
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 5359)

Logged In User - Stays logged in

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Article ID

February 1, 2022

Logged In User

Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
Logged in Users Were found in QuoteWerks. (Version 5.2 and Newer)

QuoteWerks crashed or otherwise ended while users were logged in, trapping the users in the database.

1. If you are able to open QuoteWerks, log in as an administrator and navigate to Utilities --> Show Logged in Users, and click Terminate Running Instance and Revoke License Allocation.
2. If you are unable to launch QuoteWerks:
a. For MS ACCESS: Navigate to Site.mdb in your QuoteWerks folder and open using MS Access. Open the RunningInstances table and clear all entries. Open the LicenseMetering table and clear any values in the QWDInstanceToken and QWDLoginInstanceData fields.
b. For SQL Backend: Connect to your database using SSMS. Clear any entries out of the RunningInstances table, Clear any values in the QWDInstanceToken and QWDLoginInstanceData fieldsin the LicenseMetering table.

Version 5.1 and Older:
The network operating system is not releasing the lock (*.lck) file.

When a user logs into QuoteWerks, QuoteWerks creates and locks a file with a .lck extension in the \QuoteWerks directory. There is also a companion file with a .li extension. When a user exits QuoteWerks, the lock on the .lck file is released thereby releasing a QuoteWerks user license.

In builds prior to QuoteWerks 4.0 build 23, the .lck file would still exist after exiting QuoteWerks, but would no longer be locked. The next time QuoteWerks is started, QuoteWerks tries to delete all .lck files and the .lck files that are locked (in use) cannot be deleted, but any lock files released previously would be deleted.

In later builds of QuoteWerks the .lck file is deleted when after exiting QuoteWerks.

If QuoteWerks still thinks that the user is logged in it is because the network operating system (Windows NT or Novell Netware) has not released the lock on the file yet.

1. Make sure that all users have the ability to create and delete files in the QuoteWerks directory.
2. Reboot your computer (assuming your computer is not the server), and wait a little while to give your network operating system time to release the file lock.
3. If that does not seem to work, have all users exit out of QuoteWerks and try to delete all of the .lck files in the QuoteWerks directory. You may need to stop sharing the lck file(s) from the server.
4. As a last resort, you can reboot your server

Note: Do NOT delete the *.LI files.

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