
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 6291)

Error - Error 61 - Disk is Full

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Article ID

August 6, 2013


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3

When running Maintenance with the Medic Utility (or performing various tasks within QuoteWerks) I get an "Error 61 - Disk is Full" Error.

Cause 1:
The disk on which the QuoteWerks directory resides on is full and you cannot write to it any longer

Cause 2:
Windows Disk Quota has been enabled and the user that is experiencing the error has reached disk quota limits.

Cause 3:
There may be a hardware issue on the server or shared drive that QuoteWerks resides on

You may want to move the QuoteWerks Directory to a larger disk, or allocate more room on the disk (or partition)


Increase Disk Quota limits or remove them.
Note: You may run into this error in the future if you increase the disk quote instead of removing it all together

- Try rebooting the server

- Run diagnostics to determine if you have a bad disk or other hardware issue.

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