
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 5960)

Complete INI Settings

This information applies to :

Article ID

June 29, 2017


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
Are there changes to default settings that may be made within QuoteWerks?

QuoteWerks INI Settings

QuoteWerks uses INI files to store default settings. It is possible to alter the site.ini and {username}.ini files with the settings below. Please note some entries simply need to be altered with the desired information while others need to be added completely.

Contact Management INI Settings:

GoldMine Vendor Search:

QuoteWerks searches for the vendor in GoldMine by company name. To have QuoteWerks search for the vendor in GoldMine by contact name, Create the entry CMLookupByName=-1 under the [Contact Managers] section in the \QuoteWerks\site.ini file.

[Contact Managers]

Forecast Probability/Activity Code/Close Date/Alarm Date:

The following defaults in the {username}.ini file under the [Preferences] section:


Note, The {+8} and {+14} codes schedule the date for today's date +8, and +14 respectively.
Note: ForecastCloseDate should work for ACT!, MS CRM, Salesforce.com, Connectwise, and Autotask.

Lost Sale/Completed Sale:

The following defaults in the {username}.ini file under the [Preferences] section:


Forecasted Profit in GoldMine Forecasted Sale:

QuoteWerks to forecast the profit amount instead of the sale amount in the GoldMine forecasted sale record. In the SITE.INI file under the [Contact Managers] section set the key ForecastProfitAmount=-1 to forecast the profit amount instead of the sale amount.

[Contact Managers]

Default Call Back Date:

The default callback date in the {username}.ini file under the [Preferences] section:

CallBackActivityCode = QTE

Note, The {+14} code schedule the date for todays date + 14 days from now.

GoldMine Linked Document:

When QuoteWerks creates a GoldMine linked document, by default it sets the ownership of the document to PUBLIC. There is now a new ini key AssignOwnerToGoldMineLinkedDoc=-1 that you can set under the [Contact Managers] section of the site.ini file to Assign the currently logged in GoldMine user as the linked document owner.

[Contact Managers]

The Quote Workbook:

Hiding the Totals Bar on the Document Items Tab:

Make a change to the \QuoteWerks\SITE.INI file. Under the [System] section, create or set HideCosting=-1


Changing the default Due Date field:

Advanced users can set the DocDueDate={+15} key under the [Defaults] section of the site.ini file to default the Due Date field to: 15 days from today, {+30} for 30 days, etc. Or {empty} to not default a date at all.


Changing the Default Text for:

Edit the [System] section of the site.ini to change the default text used for the subtotal, running subtotal, discount %, optional, and charge % line items using the ini keys SubTotalItemText, RunningSubTotalItemText, DiscountItemText, OptionalItemText and ChargeItemText respectively.

SubTotalItemText="Your Subtotal"
RunningSubTotalItemText="My New Subtotal"
DiscountItemText="Your Total Discount"
OptionalItemText="This Item is Optional and Not Included in Totals"
ChargeItemText="This is the Standard Surcharge"

This is useful for international customers whose language is not English, and for English users that want to use different text phrases for the indicated line item types.

You can also set the value to {NONE} for no text to be displayed.

Document Items Font Size:

To Change the size of the font displayed on the DocumentItems tab. Edit the {username}.ini file under the [Preferences] section, set the key QuoteSheetFontSize=14


Document Items Font Type:

To change the font type displayed on the DocumentItems tab. Edit the {username}.ini file under the [Preferences] section, set the key QuoteSheetFontName=Arial


Configurator Quantity Prompt:

In the {username}.ini the is a trigger called ConfiguratorPromptForQuantity under the [Preferences] section. Setting this to -1 will make the configurator prompt you for a quantity for each item selected in the configurator.


Default Document Status:

To set the default DocStatus for new quotes to something other than the hard coded "Open". In the Site.ini file, under the [System] section, set the NewQuoteDocStatus=Quoted


Autorun Addon Application:

QuoteWerks now may automatically start/run addon applications that use the QuoteWerks API when QuoteWerks is started. In the site.ini file, there is support for a new section called [Addons], and the key Autorun1={AddonAppName.exe} will run that application. AutoRun1 through AutoRun10 are supported


Filename and Description:

File Location Description
{UserName}.ini QuoteWerks directory Each user's individual preferences are stored in a separate INI file. The file name will be the first letter of the user's first name plus the first 7 letters of the user's last name. If you are only using the user's first name, the first 8 letters of the user's first name will be used.
Site.ini QuoteWerks directory This file contains all the settings that are shared by all the users in a network installation.
This file also contains the custom column settings from the quote items tab of the quote workbook.
This file contains the custom column settings from the product lookup window.
This file contains the custom label settings that can be set on the other tab of the quote workbook, the product lookup window, and the edit product window.

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