
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 5580)

Synchronizing - Troubleshooting GoldMine Sync

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Article ID

April 6, 2004


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
Troubleshooting GoldMine Sync

To troubleshoot the problem, we would need to do it in steps to find out where it is getting duplicated.

1. Make sure that the "Look for synchronized data" checkbox is checked under the Installation Tab of the Tools-Options menu on both the network and laptop installation of QuoteWerks.
2. Check the date, time, and timezone settings for the computer on the network that you are using, and also for the laptop computer that you are using. You can find these settings under the Windows StartSettingsControl Panel menu.
3. Create a quote using the network installation of QuoteWerks, and when saving the quote, choose to "Create/Update a linked document".
4. Synchronize the laptop, and confirm that the linked document was synchronized onto the laptop.
5. Make a change to the quote on the laptop (GoldMine must be running on the laptop), and save the changes making sure that the "create/update linked document" option is checked.
6. Confrm on the laptop that the updated DTF file has been saved to the QuoteWerks\DTF directory, and confirm that the date and time are correct on it.
7. Sync the laptop back to the network.
8. In the networks \QuoteWerks\DTF directory, confirm that the DTF file is there. Also confirm that the date, and time for the DTF file is the same as the date and time that you recorded for the DTF file when it was on the laptop before the sync. The date and time should be the same.
9. In the network installation of GoldMine, double-click on the linked document record for the GoldMine contact, and after the quote has opened, confirm that the change made on the laptop is now visible in the network version of the quote.

If you experience any behavior different from the outlined steps, let us know the details.

When an offsite user makes a change to a quote in QuoteWerks, and then saves it, choosing the create the linked document in GoldMine (while GoldMine is running), that will update the linked document record and the file that it refers to with a newer version of the file. GoldMine's syncrhonization features should then detect that this file is newer, and replace the corresponding file in the home base installation. Then, the next time that you open the quote in QuoteWerks, whether you open it through the FileOpen menu in QuoteWerks, or by dbl-clicking on the linked document record in GoldMine, QuoteWerks will analyze the file, detect that it is newer, and then apply the changes to the home base database. There is also a Merge Remote Quotes utility that can apply all the changes after the GoldMine synchronization process. I do not know the particulars of how GoldMine synchronizes and how to troubleshoot the process. I know that Cromwell has certified GoldSync technicians on staff that know more than I do. Something appears to be working incorrectly, but with the information I have so far, I do not know what.

For the example of updating the PO date and PO number fields in the quotes on the laptops, QuoteWerks can do that. At the main office, make the change to those fields, then save the document, making sure that goldmine is running and you check the create linked document checkbox. This will save the change to the linked doc which goldmine will then synchronize to the laptop where the laptop can run the UtiltiesMerge Remote Quotes utility to update their laptop documents with these changes.

Here is some information about how QuoteWerks quotes are syncrhonized using GoldMine:

Supports GoldMine's synchronization features
If your GoldMine installation uses synchronization or GoldSync, the linked documents that QuoteWerks creates are automatically synchronized between the different locations. If a document (quote) created at your location is opened by dbl-clicking on the linked document at another location, QuoteWerks will detect that that quote is not in that locations database, and will proceed to add it. Additionally, after the synchronization process is run, you can run QuoteWerks's batch merge utility which updates the local quote database with all the synchronization changes.

How it works (for you technical types)
When GoldMine is running, and you save a quote you will be presented with the option to create or update a GoldMine linked document file. When you select this option the quote is also saved to this GoldMine linked document file in addition the local quote database. The linked document file is saved to the \QuoteWerks\DTF directory and has the same base name as the document number with a .DTF extension. From this point on we will call this file a DTF file ( for quote # A101, the linked document DTF file name would be A101.DTF).
GoldMine's synchronization feature will synchronize this file with the other GoldMine locations. If this DTF file does not exist at any other GoldMine locations (because you may have just created it), it will copy this file to the other locations and create the corresponding GoldMine linked document record in the other location's GoldMine contact record. If the DTF file does exist at other locations, GoldMine will compare the date and time of the file at each location (taking into account time zone changes) to determine which one is the newest. It will then replace all the older DTF files at each location with the newest DTF file.

This feature was designed in a way that the version of the quote that is the newest will replace all the other versions of the quote at the other locations.
Take this applied example for two locations A and B. Both location A and B will have the identical version of the quote at 9:00am (first thing in the morning). Since synchronizing is generally done at night, location A could modify quote # 101 at 10:00am and location B could modify quote #101 at 11:00am. If no more changes where made during the rest of the day, the next morning both locations will have the quote #101 that location B had modified. The changes made at location A will be completely lost. This is a result of the way the synchronization process works. QuoteWerks cannot do anything to avoid this situation.

Because of the potential for this to happen, QuoteWerks automatically creates a backup copy of a quote before it does any updating. This feature will allow you to restore a quote that has been incorrectly replaced by a different locations quote. A backup copy of the quote will be saved to a file in the \QuoteWerks\DTF directory. The file will have the same base name as the document number, and will have a unique sequentially numbered extension. For quote # A101, the backup file name would be A101.001, A101.002, A101.003 etc. Each time the quote is backed up, QuoteWerks will increment the extension, so the latest backup will be the highest numbered extension.
We have talked about how GoldMine synchronizes the DTF linked document files, but not about how QuoteWerks handles these DTF files. QuoteWerks only recognizes that there are new or updated DTF files when you open a quote from QuoteWerks, or when you dbl-click on a linked document record in GoldMine. When you open a quote by either method, if QuoteWerks detects a DTF file linked to the quote it will analyze it. It will compare the DTF file to the version of the quote that is in the local quote database to determine if it is a newer version, the same version , an older version, or if it does not exist in the local quote database.

If the quote in the DTF file is newer than the quote in the database, a backup copy of the quote in the database will be made, and then it will be replaced with the quote from the DTF file.

If the quote in the DTF file is the same version or an older version QuoteWerks will ignore the DTF file and open the version that is in the database.

Does not exist
If the quote in the DTF file does not exist in the local quote database, it will be added to the local quote database.

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