
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6237)

Error with Quick Lookup Feature and Linked Excel Product Source

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Article ID

July 17, 2019


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3

I am getting the following errors when trying to use Quick Lookup Feature to add a part from a linked MS Excel Spreadsheet/product source:

"dcFindProduct":"Data type mismatch in criteria expression""OK"

"QuoteWerks": "Error in FindProductRecord""Error (-2147217913) Automation error"
"SQL=SELECT * FROM [{Data$Print_Area}]Where[{column heading}]"{part no}"

stuff in {}


We have observed that when linking to MS Excel as a product source, this error occurs when the manuafacturer part number consists of ONLY numbers. This only affects the Quick Lookup feature

For example:

-Part number 1234 would cause this error
- Part number 1234A woud NOT cause this error.


If you don't want to change/modify your manufacturer part numbers, I recommend you save your Excel spreadsheet in CSV format and import the file directly into QuoteWerks.

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