
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6251)

MS CRM - Error logging in - SOAP Server Faulted

This information applies to :

Article ID

March 30, 2006


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
When attmepting to communicate with MS CRM, the following message is returned:

Error logging into MS CRM
Error: ‘SOAP Server Application Faulted’ (12CODEBASE)


Error logging into MS CRM
Error: ‘SOAP Server Aookication Faulted’ (12CODEBASE)

a) The user may not have access to the c:\Program Files\common files\QuoteWerks folder. Technical Support has seen this issue arise in Terminal Services and in Citrix environments.

b) You may also receive this error if you are not on the domain that the MS CRM server is part of or you do not have sufficient rights to access the MS CRM server. One possible test is to try accessing the MS CRM server from your workstation by going into your web browser and typing in the name of the ms crm server to see if you can access MS CRM through that interface. If you cannot, then you do have a rights issue.

a) Give the QuoteWerks user logged into Windows access to the c:\Program Files\common files\QuoteWerks folder.
b) Have your domain adminstrator add you to the domain and/or give you the required rights to access the MS CRM server.

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