
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 5413)

Peachtree - Company not open error

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Article ID

January 22, 2009


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
Peachtree error referencing "Company not currently open".

If you receive an error saying that the "The Peachtree company XXXX is not open", make sure that you have specified the correct Peachtree Company ID in the QuoteWerks Peachtree link setup window. If that is correct, then there may be another explanation for the error message. Sometimes, when Peachtree is setup, it is installed locally on a machine, and then the Peachtree Company data is stored on a network.

Solution 1:
For databases accessed via a Mapped Network Drive:

If the Peachtree database is accessed via a mapped drive, the Peachtree INI file (see below for exact file name) needs to have the DATAPATH value set to a correct value (see below for details).

For Peachtree Premium Accounting 2006 the file name is ppa130.ini and is found in the \WINDOWS or \WINNT folder.

Note for Terminal Services Users:
-In terminal services, Peachtree is installed via Global Mode and each user will have their own folder in which the ini file is located and then referenced by QuoteWerks. Each ini will need to be edited to reflect the correct DATAPATH value to the Peachtree directory on the network.

For Peachtree Quantum 2007 the file name is PTAX140.ini or ptxa140.ini and is located in the \WINDOWS or WINT folder.

For Peachtree Premuim Accounting 2005 the file name is ppaa120.ini and is located in the \WINDOWS or WINT folder.

For Peachtree Premium Accounting 2004 the file name is ppa110.ini and is located in the \WINDOWS or WINT folder.

For Peachtree 2004 the file name is pcw110.ini and is located in the \WINDOWS or WINT folder.

For Peachtree 2003 the file name is pcw100.ini and is located in the \WINDOWS or WINT folder.

For Peachtree 7.0 the file name is PAW70.INI located in the PEACHW directory

For Peachtree 6.0, the file name is PAW60.INI.

In this file, there is a line labeled "DataPath=". That line needs to be changed to refer to the Peachtree directory that the network installation of Peachtree is installed in like "F:\PEACHW\".

If you have multiple mapped drives pointing the same place, be sure to put the correct path into DATAPATH. There is only ONE right entry.

For example, when you select File Open Company in Peachtree, you want to use the correct root directory. DATAPATH is not set to
the actual directory of the company. Rather it is set to the directory that is at the root of all the company subdirectories.

So if you have two company databases:


The likely setting for DATAPATH is O:\

Solution 2:

Insufficient Peachtree Rights

In newer versions of Peachtree it is possible to set rights by user by function. QuoteWerks requires the 'Link to Other Apps' option enabled for all users who will use the QuoteWerks Peachtree link.

To check the 'Link to Other Apps (DDE)' setting open Peachtree, open the registered Peachtree Company, Click on Main, Users, Click the 'System' tab, Tasks, scroll down and make sure 'Link to Other Apps (DDE)' is set to Full.

After making the change, have the user log out and back in to Peachtree, then restart QuoteWerks.

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