
QuoteWerks Knowledgebase Topic (Article ID 7471)

ConnectWise - Bundle Class Issue

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Article ID

August 20, 2015


Are you using the most current release of QuoteWerks?
Version 24.0 Build 3
When user saving quote with Bundles and its now creating them in QuoteWerks 4.9 build 4 and higher with ConnectWise. User getting error:

The error was returned from the QuoteWerks ConnecWise integration DLL.

The error returned was: 'You can not add a bundle class product as a component.'

DLL Method: CreateOrUpdateOpportunityItem()

ConnectWise Version: v2014.2.21395

There is a product defined in the ConnectWise product list for 'QWBundle' that the class is not set correctly or is hung up.

Go into ConnectWise Product List. Once the list comes up, search for 'QWBundle'. Edit the item and change the product class to anything and save the item. Then re-select the class and change to Bundle and then save and exit. Now try resaving and the issue should be resolved.

The issue could also be related to one of the items in the bundle is saved as a CW bundle. As a possible solution, remove the group header and send over the individual lines to see if any of them are bundles themselves. The system will report as much.

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