
QuoteWerks Update Center

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We release many new features many times a year in our Build releases. Every time we make a set of changes to QuoteWerks, we release them as a new build, and increase it's Build #, so you can easily determine what set of enhancements you currently have installed. You can find out what build you currently have installed by selecting your QuoteWerks Help->About menu.

QuoteWerks users are entitled to updates while their Update Maintenance Program is current.

Download Update for QuoteWerks Desktop

ReleaseDate     Features   File
v24.0 Build 3.0408/22/2024 View Feature List Download (119.7 MB)
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Installing QuoteWerks Updates

  • Update installations are full installations (they are not partial patches).
  • Verify where your existing QuoteWerks is installed.
    IMPORTANT: Before running the update, make sure you locate where your existing QuoteWerks is located to make sure you update your existing installation and not accidentally install a fresh copy somewhere. Run your existing QuoteWerks and select the Help->About menu and then click on the System tab to see where QuoteWerks is installed.

    Once you have identified the folder that your existing QuoteWerks folder is installed in, simply run the installation program and choose this folder to update. All of your data and licensing information will be preserved.

    Important Note: If after updating your installation, when you first start QuoteWerks, if it asks you to enter license keys, then you have accidently installed this update into a brand new folder instead of the existing QuoteWerks folder.
  • The installation program asks for a Serialized Update Key before it will apply the update.
    You receive your Serialized Update Key from Aspire Technologies, Inc. or your local reseller when purchasing the Update Maintenance Program.
  • Confirm the update has been successfully installed.
    After you install this build, to confirm that this build has been successfully installed, select the Help->About menu in QuoteWerks. On this window, the build number should match the build number that you just installed.
  • Multi-user installations
    If you have installed QuoteWerks on a network workstation, you will also need to re-run the node installation (\QuoteWerks\nsetup.exe) for each additional workstation that uses QuoteWerks on your network. Running the node installation is very easy to do. It does not ask you for any information, and it does not affect any of your existing QuoteWerks settings.

If you have questions, please contact QuoteWerks Technical Support or Watch the How to Update/Upgrade QuoteWerks video.