
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6005)

Users are sharing the same User INI file

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Article ID

January 17, 2008


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3

Two or more users are sharing the same User INI file because they have the same last name and the first letter of their first name is the same.


This can happen if two users have the same last name and their first name starts with the same letter. User INI files will either be just the first 8 characters of the username if there is no space in the name or use the First Letter of the first name followed by the first 7 characters of the last name. So, if Brian Lowe and Brent Lowe are users, they will both have a BLOWE.INI file for their user information.

Option 1
If there is only one set of these similar names, you can place an extra space between one of the users first and last name. This will just use the first letter of the first name for this INI file.

Option 2* Best Option
With users with the same first Initial and same last name, you can create the username with their first name, two spaces, there Middle Name, a space and then their last name. This will create INI files with the First letter of their first name follwed by the first 7 characters of their middle name. Another option is to just use the middle initial as opposed to the full middle name. This will only create a two character ini file, however.

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