
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 5771)

Document Numbering - Changing the next available quote/order/invoice number sequence.....

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Article ID

December 24, 2015

Document Numbering

Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
How do I change the next available quote/order/invoice number sequence?

Changing the next available quote/order/invoice number sequence is quite simple, as of Version 4.9 Build 4. A user with Master Rights can simply go to Tools -> Options, and on the Installation tab set the next sequence number for the Document Numbering.

Care must be taken when changing these numbers, as it is possible to set the numbering sequence to a number that starts creating duplicate quote numbers. To avoid this risk, always set the numbers forward; never backwards.

For Versions Prior to Version 4.9 Build 4, you will need to edit the database.

If using Access, first make a backup copy of your DOCS.MDB file located in the root of the QuoteWerks directory. If using SQL, you will want to make a backup of your entire SQL database.

In Version 3.0:
Using Microsoft Access 97 you can open the \QuoteWerks\docs.mdb Microsoft Access 97 database, and open the DocumentNumbering table. In that table, you can change the next document number sequences. You can also use newer versions of Microsoft Access like Access 2000, 2002, or 2003 to make this change, just make sure that when you open the database, you DO NOT choose to convert the database.

In Version 4.x:
Standard and Professional
After backing up the DOCS.MDB file from the QuoteWerks folder, launch a copy of Microsoft Access 2002 or 2003, then go to File -> Open and browse to the original DOCS.MDB file still stored in the QuoteWerks folder. Once it's open, choose to open the Document Numbering table. From here you'll see the fields for NextQuoteNumber, NextOrder Number, NextInvoiceNumber, as well as fields for things like the Project Number - modify the values here, then close out of Access and the fields will be updated.

Note: You can use Access 2007 or higher to modify the tables; if 2007 or higher is used, DO NOT convert the database to 2007 format or higher or it will no longer work with QuoteWerks.

Note2: When opening with Access you might see an error message referencing dao2535.tbl. You can click ok through this message and should then allow you to open this it can be ignored.

Corporate Edition - Rehosted to SQL:
Using Enterprise Manager or Management Studio, you can open the QuoteWerks Database on the SQL Server. Open the DocumentNumbering Table by Right Clicking on the table and selecting Edit Top 200 Rows and change the next document number sequences.

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