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Version 24. Build 3.04 Summary
29 New, 19 Fixes, and 9 Miscellaneous features Released on 08/05/2024
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New Features - Build 3
 1. QuoteValet Multiple Signature Support. In addition to the Primary Signature collected as part of Quote Acceptance, you can now require additional customer signatures. You can also configure one or more counter-signers composed of QuoteWerks users, groups, and/or third-party emails. The signature collection process can be configured for Sequential or Simultaneous capture, and all communication and signature capture is handled automatically. These options are set on the Upload to QuoteValet window. For existing customers that have directly customized the QuoteValet HTML or CSS template, the multiple signature features will not work until those customized templates have been updated with the multiple signature elements. [Service Release: 3.01]

 2. Multiple Contacts. You can now have more than one contact per company in the built-in QuoteWerks Contact Database. You can create and search for use these additional contacts in the quote. There are 4 primary search fields Company, Phone, Contact, Email. With Begins With, Contains, etc operators. You can filter on multiple things at the same time. The Phone search searches all the phone number fields across companies and contacts. There is also two "Other field" options to choose whatever other fields you might commonly search and the selections are remembered. If the labels for these fields were customized, the customized label will be shown. You can re-order the columns and set the column widths on the search results grid which will be remembered per user. The Data Manager, Management Reports, and DataLink features were updated to support the new two table system of CRMCompanies and CRMContacts. Professional or Corporate Edition is required for the Multiple Contacts feature. [Service Release: 3.01]

 3. The QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database contacts now have a Role, Reference, and Notes fields which are very useful for saving details about these contacts and their Role that are visible in the search results. [Service Release: 3.01]

 4. The Contact Import wizard was updated to support the new multiple contacts per company along with other improvements. When using the Contact Import Wizard you will only be able to import the first contact (primary contact) for a company. If you have data of companies that have more than one contact that you want to import, you can use the Data Manager to import this. [Service Release: 3.01]

 5. On the Contact Lookup window for the built-in QuoteWerks Contact Database, there is now a right click menu option of "Move...". You can use this to move a contact from one Company to another Company. If the Contact that you are moving is the only contact for the company, you be prompted to Delete the company record since a Company record cannot exist without at least one contact. If this is the case and you have the Misc Access right of "CannotDeleteContactRecord" you will not be able to proceed. Similarly, if you have the Misc Acccess right of "CannotModifyContactRecord", you will not be able to move the Contact. [Service Release: 3.01]

 6. The Contact import Wizard has been redesigned to use a two list mapping approach instead of the combobox drop downs for each field approach. Field Auto-Map, and field search features found in the Product Import Wizard were added. When selecting a QuoteWerks field for mapping, if that field label has been customized the customized label value will appear in a status area below the list. Also there is an option now to specify which line of data to start the import at. This is useful in excluding the first row of data typically that contains the column names and not data to be imported, yet useful to have in the file when doing the mapping of columns. Additionally more field delimiters than just comma and tab are now supported. [Service Release: 3.01]

 7. When using the Contact Import Wizard and choosing the option to "Delete all existing Companies/Contacts", there is a now a more pronounced dialog requiring you to type in the case sensitive word of "Delete" to proceed with the deletion of all Company/Contact records. [Service Release: 3.01]

 8. The Create new CRM contact feature for the built-in QuoteWerks Contact Database was updated. When creating the new company and contact record, it will copy the SoldToPrice Profile and Terms fields from the current quote into the newly created company record in QuoteWerks contact database. [Service Release: 3.01]

 9. Act! for Web version 26 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.01]

 10. Act! Desktop version 26 is now supported! [Service Release: 3.01]

 11. For HubSpot CRM users, there is a new option on the setup window of "[] When converting to order/invoice, and there is no existing deal, prompt to create a won deal." [Service Release: 3.01]

 12. For HubSpot CRM users, the HubSpot CRM Setup window now has a 'UserName Mappings' button for users to map QuoteWerks UserNames to HubSpot CRM UserNames. [Service Release: 3.01]

 13. For HubSpot CRM users, when retrieving the HubSpot CRM Deal ownername field using the DataLink and populating QuoteWerks PreparedBy or SalesRep field, the 'HubSpot CRM UserName Mappings' will map the HubSpot CRM UserName to the QuoteWerks user name. [Service Release: 3.01]

 14. For HubSpot CRM users, you can choose the default owner for a Deal in the HubSpot CRM Setup Window. The Owner can either be the logged in user or the Sales Rep. The Sales Rep name must match the HubSpot CRM user name to be selected. [Service Release: 3.01]

 15. UPS shipping integration was updated to support the new required REST integration method which will now require a Client ID and Client Secret. Effective August 5th, 2024 UPS will no longer support the old integration method. You can obtain these new credentials from UPS by going to https://developer.ups.com and creating a new "application". [Service Release: 3.01]

 16. FedEx shipping integration was updated to support the new required REST integration method which will now require an Account Number, API Key, and Secret key. Effective May 15th, 2024 FedEx no longer supports the old integration method. You can obtain these new credentials from FedEx by going to https://developer.fedex.com/ and creating a new API Project. [Service Release: 3.01]

 17. When importing vendors and choosing the option to "Delete all existing vendors", there is a now a more pronounced dialog requiring you to type in the case sensitive word of "Delete" to proceed with the deletion of all vendor records. [Service Release: 3.01]

 18. In the Vendor Import Wizard you can now specify which This is useful in excluding the first row of data typically that contains the column names and not data to be imported, yet useful to have in the file when doing the mapping of columns. of the data to start the import at. This is useful in excluding the first row of data typically that contains the column names and not data to be imported, yet useful to have in the file when doing the mapping of columns. [Service Release: 3.01]

 19. In the Product Import Wizard when selecting a QuoteWerks field for mapping, if that field label has been customized, the customized label value will appear in a status area below the list. [Service Release: 3.01]

 20. In the Product Import Wizard on the Basic Mappings Step, field label customizations will be displayed on this wizard step. [Service Release: 3.01]

 21. Added SoldToFax as a destination field in QuoteWerks in the DataLink mapping. [Service Release: 3.01]

 22. Added new macro "&APP_&OurLocationInlineAddress". [Service Release: 3.01]

 23. SugarCRM version 14.1 now supported! [Service Release: 3.02]

 24. Added new Misc Access Right "CannotUseQuoteWerksWebLicense" [Service Release: 3.02]

 25. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, improved the "Move Contact" feature to make it easier to use and handle different addresses better. To use this feature, now you can hold down the CTRL key and select multiple Contacts that you want to move to another company. The last Contact you select will be the company the other Contact selections are moved to. Important, only CTRL selecting will work, SHIFT selecting will cannot be used. Also, the "Company ID" column was added to help make it easier to understand which contacts are connected to which companies to help you with the Move Contact feature. Since individual Contacts can have different addresses than the main company record, additional logic was added to move the address with the Contact only if it was needed. [Service Release: 3.04]

 26. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, on the Contact Lookup window results grid, the results of the search are sorted to group all the resulting contacts that are from the same company together. Additionally, the first row for that Company is bolded to give you a visual indicator showing which contacts are from the same company since you can have company records with the same company name in the database. [Service Release: 3.04]

 27. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, added [Delete Company] button to the Edit Company window, and removed the Delete button from the Contact Lookup window. [Service Release: 3.04]

 28. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, on the Contact Lookup window, added right click menus of "New Company..." and "Edit Company...". [Service Release: 3.04]

 29. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, you can now Clone a contact. On the Edit Company window, on the list of Contacts added the right click menu "Clone..." and added a button [Clone]. [Service Release: 3.04]

Misc Features - Build 3
 1. The [Export Contacts] button has been removed from the Contact Manager Setup for the QuoteWerks Contact Database. This action can be accomplished exporting from the Data Manager now. [Service Release: 3.01]

 2. Removed Tech Data Shopping Cart import from Paste Special. [Service Release: 3.01]

 3. The height of the Product import Wizard was increased to be able to see more mapped fields on the screen in the Advanced Mappings step. The width was also increased to better see the wider mapping selections. [Service Release: 3.01]

 4. For HubSpot CRM users, the owners api was updated to version 3. [Service Release: 3.01]

 5. Activated beta testing support for Act! for Web version 26. [Service Release: 3.01]

 6. Activated beta testing support for Act! Desktop version 26. [Service Release: 3.01]

 7. The Utilities->Change Registration Information menu was removed. This Change Registration Information window can now be accessed from the Company tab of Tools->Options menu. [Service Release: 3.01]

 8. The Setup Wizard now requires the Address1, City, State, and PostalCode fields. [Service Release: 3.01]

 9. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, removed the feature "As you type in the search value field, 2 seconds after you stop typing the search will auto execute." [Service Release: 3.04]

Fixes - Build 3
 1. For Peachtree users, when choosing on the Mappings tab under the Peachtree Interactive Link Setup, the "Convert grouped items to single item" option was not working. [Service Release: 3.01]

 2. When setting a default for the DocDueDate on the Documents.General tab under Tools->Options, a time portion was getting added to the DocDueDate. [Service Release: 3.01]

 3. On the File Saved Dialog, the [Open containing folder] button would not work if there were commas in the folder path. [Service Release: 3.01]

 4. For TD SYNNEX online ordering users, for the 'End User Details' and 'Reseller Details' the Fax Number is no longer a required field. [Service Release: 3.01]

 5. For QuickBooks Online users the "/" character is now supported for an item name. [Service Release: 3.01]

 6. For Hubspot CRM users, when doing a Merge Document Transport Files, users would receive a 404 error message. [Service Release: 3.01]

 7. On the Accounting tab of the Tools->Options menu, the "Default 'Export to' on Create PO window" option was not being applied on the Create PO window. [Service Release: 3.01]

 8. For Goldmine users, when e-mailing a PO, and choosing the "Under e-mail Recipient contact" option, the email was not being logged under the GoldMine History tab. [Service Release: 3.01]

 9. The Compare Prices vendor selection window still had "SYNNEX" instead of "TD SYNNEX". -Fix For Office 365 email users, the original OAuth keys required for the Office 365 email integration expired and have now been updated. [Service Release: 3.01]

 10. For Ingram Micro JSON users, would receive the following error when attempting to retrieve Realtime Pricing: "Unknown iError '200' in ReturnRealtimeErrorDescription()." This was due to a change in the results from Ingram Micro where Booleans could be Nullable. [Service Release: 3.01]

 11. Error QuoteWerks trapped Error (-2147217900) Invalid column name 'PriceProfile' when using the feature from the SoldTo/ShipTo tab to create a new Company/Contact in the QuoteWerks Contact Database. [Service Release: 3.01]

 12. When attempting to authenticate with Office 365, users would receive a 'could not load assembly' error message. [Service Release: 3.01]

 13. For SugarCRM users, when converting to order, the stage is not being automatically set to Closed Won. [Service Release: 3.02]

 14. For SugarCRM users, blank stage names could be being shown. [Service Release: 3.02]

 15. When selecting a Contact from the QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database, the Price Profile was not getting copied to the Quote. [Service Release: 3.02]

 16. The AccountRep column was missing from the Contact Lookup grid when searching for a Contact in the QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database. [Service Release: 3.02]

 17. When closing QuoteWerks would receive error "Access DB maintenance error" that the SITE.MDB file could not be compacted. [Service Release: 3.02]

 18. UPS shipping integration would return different result formats causing error. [Service Release: 3.02]

 19. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, when setting a Contact as the Primary Contact for a New contact would receive error about missing 'Companies' table. [Service Release: 3.04]