represent Grouped Bundles (Recurring) as:

ConnectWise Bundle
Choosing this option will create the bundle from QuoteWerks in ConnectWise as a ConnectWise bundle.

Bundle Header Only (with no Products)
Choosing this option will create the QuoteWerks bundle header in ConnectWise as a single line item under the Opportunity's Forecast and Products tabs, but will not carry over its individual products.

ConnectWise Bundle Product ID (Non-Recurring and Recurring)

Because the product line items are added to the ConnectWise product database as well as to the Forecast and Products tabs of the Opportunity, they must have a manufacturer part number specified. For any line items in the quote that do not have a part number, the default part numbers defined in these fields will be used.  You will need to set a default part number for ConnectWise Bundles when they are recurring and non-recurring.

Taxable Status of Group Header when sent to ConnectWise

This option determines what the taxable status of a group header will be when sent to ConnectWise. The taxable status can be fixed as taxable, not-taxable, or calculated based on if any group member is taxable or not. With the last option, if any group member is taxable, the group header will be taxable. If no group members are taxable, the group header will not be taxable.

Default QuoteWerks Item Type for QuoteWerks Items with no Item Type

Grouped Bundle Header Line (Non-Recurring and Recurring) Item Type

The QuoteWerks ItemType field is used to map over to the ConnectWise ForecastType. For this reason, it is important that all QuoteWerks line items have an ItemType. In cases where no ItemType is specified for a QuoteWerks line item, you'll use the fields here to set the default ForecastType for bundles in ConnectWise.

QuoteWerks Group Header Item Type To ConnectWise Bundle 'IsProjectPhase' mapping

If you're sending over Grouped Bundles to ConnectWise Opportunities as ConnectWise Bundles, you can control if the bundled product in the ConnectWise Opportunity should create a Project phase when the Opportunity is converted to a Project from within ConnectWise. You can map the IsProjectPhase setting on the Products-> Bundles tab under the ConnectWise Setup.

For information on how to use grouped bundles in ConnectWise, see Writing Grouped Bundles from QuoteWerks into ConnectWise.


See the following topics for information about the other sub-tabs under the ConnectWise Setup window's Products tab:

Mappings Tab

Product List Tab