Would your company benefit from over
445 new features?


Since January 1, 2021, there have been 17 QuoteWerks updates released containing over 445 new features!

Please remember that New Features = Greater Productivity which gives you more time to sell and complete the countless other tasks you need to do on a daily basis!

Version 24.0 Build 3 (released August 22, 2024)

 1. QuoteValet Multiple Signature Support. In addition to the Primary Signature collected as part of Quote Acceptance, you can now require additional customer signatures. You can also configure one or more counter-signers composed of QuoteWerks users, groups, and/or third-party emails. The signature collection process can be configured for Sequential or Simultaneous capture, and all communication and signature capture is handled automatically. These options are set on the Upload to QuoteValet window. For existing customers that have directly customized the QuoteValet HTML or CSS template, the multiple signature features will not work until those customized templates have been updated with the multiple signature elements. [Build: 3.01]

 2. Multiple Contacts. You can now have more than one contact per company in the built-in QuoteWerks Contact Database. You can create and search for use these additional contacts in the quote. There are 4 primary search fields Company, Phone, Contact, Email. With Begins With, Contains, etc operators. You can filter on multiple things at the same time. The Phone search searches all the phone number fields across companies and contacts. There is also two "Other field" options to choose whatever other fields you might commonly search and the selections are remembered. If the labels for these fields were customized, the customized label will be shown. You can re-order the columns and set the column widths on the search results grid which will be remembered per user. The Data Manager, Management Reports, and DataLink features were updated to support the new two table system of CRMCompanies and CRMContacts. Professional or Corporate Edition is required for the Multiple Contacts feature. [Build: 3.01]

 3. The QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database contacts now have a Role, Reference, and Notes fields which are very useful for saving details about these contacts and their Role that are visible in the search results. [Build: 3.01]

 4. The Contact Import wizard was updated to support the new multiple contacts per company along with other improvements. When using the Contact Import Wizard you will only be able to import the first contact (primary contact) for a company. If you have data of companies that have more than one contact that you want to import, you can use the Data Manager to import this. [Build: 3.01]

 5. On the Contact Lookup window for the built-in QuoteWerks Contact Database, there is now a right click menu option of "Move...". You can use this to move a contact from one Company to another Company. If the Contact that you are moving is the only contact for the company, you be prompted to Delete the company record since a Company record cannot exist without at least one contact. If this is the case and you have the Misc Access right of "CannotDeleteContactRecord" you will not be able to proceed. Similarly, if you have the Misc Acccess right of "CannotModifyContactRecord", you will not be able to move the Contact. [Build: 3.01]

 6. The Contact import Wizard has been redesigned to use a two list mapping approach instead of the combobox drop downs for each field approach. Field Auto-Map, and field search features found in the Product Import Wizard were added. When selecting a QuoteWerks field for mapping, if that field label has been customized the customized label value will appear in a status area below the list. Also there is an option now to specify which line of data to start the import at. This is useful in excluding the first row of data typically that contains the column names and not data to be imported, yet useful to have in the file when doing the mapping of columns. Additionally more field delimiters than just comma and tab are now supported. [Build: 3.01]

 7. When using the Contact Import Wizard and choosing the option to "Delete all existing Companies/Contacts", there is a now a more pronounced dialog requiring you to type in the case sensitive word of "Delete" to proceed with the deletion of all Company/Contact records. [Build: 3.01]

 8. The Create new CRM contact feature for the built-in QuoteWerks Contact Database was updated. When creating the new company and contact record, it will copy the SoldToPrice Profile and Terms fields from the current quote into the newly created company record in QuoteWerks contact database. [Build: 3.01]

 9. Act! for Web version 26 is now supported! [Build: 3.01]

 10. Act! Desktop version 26 is now supported! [Build: 3.01]

 11. For HubSpot CRM users, there is a new option on the setup window of "[] When converting to order/invoice, and there is no existing deal, prompt to create a won deal." [Build: 3.01]

 12. For HubSpot CRM users, the HubSpot CRM Setup window now has a 'UserName Mappings' button for users to map QuoteWerks UserNames to HubSpot CRM UserNames. [Build: 3.01]

 13. For HubSpot CRM users, when retrieving the HubSpot CRM Deal ownername field using the DataLink and populating QuoteWerks PreparedBy or SalesRep field, the 'HubSpot CRM UserName Mappings' will map the HubSpot CRM UserName to the QuoteWerks user name. [Build: 3.01]

 14. For HubSpot CRM users, you can choose the default owner for a Deal in the HubSpot CRM Setup Window. The Owner can either be the logged in user or the Sales Rep. The Sales Rep name must match the HubSpot CRM user name to be selected. [Build: 3.01]

 15. UPS shipping integration was updated to support the new required REST integration method which will now require a Client ID and Client Secret. Effective August 5th, 2024 UPS will no longer support the old integration method. You can obtain these new credentials from UPS by going to https://developer.ups.com and creating a new "application". [Build: 3.01]

 16. FedEx shipping integration was updated to support the new required REST integration method which will now require an Account Number, API Key, and Secret key. Effective May 15th, 2024 FedEx no longer supports the old integration method. You can obtain these new credentials from FedEx by going to https://developer.fedex.com/ and creating a new API Project. [Build: 3.01]

 17. When importing vendors and choosing the option to "Delete all existing vendors", there is a now a more pronounced dialog requiring you to type in the case sensitive word of "Delete" to proceed with the deletion of all vendor records. [Build: 3.01]

 18. In the Vendor Import Wizard you can now specify which This is useful in excluding the first row of data typically that contains the column names and not data to be imported, yet useful to have in the file when doing the mapping of columns. of the data to start the import at. This is useful in excluding the first row of data typically that contains the column names and not data to be imported, yet useful to have in the file when doing the mapping of columns. [Build: 3.01]

 19. In the Product Import Wizard when selecting a QuoteWerks field for mapping, if that field label has been customized, the customized label value will appear in a status area below the list. [Build: 3.01]

 20. In the Product Import Wizard on the Basic Mappings Step, field label customizations will be displayed on this wizard step. [Build: 3.01]

 21. Added SoldToFax as a destination field in QuoteWerks in the DataLink mapping. [Build: 3.01]

 22. Added new macro "&APP_&OurLocationInlineAddress". [Build: 3.01]

 23. SugarCRM version 14.1 now supported! [Build: 3.02]

 24. Added new Misc Access Right "CannotUseQuoteWerksWebLicense" [Build: 3.02]

 25. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, improved the "Move Contact" feature to make it easier to use and handle different addresses better. To use this feature, now you can hold down the CTRL key and select multiple Contacts that you want to move to another company. The last Contact you select will be the company the other Contact selections are moved to. Important, only CTRL selecting will work, SHIFT selecting will cannot be used. Also, the "Company ID" column was added to help make it easier to understand which contacts are connected to which companies to help you with the Move Contact feature. Since individual Contacts can have different addresses than the main company record, additional logic was added to move the address with the Contact only if it was needed. [Build: 3.04]

 26. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, on the Contact Lookup window results grid, the results of the search are sorted to group all the resulting contacts that are from the same company together. Additionally, the first row for that Company is bolded to give you a visual indicator showing which contacts are from the same company since you can have company records with the same company name in the database. [Build: 3.04]

 27. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, added [Delete Company] button to the Edit Company window, and removed the Delete button from the Contact Lookup window. [Build: 3.04]

 28. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, on the Contact Lookup window, added right click menus of "New Company..." and "Edit Company...". [Build: 3.04]

 29. For QuoteWerks built-in Contact Database users, you can now Clone a contact. On the Edit Company window, on the list of Contacts added the right click menu "Clone..." and added a button [Clone]. [Build: 3.04]

Version 24.0 Build 2 (released May 2, 2024)

 30. The USA Sales Tax Rate Lookup in the Real-Time module has been improved to now account for address locations that have not yet been assigned a Zip+4 code by the USPS yet. This can happen with new construction resulting in new addresses that have not been assigned a Zip+4 code yet by the United States Postal System. A list of Tax Jurisdictions for the base Postal Code for you to choose from will now be displayed when using the Prompt for Sales Tax option. If the option is set to not display the Sales tax Lookup window, then you will receive a message to use the window to choose the appropriate Sales Tax Jurisdiction. These options are set on the Misc.General (more) tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. [Build: 2.04]

 31. The USA Sales Tax Rate Lookup in the Real-Time module has been improved to now account for USA address locations that cannot be verified by the USPS. A list of Tax Jurisdictions for the base Postal Code will now be displayed when using the Prompt for Sales Tax option for the user to manually intervene. If the option is set to not display the Sales tax Lookup window, then you will receive a message to use the window to choose the appropriate Sales Tax Jurisdiction. These options are set on the Misc.General (more) tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. [Build: 2.04]

 32. The USA Sales Tax Rate Lookup in the Real-Time module has been improved to now account for address locations that cannot be verified by the USPS, like many addresses in Puerto Rico (a USA territory). Puerto Rico addresses use various non-standardized formats that the USPS API does not recognize. A list of Tax Jurisdictions for the base Postal Code will now be displayed when using the Prompt for Sales Tax option for the user to manually intervene. If the option is set to not display the Sales tax Lookup window, then you will receive a message to use the window to choose the appropriate Sales Tax Jurisdiction. These options are set on the Misc.General (more) tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. [Build: 2.04]

 33. On Sales Tax Rate lookup window you can now it will default to the SoldTo/ShipTo/BillTo Address setup in options, but you can now choose the SoldTo/ShipTo, or BillTo address to do a validation and sales tax rate lookup based on any of those addresses. Useful if, for example, you are shipping your product to a shipping address that is a staging area (like your office location), but ultimately the final shipping address, and what the tax rate should be based on will be your Customer's address which is currently located in the SoldTo address fields. [Build: 2.04]

 34. When the USA Address verification is used the USPS returns the address standardized and formatted as all upper case letters. We now Proper Case the results. [Build: 2.04]

 35. For Ingram Micro Realtime users, added support for the Ingram Micro JSON API for Real-time P&A calls. The JSON API is self-service to create credentials via the following URL: https://developer.ingrammicro.com. This support has been added for Ingram Micro Customers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. Also added an option for Sandbox Mode. [Build: 2.04]

 36. For ConnectWise PSA Users, there is now a setup option that enables the QuoteWerks Admin to require fields when creating/Updating a ConnectWise PSA Opportunity. The fields that can be made mandatory are Opportunity Type, Description, Source, and Campaign. The ConnectWise Opportunity will not be able to be created/updated until the specified fields have data entered. The Required Fields can be specified on the Connectwise Setup->Opportunities Tab->Required Fields Sub Tab. [Build: 2.04]

 37. For QuickBooks Online Users, added a new setup option for "If the ShipTo Customer Does Not Exist" of 'Do not create - write in only' If this option is selected, then the Ship To Customer will be a "write in" on the document, which does not require that it exist as a customer record. This option adds to the existing options of 'Create' and 'Prompt to create'. [Build: 2.04]

 38. When editing a product definition, if you change an existing product's Manufacturer Part Number to another Manufacturer Part Number, it will now be checked to see if that newly entered/changed Manufacturer Part Number already exists in another product definition. [Build: 2.04]

 39. The DocumentItems Manufacturer field length was increased from 30 to 40 characters. [Build: 2.04]

 40. The User Properties window now has CreatedOn and LastModifiedOn fields. [Build: 2.04]

 41. When searching for contacts, if there is an error, it is no logged in the err.log file. Also the tooltip will be set on the status label enabling you to see more of a longer message. [Build: 2.04]

 42. SugarCRM 14.0 is now supported! [Build: 2.07]

 43. GoldMine 2024.2 is now supported! [Build: 2.07]

Version 24.0 Build 1 (released February 2, 2024)

 44. Act! For Web 25.100 is now supported! [Build: 1.01]

 45. Goldmine 2023.4 is now supported! [Build: 1.01]

 46. SugarCRM version 13.2 is now supported! [Build: 1.01]

 47. Sage 50 Accounting 2024 (Peachtree) is now supported! [Build: 1.01]

 48. QuickBooks Desktop USA version 2024 is now supported! [Build: 1.01]

 49. USA Address verification is now supported. On the SoldTo/ShipTo tab of the Quote WorkBook there is now a button to verify and standardize the address using the US Postal Service database. On the Sales Tax tab of the Real-time Setup window there is the option "Show/Display USA address verification icon" to hide this feature if not wanted. The option is useful if you live in a country besides the USA like Canada. You may still ship and do business with customers in the USA, you can use this option to benefit from USA address verification even though your company is not located in the USA. On the Misc.General(more) tab of the Users Preferences window there is a "Address Verification Mode" option with the choices of "Manual" and "Auto Verify USA Address on Address selection". When an address is verified, it is logged in the document transaction log. The Realtime Module and current UMP is required for this feature. [Build: 1.01]

 50. The USA Sales Tax Rate Lookup in the Real-Time module has been improved. Now the the feature will verify the address against the USPS database, and refine the Postal Code to be a Zip+4 postal code (taking into account the street number and name). With this pinpointed Zip+4 Postal Code the Sales Tax Rates for that specific Zip+4 location will be retrieved. On the Sales Tax tab of the Real-time Setup window there is the option "Base Sales Tax on the Address From" to choose which address controls the sales tax rate. The standard is for the Ship To address to determine the tax rate locality. On the Misc.General(more) tab of the Users Preferences window there is a "Sales Tax Lookup Mode" option with the choices of "Manual", "Auto Verify USA Address and Retrieve Sales tax info on Address selection", and "Display Realtime USA Sales Tax Lookup window on Address selection". You can also click on the "Lookup tax rate" button next to the Tax Rate field on the Sale Info tab of the Quote Workbook, this will display a window that will let you choose to use the address verification and see the details of the Tax Information for the Zip+4 Postal Code. When a realtime Sales Tax is applied to the document, it is logged in the document transaction log. The Realtime Module and current UMP is required for this feature. [Build: 1.01]

See a screenshot of this feature

 51. Whole document spell check. Pressing the F7 key while in a text box will display the traditional spell check dialog. Choosing the Tools->Spelling menu (or CTRL-F7) will run the Whole Document Spell Check wizard. A wizard will be displayed that presents each field one by one indicating misspelled words with a red squiggly line underneath it. When done correcting the spelling, you can click the [Next] button to move to the next field. There is also a [Previous] button to go back if needed, or [Close] to stop. If you choose to [Ignore All], that word will be ignored in all the remaining fields checked. If a field is empty or there are no spelling errors, or the user does not have rights to modify the field, it will be skipped. The Whole Document Spellcheck can include fields on the Quote WorkBook tabs, and also line item columns for each line item. You can customize the list of fields that are included under the Spelling tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu. [Build: 1.01]

 52. You can now spell check individual cells on the Document Items tab grid by pressing F7 while in the cell. [Build: 1.01]

 53. QuoteWerks Web now supports SSO login. QuoteWerks Desktop user setup was updated to reflect this. [Build: 1.01]

 54. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for Arbitech in the USA. We've negotiated an arrangement with Arbitech to host their product data so as to provide our mutual customers with the best experience possible. [Build: 1.01]

 55. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for Accutech Data in the USA. We've negotiated an arrangement with Accutech Data to host their product data so as to provide our mutual customers with the best experience possible. [Build: 1.01]

 56. On the Product Lookup window, the Etilize keyword search box now has a drop-down list of your most 20 recent searches. [Build: 1.01]

 57. For the Deposit Amount, there is now an option to include the Sales Tax in the deposit amount when selecting the "TOTALING: Add up multiple matching line items in the document" or "Percent of a line item in the document" options. Defaults for this can be specified on the Documents tab of the Tools->Options menu. [Build: 1.01]

 58. For the Deposit Amount, there is now an option to "Include Shipping Amount (including Sales Tax) in Deposit Required". [Build: 1.01]

 59. The Summary line "TOTALING: Add up multiple matching line items in the document" option now has the option to "Include Sales Tax" [Build: 1.01]

 60. On the Custom Tab of Quote WorkBook, the fields CustomMemo01, CustomMemo02, CustomMemo03, and CustomMemo04 now have vertical scrollbars. [Build: 1.01]

 61. On the QuoteValet Upload window, next to the [Reminder Options] button is an indicator that displays how many reminders are set. [Build: 1.01]

See a screenshot of this feature

 62. The QuoteValet Auto-Reminders window now has [Select All] and [De-Select All] buttons [Build: 1.01]

See a screenshot of this feature

 63. Under the Tools->Options menu on the Print tab added options of "Include Percent Charge lines on Sales Orders" and "Include Percent Discount lines on Sales Orders" and "Include Group Header lines on Sales Orders". [Build: 1.01]

 64. For ConnectWise PSA users, QuoteWerks now supports up to 6 ConnectWise PSA Tax levels when using the DataLink to retrieve the tax rate from ConnectWise PSA. Previously, QuoteWerks only supported the first 5 levels. Note: The ConnectWise PSA API as of October 2023 only supports 6 Tax Levels. The ConnectWise UI allows administrators to create more than 6, however. [Build: 1.01]

 65. You can now select multiple bundles at the same time to delete. [Build: 1.02]

 66. For SugarCRM users, significant speed improvements were made across all API calls. [Build: 1.03]

 67. You can now specify company wide Spell Check words to Ignore. In the Settings Manager, you can set SystemSettings\System\SpellCheckCompanyCustomDictionaryData key with a list of words to ignore, with each word being on its own line, so separated by CRLF. [Build: 1.03]

 68. For Autotask users, the shipping description will now map over for shipping items on an Autotask quote. The shipping description can also be manually set. This new feature is located on Autotask Setup window -> Opportunities->Quote Products->Shipping section. [Build: 1.06]

 69. For Hubspot CRM users, if two words are entered when doing a Name search on the Lookup window, a match with the first word for the first name and the second word for the last name will be used. [Build: 1.06]

 70. For Zoho CRM users, product lookup can now show up to 10,000 records. [Build: 1.06]

 71. Act! For Web 25.2 is now supported! [Build: 1.08]

 72. Autotask 2024 is now supported! [Build: 1.08]

 73. SugarCRM 13.3 is now supported! [Build: 1.08]

 74. Goldmine version 2024.1 is now supported! [Build: 1.09]

 75. ConnectWise 2024.1 is now supported! [Build: 1.08]

 76. ConnectWise 2024.2 is now supported! [Build: 1.09]

Version 23.0 Build 5 (released September 5, 2023)

 77. Multiple contacts for Vendors! On the Vendors window you can search for a company or contact. You can indicate which contact is the primary contact for the vendor. You can choose options to automatically include this contacts email address as a TO or CC when "Emailing a PO to the vendor" or in a "Vendor RFQ notification". There is an F2Lookup for the Role and Reference fields. Role is a great field to store something like "Billing", "Support", "Sales"," Marketing", etc. When using the "Create PO for each vendor" option from the Print window, the Primary contact for the vendor will be used. Also when exporting a PO to QuickBooks Online the primary contact email address will be used. Support for Vendor with multiple contacts was added in the Data Manager, and Vendor Import Wizard. You can send an email to a vendor contact on the Contacts tab of the Edit Vendor window. The Select Email Address window supports the multiple vendor contacts under the "QuoteWerks Vendors" and "Document" list where it will show all email addresses for contacts for any vendors that have items on the currently open document. There are now two tables that are used to store Vendor information, the Vendors table and the VendorContacts tables. If you created management reports on Vendors and referenced any of the changed fields in either the report filter or the FPC layout designer, you will need to manually make modify these to accommodate the new changes. The following fields were "moved"/renamed from the Vendors table into the VendorContacts table: "[Vendors.SalesRep] to [VendorContacts.ContactName]", "[Vendors.Mobile] to [VendorContacts.PhoneMobile]", "[Vendors.Email] to [VendorContacts.Email]". This feature is included in the Professional and Corporate Editions of QuoteWerks. Until v23 build 5.00, a Vendor only had one record with combined information for the company and a single contact. To get around this limitation, some customers created duplicate records for vendors with the only difference being the contact name and email/phone number. If you are one of the customers that did this, please contact technical support for assistance on how to merge these records. It will involve running the upgrade, then doing a Data Manager export of the Vendors, then deleting all the Vendors and VendorContacts table records, then pruning the duplicate Vendor Company records in the Data Manager export, then using Data Manager to import the modified data. [Build: 5.07]

 78. GoldMine 2023.3 is now supported! [Build: 5.07]

 79. SugarCRM version 13.1 is now supported! [Build: 5.07]

 80. When printing a Purchase order layout and choosing the option to "Create a PO for each vendor", and choosing to email that PO, when the send email window is displayed, any contacts that you set with the option to include them in a PO email will be in the TO or CC list respectively, and if you click on the address book, you will see a "This Vendor" e-mail list that you can use to see a list of all emails addresses for all contacts at the vendor that the PO is for. [Build: 5.07]

 81. When on the Purchase orders tab of the Purchasing window, when you choose "Email PO", any contacts that you set with the option to include them in a PO email will be in the TO or CC list respectively, and if you click on the address book, you will see a "This Vendor" e-mail list that you can use to see a list of all emails addresses for all contacts at the vendor that the PO is for. [Build: 5.07]

 82. For QuickBooks Desktop Users, if you use QuickBooks as your Contact Manager, there is now a DataLink field for TaxRate. With this you can setup the DataLink to pull the Tax Rate setup in QuickBooks for the selected QuickBooks customer into the TaxRate field on the Sale Info tab of the Quote WorkBook. Also when searching for a QuickBooks contact, the search results will now contain a Tax Item column displaying the Tax Item for the QuickBooks Customer. [Build: 5.07]

 83. The Select Email Address window has been re-designed. The "Manual Recipient" list no longer has the empty Reference column. You can now select multiple contact/email addresses from the CRM search results grid to add to the TO/CC/BCC. Any columns widths customized in the Select Email Address window are now remembered per user. You can now sort the grid columns by clicking on the column headings. [Build: 5.07]

 84. For Autotask users, Opportunities can now be created that are attached to an Account vs a Contact. [Build: 5.07]

 85. For Autotask users, PartNumber generation support was added under the Opportunities.Quote Products tab of the Autotask Setup window. [Build: 5.07]

 86. For Autotask users, In addition to a static Taxable and Non-taxable code, there is now a Tax Code option of "(Base on Material Code, Tax Category, Tax Region)" and a Tax Region drop down per Autotask Database (Products/Services/Service Bundles/Labor) on the "Product Data Source" tab of the Autotask Setup window. [Build: 5.07]

 87. For Autotask users, when Autotask is set as the Secondary CRM, on the Export Document to Autotask window, when clicking on the [Select Existing] button, the Select Autotask Contact window will appear and a query for the SoldToContact name from the quote will be automatically run. [Build: 5.07]

 88. For Autotask users, when selecting a company to associate with the quote, you will now be prompted to choose which location for the company (if the company has more than one location defined in Autotask). [Build: 5.07]

 89. For Autotask users, vertical scrollbars were added to the "close description" and description textboxes on the Opportunity window. [Build: 5.07]

 90. For Autotask users, when linking to the Autotask Products as a Product Data Source User, you can now include Autotask User Defined Fields [Build: 5.07]

 91. For Autotask users, when linking to the "Autotask products" type Product Data Source, it now includes the following fields: InternalProductID, ExternalProductID, SKU, BillingType, PriceMethod, Serialized, DoesNotRequireProcurement, EligibleForRMA, and DefaultInstalledProductCategoryID. [Build: 5.07]

 92. For Autotask users, the Opportunity Category field was added to the opportunity window. [Build: 5.07]

 93. For Autotask users, a default Opportunity Category can be set for new and existing opportunities under the Opportunities.Defaults tab of the Autotask Setup window. [Build: 5.07]

 94. The "Clear contact" toolbar button on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab is now a split button and supports the options of "Clear Contact Fields and Links to CRM" which is the default original behavior, and also the new option of "Clear Links to CRM only". This is very useful for customers that have switched to a different CRM. With this new feature, they can open the quote, choose the "Clear Links to CRM only" option, and then click on the "Create New Company in Contact Manager" button to create a new company in their new CRM using the company/contact data that is in the quote, and then when saving the quote, you will have the options to create an Opportunity\Deal, create follow up actions, and whatever other features their new CRM integration supports. [Build: 5.07]

 95. When a user removes a Product Data Source, the removal will be logged in the event.log file. [Build: 5.07]

 96. On the Literature tab of the File->Print window there is now a right click "Delete Literature File..." menu. When deleting Literature files this way the deletions will be automatically synced to QuoteWerks Web. Also added a [Delete] button and a new Misc Access right "CannotDeleteLiterature". [Build: 5.07]

 97. On the Literature tab of the File->Print window there is now an [Add] button. When adding a Literature File this way the new file will automatically sync to QuoteWerks Web. [Build: 5.07]

 98. On the Cover Pages tab of the File->Print window, while a Cover Page is selected in the drop down box, if you press the DEL key it will now delete the Cover Page file. When deleting a Cover Page File this way the deletion will be automatically synced to QuoteWerks Web. Also added a [Delete] button and a new Misc Access right "CannotDeleteCoverPages". [Build: 5.07]

 99. On the Cover Pages tab of the File->Print window, there is now a new [Add] button to use to select a file to copy into the Cover Pages folder. Also added new Misc Access right "CannotAddCoverPages". When adding a cover page this way the new file will automatically sync to QuoteWerks Web. [Build: 5.07]

 100. For GoldMine users, on the Contact Lookup window, any columns widths customized in the search results grid are now remembered per user. [Build: 5.07]

 101. For Act! Desktop users, on the Contact Lookup window, any columns widths customized in the search results grid are now remembered per user. [Build: 5.07]

 102. For Outlook users, on the Contact Lookup window, any columns widths customized in the search results grid are now remembered per user. [Build: 5.07]

 103. For QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online users, on the Contact Lookup window, any columns widths customized in the search results grid are now remembered per user. [Build: 5.07]

 104. For Peachtree users, on the Contact Lookup window, any columns widths customized in the search results grid are now remembered per user. [Build: 5.07]

 105. For Maximizer Desktop users, on the Contact Lookup window, any columns widths customized in the search results grid are now remembered per user. [Build: 5.07]

 106. Updated D&H warehouses list to Vancouver and Toronto. [Build: 5.07]

Version 23.0 Build 4 (released June 9, 2023)

 107. Added support for Goldmine 2023.2! [Build: 4]

 108. Added support for SugarCRM 13.0! [Build: 4]

 109. For QuoteWerks Web users, when editing a layout in QuoteWerks Desktop, if the QuoteWerks Desktop Layout file is updated with a newer file from QuoteWerks Web, a backup will be made of the QuoteWerks Desktop Layout file. Backups are located under the \QuoteWerks\Backups folder. [Build: 4.01]

 110. Act! v25 is now supported! [Build: 4.06]

 111. Act! for web v25.0 is now supported! [Build: 4.06]

 112. For Product Content Subscribers (Etilize), we've brought back screen scraping pricing for Newegg and Provantage using next generation screen scraping technologies. [Build: 4.06]

 113. On the Configurations window, there is now a right click "Copy Part Number" menu on the Configuration Items list. [Build: 4.06]

Version 23.0 Build 3 (released April 19, 2023)

 114. When you install a fresh installation of QuoteWerks and start it for the first time, you will be asked if you would like to connect it to a QuoteWerks Web instance. [Build: 3]

 115. When creating, editing, renaming, cloning or deleting a layout on the Print window, the changes will now automatically sync between QuoteWerks Web and QuoteWerks Desktop. [Build: 3]

 116. If you are using QuoteWerks Web with QuoteWerks Desktop, when you create new files, if they are not located under the main \QuoteWerks folder, or subfolder, you will be warned that the file cannot be synchronized to QuoteWerks Web. [Build: 3.01]

Version 23.0 Build 2 (released April 13, 2023)

 117. Act! for web v24.1 is now supported! [Build: 2.01]

 118. Autotask 2023.1 is now supported! [Build: 2.01]

 119. Autotask 2022.3 is now supported! [Build: 2.01]

 120. GoldMine 2023.1 is now supported! [Build: 2.01]

 121. SugarCRM version 12.3 is now supported! [Build: 2.01]

 122. The Bundles window has been redesigned. You can now see the Bundle Items for each Bundle as you select it. Also you can now search for a Bundle Item Manufacturer Part Number making it much easier to find items you are looking for. There is also a right click "Copy Part Number" menu on the Bundle Items list. [Build: 2.01]

 123. The Required Items window has been redesigned. You can now see the Required Items for each item as you select it. Also you can now search for a Required Item Parent or Required Item Child making it much easier to find items you are looking for. There is also a right click "Copy Part Number" menu on the Required Items list. [Build: 2.01]

 124. The Optional Items window has been redesigned. You can now see the Optional Items for each item as you select it. Also you can now search for an Optional Item Parent or Optional Item Child making it much easier to find items you are looking for. There is also a right click "Copy Part Number" menu on the Optional Items list. [Build: 2.01]

 125. The Substitute Items window has been redesigned. You can now see the Substitute Items for each item as you select it. Also you can now search for a Substitute Item Parent or Substitute Item Child making it much easier to find items you are looking for. There is also a right click "Copy Part Number" menu on the Substitute Items list. [Build: 2.01]

 126. On the Required Items tab of the Edit Product window, if you remove the last Required Item, you will now be asked if you want to remove the Required Item Header record. Also on this tab it will now display if the Required Items list is shared with the same part number in other product databases. [Build: 2.01]

 127. On the Product Lookup window, when you delete a product, if this product has a Required Item Header record, the Header record and all the Required Items records will be deleted also. [Build: 2.01]

 128. Added LineNumber and LineNumberActual fields to the DocumentItems database table. Previously they were only in-memory macros and not available in Reports or for QuickBooks exports. These fields will be empty for any existing documents, but will be populated when you open and re-save the document. [Build: 2.01]

 129. For Autotask users, Autotask can now be used as a Secondary CRM. The Secondary CRM feature makes it possible for you to use your Primary CRM to create quotes and do all the back and forth, and then when the Quote becomes an Order, then you can use the Secondary CRM feature to integrate the Order including creating the customer, opportunity, products, etc in the Secondary Contact Manager. The benefit is that you can fill one CRM system with all quotes, leads, and products that you may never sell, and then only push orders, actual customers, actual products you have sold into the Secondary CRM system. The Secondary CRM can be selected on the Contacts->Setup Contact Manager window. There is a setup option of "Display Secondary CRM Export Window on each Save" which, if checked, will automatically pop up this export window after conversion to an Order, and after each save. You can access this feature using the Tools->Export to Secondary CRM menu. [Build: 2.01]

 130. For ConnectWise and Autotask users, now that there are two CRMs supported for the Secondary CRM feature, the Tools->Export to ConnectWise menu has been renamed to Tools->Export to Secondary CRM. Also the setup for this Secondary CRM feature is now located on the Contacts->Setup Contact Manager window. [Build: 2.01]

 131. In the Paste Special Wizard when selecting a field to map there is now a search feature so you can find a field to map faster. [Build: 2.01]

 132. Added DataManager support for PRICING.PricingProfileNames, PRICING.PricingProfiles, PRICING.PriceModifers, EXRATES.ExchangeRates, and LOOKUP.LookupItems tables. In the process added RecGUID, CreatedOn, and LastModifiedOn fields to these tables. [Build: 2.01]

 133. For QuoteWerks Contact database users, you can now search for a QuoteWerks Contact Database contact by the CustomText01 and CustomText02 fields. [Build: 2.01]

 134. For SYNNEX online ordering users, added new warehouses, "Suwanee, GA", "Swedesboro, NJ", "South Bend, IN", "Fontana, CA", also changed warehouse code from #14 to #50 for "Columbus, OH". [Build: 2.01]

 135. For API users, added AddonText01 field to the PRICING.PricingProfileNames, PRICING.PricingProfiles, PRICING.PriceModifers, EXRATES.ExchangeRates, and LOOKUP.LookupItems tables. [Build: 2.01]

 136. For QuoteValet users, added support for Opayo payment gateway, this is the replacement for Sage Pay. [Build: 2.05]

 137. For online ordering users for SYNNEX, Ingram Micro, and D&H, when the distributors change their warehouses, there is now a mechanism in place to receive the updated warehouse list without having to update the desktop version of QuoteWerks. [Build: 2.05]

 138. For SYNNEX Canada online ordering users, added "MISSISSAUGA, ON" warehouse and changed HALIFAX, NS" warehouse to "DARTMOUTH, NS". Also the "RICHMOND, BC" warehouse code changed. [Build: 2.05]

 139. Autotask 2023.2 is now supported! [Build: 2.09]

 140. The Configurations window has been redesigned. You can now see the Selection Container Items for each Configuration as you select it. Also you can now search for a Selection Container Item Manufacturer Part Number making it much easier to find items you are looking for. [Build: 2.01]

Version 23.0 Build 1 (released January 10, 2023)

 141. QuoteWerks Web now has a Setup->CRM Integrations area and the ability to completely setup the ConnectWise integration from within QuoteWerks Web. Also there is a Setup->Users area which has a full implementation of the user maintenance; you can add, edit and delete users, complete with all the security settings. QuoteWerks Web now has support for multifactor authentication including support for top Authenticator Apps (Google, Microsoft, etc.) and also Duo Push verification via the Duo Mobile App. QuoteWerks Web can also now run Reports with the Export option. [Build: 1.03]

 142. GoldMine version 2022.4 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 143. SugarCRM version 12.2 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 144. Sage 50 Accounting 2023 (Peachtree) is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 145. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for USA Distributor ADI ( www.adiglobal.com ) if you have an account with this distributor and credentials are entered into QuoteWerks. Also, this real-time pricing is displayed on the Product Sourcing Panel. [Build: 1.03]

 146. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for BlueStar Canada. We've negotiated an arrangement with BlueStar to host their product data so as to provide our mutual customers with the best experience possible. [Build: 1.03]

 147. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for ADI USA. We've negotiated an arrangement with ADI to host their product data so as to provide our mutual customers with the best experience possible. [Build: 1.03]

 148. For QuoteValet Users, you can now have a custom Alias/CNAME in the QuoteValet URL. So, instead of www.quotevalet.com, the URL could be yourcompany.quotevalet.com. This feature is helpful, so your customers that are not familiar with QuoteValet will see your company name in the URL. This setting is on the General Tab of the QuoteValet Setup. [Build: 1.03]

 149. Replace has been added to the Edit->Find feature. You can select the Edit->Find menu (or press CTRL-F) which launches the find window and sets the Find Column to which will search all the columns. While on that window you can choose to just search a single column. Alternatively, you can CTRL click on the column heading to search that specific column. You can search for things like, search for lines with a profit margin less than 10, search for lines with an empty cell, search for dates greater than specified date. When the search is run, it will find and highlight the first match, then you can successively press the [Find Next] button to highlight the next match. As matches are found, this is also a great opportunity to press the highlight button to set a highlight color for the row the match is on. [Build: 1.03]

 150. You can now clone Required Items, Optional Items, and Substitute Items. [Build: 1.03]

 151. The Expires field (ExpirationDate) on the Sale Info tab of the Quote Workbook now contains a time portion. This is useful for specifying that a quote expires at 5pm on a certain day. This changed is also supported in QuoteValet. You can specify the default expiration number of days and time on the Documents.General tab under Tools->Options menu. In the time text box if you enter, for example, +5:35 then it will add 5 hrs and 35 minutes to the current time. Without a + symbol the time will be a fixed time. [Build: 1.03]

 152. Text Library. For Memo fields, the F2lookup now lets you store a text library of large chunks of text that are searchable enabling you to easily compose your statements of work, terms and other text intensive composition. Additionally the F2lookup now has a separate column that can contain a description of the value for reference purposes. As a result of these changes you no longer need to use the //in the F2Lookup value to include a description, but when importing a list of values from the F2lookup window you can use the // to import the description for the value. The F2Lookup can do more than store static text. See the help file about these F2 Lookup functions: SALESFORCE_MACRO, QW_MACRO, RUNAPPANDRETURNCLIPBOARD, REQUESTDDEVALUE. [Build: 1.03]

 153. Data Manager for Advanced Import, Export, and Mass updating under the Utilities->Data Manager menu. You can now Import/Export Bundles, Configurations, Required Items, Optional Items, Substitute Items (BCROS). You can also Import/Export Contacts and Vendors. This new advanced Export will save the DataSet in a CSV file format with the column headings. This enables you to easily open up this file in excel and make changes. Then you reverse the process and Import this file. No mapping is required. The option to backup your data before the Import is available (and highly recommended). This is an advanced feature that you must be very careful with. In addition exporting data, changing it in Excel, and then importing the changes, you can also just export out a formatted CSV file that only has the column headings in it so that you can enter new data to import. You can do this with Bundles, Configurations, Required Items, Optional Items, and Substitute Items. Import and Export activities are recorded in the Event Log for audit trail tracking. The use of the Data Manager is restricted to users with MasterRights and also the Misc Access Rights of "NonMasterRightsUser_CanExportFromDataManager", and "NonMasterRightsUser_CanImportFromDataManager". All the BCROS entities now have RecGUID, CreatedOn, and LastModifiedOn fields making it easy to see which records were recently imported in case you made a mistake when importing new records you know which records you would need to delete to undo your error. [Build: 1.03]

 154. The Data Manager also has a Mass Update tab. Currently you can use this to increase prices by a percentage for all Fixed Price products in a Native product database. [Build: 1.03]

 155. On the Flowchart tab of the Edit Configuration window there is now a [Find] button. This will do a contains search of the Selection Container Names. When a match is found, it will ensure the node is visible, highlight it in yellow, and ask if you would like to find the next occurrence. You can also press CTRL-F to initiate the Find. [Build: 1.03]

 156. Purchase Orders now have a POConfirmed field. Often customers email a purchase order to a Vendor, but have not yet received confirmation of the receipt of the purchase order from their vendor. There is also a "Non-Confirmed POs" filter on the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window so you can easily see which Purchase Orders have not been confirmed so you can ping the vendor about it. [Build: 1.03]

 157. PO Items now have an ETADate field so that you have a place to store and stay on top of the Estimated Time of Arrival of the Purchase Order items as your vendor gives you updates. To manage this field, there is now a right click "Update PO ETA..." for a Purchase Order. This will update the ETA date to the same date for all the items in the PO. For more granular control, the right click menu for a PO Item, has a "Change ETA.." menu. With this you can update the ETA date for and individual PO Item. You can use this with manual orders and online orders. [Build: 1.03]

 158. PO Related HTML templates now have new macros available which are &POI_&TrackingInfo?, &POI_&ETADate, and &POI_&SerialNumbers. [Build: 1.03]

 159. On the Purchase orders tab of the Purchasing window, there is a new right click menu "E-mail Internal PO Status...". You can use this to email status information about the purchase order internally. The HTML template and email can be fully customized and including tracking and serial numbers. On the E-Mail Template Manager window, there is a new button [Edit SYS_PurchasingInternalPOStatus HTML]. Additionally on the Templates tab, under the owner of (System) there is a new email template of "SYS_EmailPurchasingPOInternalStatus". [Build: 1.03]

 160. On the Purchase orders tab of the Purchasing window, there is a new right click menu "E-mail PO status to customer(s)...". You can use this to email status information to your customers about the items ordered for them on the Purchase Order. The HTML template and email can be fully customized and including tracking and serial numbers. On the E-Mail Template Manager window, there is a new button [Edit SYS_PurchasingCustomerOrderStatus HTML]. Additionally on the Templates tab, under the owner of (System) there is a new email template of "SYS_EmailPurchasingCustomerOrderStatus". Since your Purchase Orders can contain items from different customers, this feature will send each of those customers status updates on only their items on the Purchase order related to them. There is also a grid toolbar button for this action in addition to the right click menu. [Build: 1.03]

 161. On the Purchase orders tab of the Purchasing window, building on the new right click menu "E-mail PO status to customer(s)...", there is a toolbar button "E-mail PO status to customer(s) for all updated POs". This is very powerful. With this you can update ETA dates, and receive inventory of multiple Purchase Orders, and when you click this button emails will be sent out to all customers that are affected by the PO changes you made since the last time you clicked this button! This is a huge time saver and reduces many of the "where is my order?" type of questions you receive by email and phone from your customers. [Build: 1.03]

 162. The Tools->Export Items to Excel menu will now format the Excel columns with the data type that the data is. Previously, all the columns were just formatted as "General". [Build: 1.03]

 163. For Product Content Subscribers, there is a new checkbox on the Product Content Subscription tab of the Real-time Setup Window labeled "Do Not Download Product Images from Etilize". This option is helpful for those users that do not include Etilize Pictures on their quotes and proposals. If this option is checked, when retrieving an Etilize products, the Etilize picture will not be downloaded. This will save network space and time retrieving products from Etilize for those users. [Build: 1.03]

 164. On the E-Mail Template Manager window, on the Templates tab, under the owner of (System) there is a new email template of "SYS_EmailDistributorNonStandardPricing" enabling you to customize the email that is sent after an Online Order when you have specified non-standard or discount pricing that you have previously negotiated with your distributor sales rep. [Build: 1.03]

 165. The Tools->Export Items to Excel menu will now format the Excel columns with the data type that the data is. Previously, all the columns were just formatted as "General". [Build: 1.03]

 166. SoldToEmail, ShipToEmail, and BillToEmail columns are now included in the Open Document window results grid. This is useful for doing a search and then exporting the list to your favorite email blasting service to send out notifications to your customers or leads. Examples like which customers purchased an HP server in the last year and send them an email about a new limited time discount. Or which customers have you sent a quote to in the last 6 months, etc. [Build: 1.03]

 167. When looking for a field or macro to insert into a layout, insert into a email template, insert into a text box, select as a filter field, etc there is now a lookup button that you can click on to do a contains search to quickly locate the field that you are looking for. [Build: 1.03]

 168. The times stored in the QuoteWerks databases and dtf files were always stored in the local time. Starting with v23 the date/time values (including the AddOnDate01) stored in the database will always be stored in UTC time. For most users they will not have to do anything differently. If you externally read or write to the QuoteWerks database directly you will need to account for this change in UTC time. If you use the QuoteWerks API, when reading a value it will be in local time, and you can pass local time into the API, the conversion to UTC only happens at the instant of the time value being saved into the database. In the v6.0 upgrade all time values in the databases will be changed from local to UTC. [Build: 1.03]

 169. The CustomDate fields could store a time component, but when exiting the field, QuoteWerks would always format as a date, stripping out the time. Now, if there is a time component in the CustomDate, it will be preserved. [Build: 1.03]

 170. Management Reports now have a Category field to make it easier to organize different types of reports. [Build: 1.03]

 171. Management Reports now track LastModified, LastModifiedBy, CreatedOn, and CreatedBy so you know who created and last modified your reports. [Build: 1.03]

 172. Various backups (like when importing products, etc) are now stored in the \QuoteWerks\Backups folder. Each day a backup is made a new folder will be created in the \Backups folder like "2022-09-25", and then any backup files created that day will be stored in that folder. The file name will contain the data type and the time in UTC 24 hour format. For a SQL backend, the backup feature for contact and vendors import now stores the backup data in the \Backups folder as (described above ) which is in a different location and format that previously used. If is the Access backend, the backup is saved as contacts.b01, vendors.b01, etc. [Build: 1.03]

 173. Added a button on the 'Other Realtime' tab of the Real-time Setup to Collapse or Expand the List of Other Real-time Vendors, making it easier to navigate to the vendor you are looking for in the long list. [Build: 1.03]

 174. In the Settings Manager, you can now control the height of the rows on the Document Items tab per user. The range is 285 to 1425. The default is a single row at 285. The setting is UserSettings\UserConfig\QuoteSheetRowHeight=285 [Build: 1.03]

 175. For Autotask users, Products will now map over the Period attribute from QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 176. Added support for new SYNNEX warehouse "Chicago, IL". [Build: 1.03]

 177. The Active Quotes panel indicator is now red if the quote is expired, and the currently open quote is indicated with a cyan color background. [Build: 1.06]

 178. Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is now supported! [Build: 1.11]

 179. For Goldmine users, when e-mailing a PO from the File->Print window, there is now an option to "Log sen e-mail in CRM Under e-mail Recipient record". [Build: 1.11]

 180. On the Company tab of the Tools->Options menu you can now specify a CompanyLogo, CompanyPicture1, and CompanyPicture2. You can use these in the layout designer as Application->CompanyPicture1, etc to insert them into all your layouts. Then with a single change of the file in this area, all the layouts will have this new picture. This is especially useful, for example, to insert a picture of a sales special in your layouts, and you can make one change and the sales special image will change in all the layouts that it was used in. Can also be used for displaying pictures of Awards, Events, Graphical Tag lines, a picture of your business location, and more. [Build: 1.09]

 181. You can now change the column width and column order for the columns on the F2Lookup window. You can also click on the column headings to change which column is sorted and in which sort direction. All these selections are remembered per user. [Build: 1.09]

 182. You can now change the column width and column order for the columns on the Zoom window. You can also click on the column headings to change which column is sorted and in which sort direction. All these selections are remembered per user. [Build: 1.09]

 183. On the Zoom window, the []Show Text Library checkbox last state is now remembered per user. [Build: 1.09]

 184. Added new option under the Tools->My Preferences Misc.General tab of "Use Windows Dialog for Preview Window Save As PDF". [Build: 1.09]

 185. Added new option under the Tools->My Preferences Misc.General(more) tab of "For memo fields (Except documentItems), F2 key / double click brings up: Zoom Window/F2Lookup Window" [Build: 1.09]

 186. When running the QuoteWerks installer to update an existing installation of QuoteWerks, the installer updates the QWOS.dll and QWServices.dll in the Common Files folder to perform installation services. If you choose to cancel the installation after starting it, you would be left with those newer updated files which if newer than your previous installation would cause your previous installation not to run. The installer now automatically restores those older files so you can continue to use the currently installed version of QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.09]

Version 5.7 Build 4 (released September 21, 2022)

 187. For Arrow Electronics users, you can now import quotes from Arrow. You can choose from a list of Arrow Electronics quotes created over the last 15, 30, 45, or 60 days. Alternately, you can enter in a specific Arrow quote number. Once found, you can import all the quote details into the QuoteWerks quote, saving time and reducing data entry error. To use this feature, click on the A button (Arrow Icon) located on the grid toolbar on the Document Items tab. The QuoteWerks Realtime Module is required for this functionality. [Build: 4]

 188. For Autotask users, existing opportunities will now only load when clicking on the opportunity dropdown on the Opportunity window. [Build: 4]

 189. For Act! for Web users, a new setting was added to the Setup Window for Opportunities. When checked, "Do not remove existing Companies and Contacts from Opportunities" will not remove any existing Companies or Contacts from the Opportunity. The SoldTo Contact will be added to the Opportunity as an additional Contact. [Build: 4]

 190. For Act! for Web users, there is a new option on the setup window of "[] When converting to order/invoice, and there is no existing sales opportunity, prompt to create a won opportunity." [Build: 4]

 191. For Hubspot CRM users, a new Deal datalink field 'dealstagename' was added for CRMOppHeader_CreateUpdate. This field will return the stagename label [Build: 4]

 192. For QuoteValet users, on the Upload to QuoteValet window, after clicking on the [Upload] button, you now have the option to choose a different template or change reminder options and the [Re-upload]. Useful in case you accidentally selected the wrong template you don't have to exit and come back. Also it makes it easier to choose different QuoteValet templates and upload to see what they each look like. [Build: 4]

 193. For QuoteValet users, if you hold the SHIFT key down while opening a quote, it will skip talking to QuoteValet to check for updates. This is useful for speeding up the opening of a quote when you know there have been no changes through QuoteValet. [Build: 4]

 194. GoldMine 2022.3 is now supported! [Build: 4.04]

 195. The SaveFile dialog now has a button to allow you to use the Windows File Explorer to select the folder location and file name of the new file. [Build: 4.04]

 196. Under Tools->Options under the Accounting tab, added the new option "Default 'Export to' on Create PO window. [Build: 4.04]

 197. For QuickBooks users, when exporting to QuickBooks, if another user has the Quote open that you want to export, you will now have a prompt that lets you continue with the export even though there is a chance the other user will overwrite your changes. The choice will be logged in the event.log for audit trail purposes. [Build: 4.04]

 198. ConnectWise 2022.1 is now supported! [Build: 4.04]

 199. QuickBooks Desktop USA version 2023 is now supported! [Build: 4.11]

 200. ScanSource USA discontinued their pricing integration API. We completely rewrote the ScanSource integration using the new ScanSource Pricing API (OAuth 2.0). The List Price/MSRP, product URL, and "On-Order" quantity will now be returned in addition to the previously available information. The new integration will require new ScanSource credentials to be obtained from ScanSource and entered into QuoteWerks, and as before requires the QuoteWerks Real-time Module. [Build: 4.11]

 201. Blue Star USA discontinued their pricing integration API. We completely rewrote the Blue Star integration using the new Blue Star json API (OAuth 2.0). The new integration will require new Blue Star credentials to be obtained from Blue Star and entered into QuoteWerks, and as before requires the QuoteWerks Real-time Module. [Build: 4.11]

 202. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for IT Distributor Blue Star in Canada! QuoteWerks already had an integration to Blue Star USA. [Build: 4.11]

 203. For Autotask users, ServiceBundle was added as a QuoteWerks Item Type. [Build: 4.11]

 204. On the Installation tab of Tools->Options, added the option of "Don't Unlock/Rescind Approval when converting to Order" and "Don't Unlock/Rescind Approval when converting to Invoice". [Build: 4.11]

 205. ConnectWise 2022.2 is now supported! [Build: 4.11]

Version 5.7 Build 3 (released July 8, 2022)

 206. Completely redesigned Act! for Web integration. It no longer requires that you are self-hosted or the additional installation on your IIS server. QuoteWerks can now integrate directly with all versions of Act! that can be accessed through a browser. The integration with Act! for Web includes the ability to search for contacts, create/update Opportunities, create/update activities, and upload quote attachments to Act! for Web. DataLink is supported for Contacts, Companies, Opportunities and Opportunity Products. In the setup window for Act! for Web, the activities priority, ring alarm, duration, and details can have default settings. Attachments and activities can either be saved under the contact or opportunity. If a contact does not have an address, the company address location can be used. Additionally you can attach files to Act! for Web from the PDF Preview window, the Links tab, and the Print window. There is a button on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab to display the contact in Act! for Web, and also links on the links tab that you can click to view the SoldToContact, ShipToContact, BillToContact, and Opportunity in Act! for Web. Additionally, emails sent from QuoteWerks are logged in Act! for Web notes tab. Act! versions 21 and higher are supported with this new integration. The Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks is required to integrate with Act! for Web. [Build: 3.16]

 207. SugarCRM version 12.1 is now supported! [Build: 3.16]

 208. SugarCRM version 12.0 is now supported! [Build: 3.16]

 209. Maximizer CRM 2022 R1 is now supported! [Build: 3.16]

 210. GoldMine 2022.2 is now supported! [Build: 3.16]

 211. On the Print Preview window when choosing to Save as PDF, it used to display a simple file selection dialog, now the SaveFile dialog is displayed giving you more save options. [Build: 3.16]

 212. The SaveFile Dialog has a new "[] Append subfolder" option. You can configure this subfolder on the Misc tab of Tools->Options, under "Save File Dialog Append SubFolder". When saving a file on the FileSave dialog, the Append Subfolder option will be generated using this macro. Macros support enables this file name to be different based on information in the document like &DH_SoldToCompany or &SoldToCompany\&DH_DocType. Since the full path is concatenated with these options there is now a preview of the full path on this dialog. Also this dialog will now auto-create any specified folder path if it does not exist. There is also a new option under the Misc.General tab of Tools->My Preferences "Save File Dialog Append SubFolder". When set this will default the "Append" checkbox to checked on the SaveFile Dialog. [Build: 3.16]

 213. For ConnectWise Manage users, when converting from Quote to Order if you are using ConnectWise Manage as a Secondary CRM, and on the Settings tab of the ConnectWise Setup, the "Display Export to ConnectWise window on each Save" option is set, the Export to ConnectWise window will now appear after the conversion to order. [Build: 3.16]

 214. For QuickBooks Online Users in New Zealand, the Global Tax Calculations on Purchase Orders is now supported. [Build: 3.16]

 215. Under Tools->My Preferences, General tab added new QWW options of "Enable AutoSave in QWW", and "Enable AutoSave for UNSAVED documents in QWW". [Build: 3.16]

 216. There is a new option "Backup existing data in product database before importing" on the Misc tab of the Tools->Options menu. [Build: 3.16]

 217. For QuickBooks Desktop users, you can now select a SoldToCompany from QuickBooks that includes a companyname:job and the JobName option on the Transaction.QuickBooks tab of the QuickBooks setup will then create a "subjob". [Build: 3.16]

 218. When manually editing the OpenWindowGridSettings user setting and adding the SubTotal column, it will now be formatted as currency. [Build: 3.16]

 219. The Opportunity DataLink can now be used to populate the QuotWerks PreparedBy field. [Build: 3.16]

 220. For MSCRM users, the MS CRM Setup window now has a 'MSCRM UserName Mappings' button for users to map QuoteWerks UserNames to MSCRM UserNames. [Build: 3.16]

 221. For MSCRM users, when retrieving the MSCRM Opportunity Ownername field using the DataLink and populating QuoteWerks PreparedBy or SalesRep field, the 'MSCRM UserName Mappings' will map the MSCRM UserName to the QuoteWerks user name. [Build: 3.16]

 222. The web browser "quotewerks:" protocol handler now supports passing in &SoldToAddress1, &SoldToAddress2, &SoldToAddress3, &ShipToAddress1, &ShipToAddress2, &ShipToAddress3, &BillToAddress1, &BillToAddress2, &BillToAddress3. The whole concept of SoldToAddress1,2,3 individual fields was a QuoteWerks design. Most CRMs would just have a single SoldToAddress with multiple line data in it, so the protocol handler supported passing in a &SoldToAddress and then it would parse out multiple lines. Now you can specify which lines you would like the address data to go to individually. [Build: 3.16]

 223. For QuoteValet users, when a quote has been accepted by the customer and you make changes to it, the messages that warns you that QuoteValet will not be updated with these changes now has an option on the dialog of "Don't show me this message again.". This is remembered per user. [Build: 3.16]

 224. The DocType label has been moved so that it will always be visible no matter what tab you have selected on the Quote Workbook. [Build: 3.16]

 225. On the Purchasing window, when receiving an item from a native product database vendor, there is an option "Receive into Inventory (Quantity in Stock)" that you can check to increase your Product database Availability number of the quantity in stock. On the Installation tab of the Tools->Options menu, there is a new option "Allocate Inventory On Item Receipt" that you can use to set the default for the "Receive into Inventory (Quantity in Stock)". [Build: 3.16]

 226. On the Open Document window, there is now a maximize/minimize button for the results grid which will expand the results grid to fill the entire window. [Build: 3.16]

 227. Added option "Hide Documents Bar" under the Misc.General tab of Tools->My Preferences. When set this will hide the Documents Bar on the main QuoteWerks window. This is useful for minimizing vertical space used on laptops with small vertical resolution. [Build: 3.16]

 228. Added option "Hide Quick Lookup toolbar" under the Misc.General tab of Tools->My Preferences. When set this will hide the Quick Lookup Bar on the main QuoteWerks window. This is useful for minimizing vertical space used on laptops with small vertical resolution. [Build: 3.16]

 229. Added option "Hide 'Totals for All Items' frame" under the Misc.General tab of Tools->My Preferences. When set this will hide the 'Totals for All Items' frame on the Document Items tab of the Quote WorkBook. This is useful for minimizing vertical space used on laptops with small vertical resolution. [Build: 3.16]

 230. Added option "Hide Main Toolbar" under the Misc.General tab of Tools->My Preferences. This is useful for minimizing vertical space used on laptops with small vertical resolution. [Build: 3.16]

 231. Added "Show/Hide window elements" dropdown toolbar button to the Grid Toolbar on the Document Items tab of the Quote WorkBook. With this you can Show/Hide various elements on-the-fly with the intent to free up vertical space when using QuoteWerks on laptops with small vertical resolution. The elements included are "Show/Hide Main Toolbar", "Show/Hide Quick Lookup Toolbar", "Show/Hide Documents Bar", and "Show/Hide Totals For All Items". Also available are "Show All Elements", and "Hide All Elements (minimal mode)". [Build: 3.16]

 232. On the Opportunities Dashboard you can now filter on PreparedBy. [Build: 3.17]

 233. On the Zoom window which is available when editing Memo text fields like Description, CustomMemo, etc, you can now highlight lines and press CTRL-SHIFT-L to turn the selected lines into a bulleted list. One caveat is that when the bulleted text wraps to additional lines, the additional lines are not indented to align with the bullet symbol. [Build: 3.21]

 234. On the SaveFile dialog when saving a PDF from the Preview window, the "Attach to CRM" file title will now automatically change to match the File name (minus the file extension) if you start manually changing the file name on this window. [Build: 3.21]

 235. For Autotask users, Autotask is sunsetting the SOAP API, which required a a complete rewrite of the entire Autototask integration to use their newer REST API. [Build: 3.21]

 236. On the Apply to tab of the User Properties, the "Commissions tab" entry is now renamed to "Sales tab" and will also copy the Monthly quota. [Build: 3.21]

Version 5.7 Build 2 (released April 7, 2022)

 237. AutoRecover has replaced AutoSave. AutoRecover and AutoSave are both ways to prevent loss of your in-progress work due to a variety of reasons including power loss, computer lock ups, network disconnect, SQL server timing out, etc. AutoSave permanently saves any changes you make to your document as you are making the changes. The downside of this is that you can't open up a document and just make some "hypothetical" or "what-if" to see what it looks like because the AutoSave just made those changes permanent. Also, often we want to open up an existing document, make changes and then just save those changes as a new document, but you can't do that with AutoSave either because it just made those changes permanent to the original existing document. AutoRecover is a superior solution. It just quietly saves a temporary backup of your in-progress work. If you choose not to save the changes, or just close the document, it discards those changes. If QuoteWerks quit unexpectedly for the above reasons, then when you re-launch QuoteWerks it will ask you if you want to recover the in-progress changes. Additionally, AutoRecover has been implemented when the feature to "Terminate Running Instance" is used. Previously it would save copies of all quotes that were open on the terminated instance. Now it just creates AutoRecover documents for them all. If AutoRecover sounds amazing, its because it is! Microsoft Word Desktop has had an AutoRecover feature for decades. For Developers, the addition of AutoRecover will require some changes. The AutoRecover document is stored in the DocumentHeaders and DocumentItems tables just like a regular document, however there is a new DocumentHeaders.IsAutoRecoverDocForDocRecGUID field. If this field is populated then this is an AutoRecover document. If querying the database you will want to make sure that you filter these documents out with IsAutoRecoverDocForDocRecGUID=''. In fact, when looking for documents you will aready want to apply the filter of TemplateType=0 AND Superceeded=0 AND IsAutoRecoverDocForDocRecGUID='' so that the query excludes templates, superseded documents and AutoRecover documents. We also renamed UserSettings KeyName='EnableAutoSave' to KeyName='AutoRecoverEnabled' and UserSettings KeyName='AutoSaveInterval' to KeyName='AutoRecoverInterval'.Also, since an AutoRecover can replace the previously saved document, changing the DocumentHeaders.ID value, it is recommended to query a specific document based on the DocumentHeaders.RecGUID. [Build: 2.11]

 238. For QuoteValet payment users, Stripe Checkout is now supported! Stripe Checkout differs from our standard Stripe Payments integration in that the customer is redirected to Stripe's own servers during the payment process. This offloading to Stripe ensures compliance across a full range of European regulatory requirements (PSD, PSD2, SCA, 3DS, 3DS2 etc). Setup requires only a few additional steps beyond the standard Stripe configuration (including adding a Webhook entry in Stripe's Dashboard and then pasting the corresponding signing secret into the Payment Setup in QuoteWerks). [Build: 2.11]

 239. POItems now have Custom fields that you can populate with information pulled from the quote. They are poiCustomText01, poiCustomText02, poiCustomText03, poiCustomText04, poiCustomText05, poiCustomNumber01, poiCustomNumber02, poiCustomMemo01, and poiCustomDate01. You can map which information gets copied into these fields from the Purchasing tab of the Tools->Options menu. Supports &DH_, &DH_, &APP_, and &SYS_ macros. It does not support &DH_&XXX or &DI_&XXX macros. [Build: 2.11]

 240. For Autotask users, Autotask Service Bundles can now be searched from the Product Lookup window. [Build: 2.11]

 241. For Autotask users, when searching by Description with Autotask Service Bundles lookup, the Invoice Description will now also be searched. [Build: 2.11]

 242. For Autotask users, you can now map the Invoice Description field when doing a Service lookup. [Build: 2.11]

 243. For Autotask users, when searching by Description with Autotask Service lookup, the Invoice Description will now also be searched. [Build: 2.11]

 244. For Autotask users, users can now see the Inventory on Hand for products on the Product Lookup window. This feature is accessed by right clicking on a product search result and selecting 'Show Autotask Inventory On Hand' [Build: 2.11]

 245. For Autotask users, when creating new products, the Vendor name will now be added to the product. [Build: 2.11]

 246. For Autotask users, a Won/Loss Reason combobox was added to the Won/Loss Opportunity window. [Build: 2.11]

 247. For Autotask users, a Close Description textbox was added to the Won/Loss Opportunity window. [Build: 2.11]

 248. For Autotask users, you can now specify a default Tax Code when using Autotask Service Bundles. [Build: 2.11]

 249. For Autotask users, you can now specify a default Item Type when using Autotask Service Bundles. [Build: 2.11]

 250. On the Print Preview window, if the user requires approval to "SavePDF", then when selecting the "Attach to CRM" action, this approval will be required before you can perform the "Attach to CRM" action. [Build: 2.11]

 251. When creating a Purchase Order in QuickBooks Online, If the Checkbox is not checked to use the QuoteWerks Vendor Maintenance Email Address for the Vendor in the QuoteWerks QuickBooks Online setup, the Primary Email Address for the Vendor/supplier in QuickBooks Online will be used. This mimics the behavior when manually creating a Purchase Order for a Vendor / Supplier in QuickBooks Online. Prior to this change, the email address would be blank if the checkbox was not checked. [Build: 2.11]

 252. For QuickBooks Online users, when creating a new Item in QuickBooks Online (In addition to just the Purchase Order), the PO Description / Purchasing Description mapping set in the QuickBooks Online Settings window will be used for the Purchasing Description if the mapped field is different than the Description Field mapping. [Build: 2.11]

 253. Expansion of PrintTime macros. When printing from a layout or a word document, you can use macros like &DH_SoldToCompany in the IntroductionNotes, ClosingNotes, PurchasingNotes, InternalNotes, and DynamicNotes fields that will be replaced with their actual values in the print output only. Now you can also use the PrintTime macros in the CustomText01-CustomText28 and CustomMemo01-CustomMemo04 fields. [Build: 2.11]

 254. For Peachtree users, on the Export to Peachtree window, clicking on the DocDate column will now sort by date. [Build: 2.11]

 255. For VendorRFQ users, when clicking on the [Update] button on the Product Sourcing Panel when a VendorRFQ vendor is selected, you will now be prompted if you want to just update the line item with the current price from the selected RFQ vendor, or if you want to do that and also award the vendor the bid which closes out the bidding for all the other RFQ vendors. [Build: 2.11]

 256. In the Settings Manager, you can now highlight and copy text from the Section Name and Key Name text boxes when editing/viewing a setting. All the text boxes are now wider as well. [Build: 2.11]

 257. The Tools->Refresh Item Details now supports updating the UnitCost, UnitPrice, UnitList, CostModifier, and PriceModifier fields. When updating these fields from the Refresh Item Details window, you have more advanced control over the pricing fields as opposed to the Get Latest Pricing feature. When using Refresh Item details, if you update the Price, the PriceModifier will be cleared just like when you manually enter a price in the line item through the Document Items grid. Same for the Cost and CostModifier. There is an option "[] Display Adjust Price Dialog if cost is changed" which will give you a chance to apply a UnitCost change and also determine the UnitPrice should be affected if the UnitPrice was being calculated by a PriceModifier. Using Refresh Item Details, it simply updates individual specified fields without any regard to the relationships between these Pricing fields. In contrast, the Refresh item w/Latest Pricing behaves differently depending upon if there is a CostModifier and/or PriceModifier. If there is no PriceModifier, then it will update all the pricing fields including the UnitCost, UnitPrice, and UnitList fields, however if there is a Price Modifier, it will update the UnitCost and UnitList and then ask how you want to handle the UnitPrice that is being affected by the change in UnitCost. [Build: 2.14]

 258. You can now set Access Rights for more than one Literature file at a time. To do this, From the File->Print window, you need to check the "Administration mode" checkbox, and then place a checkmark next to every Literature file that you want to set the same Access rights for, then right click and choose "Set Access Rights for all checked items". [Build: 2.14]

 259. You can now enter an ItemType for a Section Header type line item. This gives you more control over not including this type of line item when calculating Deposit Required summing. It is not recommended to use this to Include the Section Header total, but rather to disclude it from the summing action. [Build: 2.14]

 260. The [Request Approval] button on the Print window will now be enabled even if the customer has accepted the quote through QuoteValet. The reason is that after the acceptance, maybe the sales rep needs to change a Purchasing Notes field or similar field and with this button enabled they can now request the approval again. [Build: 2.14]

 261. When one or more line items are selected in the Quote WorkBook and you press the down or up arrow key, these selections will be cleared. Also on the Edit->Line Attributes window, pressing ENTER while on any field will perform the same action as clicking on the OK button. [Build: 2.14]

 262. When using Tools->Refresh pricing w/Latest if the item pricing method was P or M, and the realtime pricing vendor returned a list price and the list price will now be updated. [Build: 2.14]

 263. GoldMine 2022.1 is now supported! [Build: 2.22]

 264. SugarCRM version 11.3 is now supported! [Build: 2.22]

 265. For SugarCRM users, you can now create a new SugarCRM Account and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from SugarCRM. Also, the Company, and Contact must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Build: 2.22]

 266. For salesforce.com users, discount line items will now be included in Opportunities. [Build: 2.22]

 267. For MS CRM users, when using Data Links, custom ListType fields now return the Name field instead of the numeric Value. [Build: 2.22]

 268. When Saving as Next Revision, if there is an existing CRM Opportunity associated with this quote, the opportunity will be updated. [Build: 2.27]

 269. ConnectWise 2021.3 is now supported! [Build: 2.11]

 270. For Autotask users, when adding a product to an Autotask quote, the Autotask product description field can now include Document Item macro fields. Ont he Autotask integration Setup window, under the Opportunities.Quote Products tab the Mappings section includes a Description tab. [Build: 2.36]

 271. For Autotask users, when retrieving recurring products from Autotask, there is a new setup option to choose if the First Payment should be included. In the QuoteWerks Autotask setup, this option is found by navigating to the Opportunities tab and then to the Quote Products sub-tab. The check box is named "First Payment Included in Document Totals for Recurring Products". [Build: 2.36]

 272. For Autotask users, there is now a Contains and Begins with search option on the Lookup contact window. [Build: 2.36]

 273. For Autotask users, default Status, Staging, Close Reason, and Close descriptions can be added for the various stages of a quote. These settings can be found by navigating to the Opportunities tab and then to the Stages sub-tab. [Build: 2.36]

 274. For ConnectWise users, product lookup searches that return lots of results are now significantly faster. [Build: 2.36]

 275. The Utilities->Document Transport File Diagnostics window has been redesigned and combined with the Utilities->Document Backup Manager. The result is that now there is just a Utilities->Document Transport File Manager menu. This new Document Transport File Manager has a begins with search feature useful for locating a dtf file in the list. There is now a [Restore] button that makes it easy for you to restore the database version of the quote from a DTF file version of the quote. There is also a Right click "Open Document in DB" menu. The Utilities->Document Transport File Manager now shows more details about the .bxx, .dtf, or .dta file, including details like GrandTotal and number of line items, and about the DB version of the document if it exists. [Build: 2.39]

 276. The Import Document now shows more details about the selected .bxx, .dtf, or .dta file, including details like GrandTotal and number of line items, and about the DB version of the document if it exists. [Build: 2.39]

 277. The File->Document Properties window now shows more details about the selected .bxx, .dtf, or .dta file, including details like GrandTotal and number of line items, and about the DB version of the document if it exists. [Build: 2.39]

 278. When placing an Online Order With Tech Data, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, or D&H, none of them support supplying a ShipToEmailAddress for the electronic order. However we've added a ShipToEmailAddress field to these distributors order screens so that after the order is placed and the QuoteWerks PO is saved in QuoteWerks this ShipToEmailAddress will be populated in the QuoteWerks PO. [Build: 2.39]

Version 5.7 Build 1 (released December 23, 2021)

 279. SugarCRM version 11.2 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 280. GoldMine 2021.2 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 281. QuickBooks Desktop USA version 2022 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 282. Management Reports capabilities have been greatly expanded. In addition to reporting on the Documents and Product Databases, you can now create reports on Purchase Orders (purchasing), Payments, Contacts, Vendors, Bundles, Configurations, Required Items, and Optional Items. For the Purchasing reports, you can create a report that includes and links the POHeaders, POItems, FulfillmentItems, DocumentHeaders, and DocumentItems all together resulting in very powerful reporting! The Payments table is auto-joined with the DocumentHeaders table. All Management Reports have the ability to Export the report data to text file output, so now all this data can be easily exported and then imported into any other system. [Build: 1.03]

 283. New VendorRFQ product release, including integration with QuoteWerks. VendorRFQ enables customers to communicate with their vendors, discussing and negotiating pricing and details for goods and services, collecting and organizing this information from one or all of their vendors. Your purchasing team will be able to compare and find the lowest prices to purchase available specific goods and services, while knowing at any given time which vendors have received the request for quote, and which have responded. All purchasing and procurement information is available in a centralized location for your team. Under the Utilities->Vendor maintenance menu you will want to setup your vendors, and make sure to enter your account number, the vendor sales rep name, email address, and phone. From the Quote Workbook, simply select an item and click on the VendorRFQ action button to create an RFQ and invite vendors. You can also do this from the Purchasing window. VendorRFQ requires the Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks, a SQL backend (either QuoteWerks DB Hosting subscription, or a SQL database that vendorrfq.com server can access), and a VendorRFQ subscription. VendorRFQ is only supported in master installations, it is not supported in Remote Site or Remote PC installations. The VendorRFQ integration is also supported in the Quote Workbook in QuoteWerks Web. A Misc Access right of "CannotUseVendorRFQLicense" is implemented to control the use of licenses per user. Under the Utilities->View Logs menu, in the Event log, events for "Licensing.VendorRFQLicenseCountExceeded" will be recorded. [Build: 1.03]

 284. Product Sourcing Panel. What used to be the "Etilize panel" now will show product sourcing information even if you do not have an Etilize subscription, and specifically will display any Vendor RFQs for the selected item and also will show any product data source matches if that option has been setup under the Misc tab of the Tools->Options menu. There is now a [Refresh] button, and a new orange indicator that is displayed next to the vendor that is currently the vendor for the line item in the quote. [Build: 1.03]

 285. For Maximizer CRM users, Maximizer CRM 2021 R3 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 286. For Product Content Subscribers, added support for Amazon Business pricing. When credentials are setup, searching for products in the Product Lookup Amazon source will return products using the Amazon Business API rather than the Amazon PAPI (Product API) which has the benefit of returning Amazon Business pricing based on your Account versus generic Amazon pricing. [Build: 1.03]

 287. Tech Data France Real-time Pricing & Availability is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

 288. For ConnectWise Manage users, when writing Recurring Forecast Lines or Products to the ConnectWise Opportunity, if the Start and End Dates are not specified, there is now a setup option to default the dates to be "one month" or "one year" from the Opportunity Close Date. The previous behavior would set the recurring end date to be one year from the Opportunity Close Date. This option is useful because ConnectWise Manage takes the value of the contract (ie 12 months * price) when setting the value of the opportunity line item which inflates the value of the opportunity at a glance. [Build: 1.03]

 289. For Zoho CRM users, there is now an option to create quotes in Zoho CRM that are associated with the Zoho CRM Deal. These Quotes are populated with line item detail from the QuoteWerks quote. Line Item detail in Zoho Quotes, is only available in the Professional, Enterprise, and Ultimate editions of Zoho CRM. [Build: 1.03]

 290. For Zoho CRM users, bi-directional Data Linking is now supported for Zoho CRM Quote Headers. Field information can be copied from QuoteWerks into the Zoho CRM Quote and then fields can also be copied from the Zoho CRM Quote Item into QuoteWerks. This happens when QuoteWerks creates or updates an Zoho CRM Quote. This can be done on the Quote level with the EventAction of "CRMQuoteHeader_CreateUpdate". [Build: 1.03]

 291. For Zoho CRM users, bi-directional Data Linking is now supported for the Zoho CRM Quote Items. Field information can be copied from QuoteWerks into the Zoho CRM Quote Item and then fields can also be copied from the Zoho CRM Quote Item into QuoteWerks. This happens when QuoteWerks creates or updates an Zoho CRM Quote. This can be done on the Quote Item level with the EventAction of "CRMQuoteItem_CreateUpdate". [Build: 1.03]

 292. For Zoho CRM users, when creating or updating a Zoho CRM quote, the Sold To, Bill To, and Ship To addresses will be populated in the quote. This functionality can be disabled in the Settings Manager, byval setting SystemSettings\ZohoCRM\DontSetSoldToContactInQuote=-1 SystemSettings\ZohoCRM\DontSetShipToContactInQuote=-1 SystemSettings\ZohoCRM\DontSetBillToContactInQuote=-1 [Build: 1.03]

 293. For Zoho CRM users, in the Zoho CRM Setup in QuoteWerks, when on a Mapping Window, lists of the mappings can now be copied to the Windows Clipboard. If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 294. There is a now a Utilities->Customer / Product Price Profile Matrix Maintenance menu that enables you to setup the Price Modifiers to map to each combination of Customer profile and Product profile. This has existed for many years, but was only accessible when editing a native product. Now it is available through this main menu, so that it is easily accessible for the new Etilize Category mappings to Product Profiles. This is very useful for setting up pricing of products without having to explicitly set a Price Modifier for every single part number. Instead you can assign each part number a product price profile like "HARDWARE", "LABOR", "SERVERS", "WORKSTATIONS", etc. Next you specify the Price Modifier to use for each combination of product profile and customer profile like "GOLDLEVEL", "SILVERLEVEL", etc. [Build: 1.03]

 295. For Product Content Subscribers, in addition to being able to setup the Etilize Category mapping to a Price Modifier, you can now map it to a Product Price Profile like "SERVERS". This can then be used with the Customer Profile and Product Profile Matrix which is now accessible through the Utilities->Customer / Product Price Profile Matrix Maintenance menu. [Build: 1.03]

 296. On the System tab of the Help->About window, Double clicking on a system information value will display the value and also copy it to the Windows Clipboard. [Build: 1.03]

 297. The Payments table now has an ByProxy field and the card ref is no longer encrypted and will look like "VISA x1111 exp 12/21". These changes will be more useful now that you can run management reports on the Payments table. [Build: 1.03]

 298. For QuickBooks Online Users in the United States, added support for Automated Sales Tax calculations (PartnerTax) allowing QuickBooks Online to automatically calculate the tax for the jurisdiction rather than specifying a specific tax code. [Build: 1.03]

 299. For Autotask users, in the Autotask Setup in QuoteWerks, when on a Mapping Window, lists of the mappings can now be copied to the Windows Clipboard. If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 300. For Act! users, in the Act! Setup in QuoteWerks, when on a Mapping Window, lists of the mappings can now be copied to the Windows Clipboard. If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 301. For HubSpot users, in the HubSpot Setup in QuoteWerks, when on a Mapping Window, lists of the mappings can now be copied to the Windows Clipboard. If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 302. For SugarCRM users, in the SugarCRM Setup in QuoteWerks, when on a Mapping Window, lists of the mappings can now be copied to the Windows Clipboard. If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 303. For salesforce.com users, in the salesforce.com Setup in QuoteWerks, when on a Mapping Window, lists of the mappings can now be copied to the Windows Clipboard. If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks. [Build: 1.03]

 304. For salesforce.com users, in the salesforce.com Setup in QuoteWerks, when the associated contact does not have any shipping information, you can specify if the Billing address or the Shipping address of the account should be used. [Build: 1.03]

 305. There is now a QuoteWerks Web button on the main toolbar to facilitate getting into QuoteWerks Web from within QuoteWerks Desktop. [Build: 1.05]

 306. The Select Vendors window now has the spotlight search capability and it will now show the total number of selected vendors, and will show a list of all the selected vendors at the bottom of the dialog, and the tooltip text will display the complete list in the event the list is so long it gets cutoff. [Build: 1.05]

 307. On the product Sourcing panel, if the vendor part number exceeds 17 characters, the full 40 character Vendor Part Number will be displayed in the Tooltip text when hovering over the Vendor Part Number control. [Build: 1.05]

 308. For QuickBooks Online users, there is now an [Ok for All] button that can be used when automating the creation of Items in QuickBooks, remembering and applying all the Item Type and Account selections. Very useful when exporting larger quotes over to QuickBooks and also when exporting Purchase Orders over to QuickBooks. Without this feature, if the integration creates 50 items in QuickBooks, you would have to click OK 50 times. [Build: 1.03]

 309. For ConnectWise Manage users, there is a new option when configuring the QuoteWerks integration to ConnectWise to determine what the taxable status of a group header will be when sent to ConnectWise. The taxable status can be fixed as taxable, not-taxable, or calculated based on if any group member is taxable or not. With the last option, if any group member is taxable, the group header will be taxable. If no group members are taxable, the group header will not be taxable. This option is configured on the Bundles sub-tab of the Products Tab on the ConnectWise Manage Setup. [Build: 1.08]

 310. On the Misc.Printing tab under Tools->My Preferences menu, there is now an option "Paper Size when saving from HTML" [Build: 1.08]

 311. For Zoho CRM users, you can now select a default Deal Pipeline on the Deal tab in the Zoho CRM Integration Setup window. [Build: 1.08]

 312. For Zoho CRM users, you can now select a default Deal Layout on the Deal tab in the Zoho CRM Integration Setup window. [Build: 1.08]

 313. For Zoho CRM users, you can now select a Layout and Pipeline on the Create/Update Deal window. [Build: 1.08]

 314. The Online Ordering grid for Tech Data, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, D & H, and Dell now display the ManufacturerPartNumber column. [Build: 1.08]

 315. SalesLogix (Infor CRM) 8.5 is now supported! [Build: 1.03]

Version 5.6 Build 5 (released September 24, 2021)

 316. Product Import templates are no longer saved as .pit files. The .pit data is now stored in the SystemSettings table under the SectionName="Product Import Templates". Each template will now be stored under the KeyName equal to what the .pit file base name used to be. Also, the import log will no longer be written out as a .log file, instead a new EventViewer record will be written under the category of "ProductImport". This .log file would be replaced on each successive import. An advantage of this new change is that every time the product import is run, it saves and preserves the import log for every time an import is run and the import log will contain a list of all the settings used in the import. If you used the command line option like /i:"ACME Product Inventory.pit", you will still need to include the ".pit" postfix at the end of the template name. When the import templates used to be files, you could simply copy the file to another installation if needed. With the changes you will need to go into the Settings Manager and right click on an import template and choose Copy SET command. For more details see the documentation on the Settings Manager. [Build: 5.10]

 317. Contact Import templates are no longer saved as .cit files. The .cit data is now stored in the SystemSettings table under the SectionName="Contact Import Templates". Each template will now be stored under the KeyName equal to what the .cit file base name used to be. Also, the import log will no longer be written out as a .log file, instead a new EventViewer record will be written under the category of "ContactImport". This .log file would be replaced on each successive import. An advantage of this new change is that every time the contact import is run, it saves and preserves the import log for every time an import is run and the import log will contain a list of all the settings used in the import. If you used the command line option like /i:"New Customers.cit", you will still need to include the ".cit" postfix at the end of the template name. When the import templates used to be files, you could simply copy the file to another installation if needed. With the changes you will need to go into the Settings Manager and right click on an import template and choose Copy SET command. For more details see the documentation on the Settings Manager. [Build: 5.10]

 318. Vendor Import templates are no longer saved as .vit files. The .vit data is now stored in the SystemSettings table under the SectionName="Vendor Import Templates". Each template will now be stored under the KeyName equal to what the .vit file base name used to be. Also, the import log will no longer be written out as a .log file, instead a new EventViewer record will be written under the category of "VendorImport". This .log file would be replaced on each successive import. An advantage of this new change is that every time the vendor import is run, it saves and preserves the import log for every time an import is run and the import log will contain a list of all the settings used in the import. If you used the command line option like /i:"Updated Vendors.vit", you will still need to include the ".vit" postfix at the end of the template name. When the import templates used to be files, you could simply copy the file to another installation if needed. With the changes you will need to go into the Settings Manager and right click on an import template and choose Copy SET command. For more details see the documentation on the Settings Manager. [Build: 5.10]

 319. Paste Special templates are no longer saved as .qii files. The .qii data is now stored in the SystemSettings table under the SectionName="Paste Special Templates". Each template will now be stored under the KeyName equal to what the .qii file base name used to be. When the paste special templates used to be files, you could simply copy the file to another installation if needed. With the changes you will need to go into the Settings Manager and right click on an template and choose Copy SET command. For more details see the documentation on the Settings Manager. [Build: 5.10]

 320. Synchronization Profiles are no longer saved as .qsp files. The .qsp data is now stored in the SiteSettings table under the SectionName="Synchronization Profiles". Each profile will now be stored under the KeyName equal to what the .qsp file base name used to be. If you used the command line option like /sync:"Chicago Sync Profile.qsp", you should no longer include the ".qsp" postfix at the end of the profile name, but for backwards compatibility, if you do, it will still work. When the synchronization profiles used to be files, you could simply copy the file to another installation if needed. With the changes you will need to go into the Settings Manager and right click on a synchronization profile and choose Copy SET command. For more details see the documentation on the Settings Manager. [Build: 5.10]

 321. SugarCRM 11.1 is now supported! [Build: 5.10]

 322. Act! v24 is now supported! [Build: 5.10]

 323. Sage 50 Accounting 2022 (Peachtree) is now supported! [Build: 5.12]

 324. Act for Web v24 is now supported! [Build: 5.12]

Version 5.6 Build 4 (released August 11, 2021)

 325. When running Management Reports with the DocumentItems table, the &Picture field is now available. [Build: 4]

 326. GoldMine 2021.1 is now supported! [Build: 4.06]

 327. For Maximizer CRM users, Maximizer CRM 2021 R2 is now supported. [Build: 4.06]

 328. For GoldMine users, there is now an option to have QuoteWerks close the GoldMine opportunity as Won for you when completing the forecasted sale to a completed sale. At that time you can specify the Status and Win reason. Similarly, when converting to a Lost Sale, there is now an option to have QuoteWerks close the GoldMine Opportunity as Lost. [Build: 4.06]

 329. For GoldMine users, when manually creating a GoldMine Opportunity through the QuoteWerks "Create/Update Forecasted Sale" window or the "Create/Update Completed Sale" window, if you create a new GoldMine Opportunity, but then choose to cancel the creation of the Forecasted or Completed Sale respectively, you will be warned that you will be orphaning the GoldMine Opportunity you just created, it will not be linked to the QuoteWerks document. [Build: 4.06]

 330. For GoldMine users, when the SoldTo is already linked to contact in GoldMine and you try to link a different GoldMine contact to the SoldTo, you will now receive a warning that if you do this, it will orphan an existing records in GoldMine related to this SoldTo (like linked documents, follow up calls, forecasted sales, etc). [Build: 4.06]

 331. For GoldMine users, on the Forecasted/Completed Sales tab of the GoldMine Integration Setup window there is now a "Update Goldmine Opportunity Name" option. When selected, the GoldMine Opportunities are renamed when the docno or docname changes. [Build: 4.06]

 332. For GoldMine users, on the complete sale window the opportunity status will now default to Won or Lost depending upon the action. [Build: 4.06]

 333. For GoldMine users, if you save changes to an order after the Completed Sale was created, the GoldMine Opportunity Closed amount will now be updated. [Build: 4.06]

 334. For Zoho CRM users, when searching for a contact, if selecting a contact and the contact address is empty, the address will be filled out with the address from the Account. [Build: 4.06]

 335. For HubSpot users, you can now select a Deal Pipeline on the HubSpot Deal window. [Build: 4.06]

 336. For HubSpot CRM users, you can now create a new HubSpot CRM Company and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from HubSpot CRM. Also, the Company, and Contact must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Build: 4.06]

 337. For HubSpot users, you can now select a default Deal Pipeline on the Deal tab in the HubSpot Integration Setup window. [Build: 4.06]

 338. The Product Import wizard now displays an estimated number of total records to be imported and also displays the estimated remaining time until import completion. [Build: 4.06]

 339. For ConnectWise Manage users, when retrieving recurring products from ConnectWise Manage, there is a new setup option to choose if the First Payment should be included in the Document Totals. In the QuoteWerks ConnectWise Manage setup, this option is found by navigating to the Product Tab and then to the Product List sub-tab. There check box is named "First Payment Included in Document Totals for Recurring Products". [Build: 4.06]

 340. When editing the cell contents in the Document Items grid, pressing CTRL+RIGHT ARROW will move the cursor to the beginning of the next word and similarly, pressing CTRL+LEFT ARROW will move the cursor to the beginning of the previous word. If the entire contents of the cell is selected, this will not happen. [Build: 4.06]

 341. On the Misc.General tab of the Tools->My Preferences window, there is now a new option of "Select contents when clicking in grid cell". When this set and you click in a grid cell on the Document Items tab, the entire contents of the cell will be selected. If this is not set, the cell contents will not be selected, and the cursor will appear in the cell at the position you clicked. [Build: 4.06]

 342. When Saving a PDF file from the File->Print window, when choosing the option to "Attach to CRM", there is now an option to set the Title for the CRM file attachment. The default Title will be the DocName. [Build: 4.06]

 343. From the Print Preview window, when clicking on the "Attach to CRM" toolbar button, there is now an option to set the Title for the CRM file attachment. The default Title will be the DocName. [Build: 4.06]

 344. For QuoteValet users, there is now an option on the General tab of the QuoteValet Setup window, for "[] On QuoteValet Page, Auto-Update Totals on changes". [Build: 4.06]

 345. Real-time Pricing and Availability is now available for UK Distributor ProVu Communications ( www.provu.co.uk ) if you have an account with this distributor and credentials are entered into QuoteWerks. Also, this real-time pricing is displayed on the Etilize Panel. [Build: 4.06]

 346. Added macro &PaymentOptions_SelectedType. Use this macro to return the Type of payment option that is selected. [Build: 4.06]

 347. Added macro &PaymentOptions_LeaseApplicationID. This macro is useful for GreatAmerica Financial customers that submit Lease Applications via QuoteWerks. Use this macro to return the Application ID returned from GreatAmerica when submitting a Lease Application. [Build: 4.06]

 348. On the Synchronization tab of the Tools->Options menu, if the "Look for synchronized data in dtf files" is checked, but you have not linked a contact/company to the quote, the "[] Create/update linked document" checkbox on the save window will not be checked and disabled like it normally would be if the quote is linked to a company/contact. [Build: 4.06]

 349. On the SoldTo/ShipTo tab toolbar, in addition to the "View Contact in Contact Manager" button there is now a "View Company in Contact Manager" button. [Build: 4.06]

 350. On the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook in the Auto-Links area, in addition to the "View Contact in CRM", there is now an additional link to "View Company in CRM". [Build: 4.06]

 351. ConnectWise 2021.2 is now supported! [Build: 4.06]

Version 5.6 Build 3 (released May 27, 2021)

 352. HubSpot CRM integration! The integration with HubSpot CRM includes the ability to search for contacts, create/update Deals, and upload quote attachments to HubSpot CRM. DataLink is supported for Contacts, Accounts, Deals and LineItems. The HubSpot CRM Product Database is available on the Product Lookup. You can attach files to the HubSpot CRM Deal from the PDF Preview window, the Links tab, and the Print window. There is a button on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab to display the SoldToContact, ShipToContact, or BillToContact in HubSpot CRM, and also a link on the Links tab that you can click to view the HubSpot CRM Deal in HubSpot CRM. Additionally, emails sent from QuoteWerks are logged in HubSpot CRM history. QuoteWerks integrates with all editions of HubSpot CRM, however, if you want to integrate with the HubSpot Deal Line Items, then HubSpot Professional edition or higher is required. The Professional or Corporate Edition of QuoteWerks is required to integrate with HubSpot CRM. [Build: 3.19]

 353. ACT! Desktop version 23 is now supported! [Build: 3.19]

 354. ACT! for Web version 23 is now supported! [Build: 3.19]

 355. Added new Tools->View/Edit Item in Product Database menu. You can use this to select a line item on a quote and quickly display the product definition in the Product Database for this item. From there you can just view all the details of the item or you can make changes to it. You can select multiple line items in the quote, and the Edit Item window will be displayed for each selected item, one by one. This new feature enables you to skip so many steps. Previously you would have to open the Product Lookup window, choose the Product Database, type in a search value and click search, then double click on the Item to view it. [Build: 3.19]

 356. When editing a Report Layout in the Report Layout Designer, you can now select the "Save & Preview" toolbar button to preview your changes. Once you close the preview you will be placed back into Report Layout Designer for you to easily make more changes. [Build: 3.19]

 357. On the Edit Report window, the [Save, Close, & Preview] action no longer has to close the Edit Report window, so it has been renamed to [Save & Preview] or [Save & Export] depending upon the report type. This is huge time saver, it lets you make changes and view the output and leaves you in the Edit Report window for you to easily make more changes. [Build: 3.19]

 358. When placing online orders, the QuoteWerks PO Item now records the StandardUnitCost which is populated from realtime pricing. It also records the UnitCost from the QuoteWerks order or the negotiated price override that you enter when placing the electronic order. If the UnitCost does not match the StandardUnitCost, there will be an additional display in the Cost column on the Purchase Orders and Ordered Items tabs of the Purchasing window. It will display, for example, " $179.83 ($539.49)" on the first line, and "$199.95 ($599.85) STD" on the second line. The number in the parenthesis is the extended Cost, and the second line that has the "STD" postfix indicates this is the standard price. [Build: 3.19]

 359. For MS CRM users, you can now retrieve account level OR contact level DataLink values for a SoldTo, ShipTo, or BillTo contact through QuoteWerks Datalinking. [Build: 3.19]

 360. There is now a [New Line] button on the Edit Required Items window. You can use this to create Required Items that are not from a product database, like comments, headings, etc. [Build: 3.19]

 361. On the Email tab of User Preferences, you can now setup QuoteWerks Web Oauth email options. [Build: 3.19]

 362. For salesforce.com users, you can now specify the backend login url to use. This is helpful for any user that is having problems logging into salesforce with the Salesforce "My Domain" feature enabled. You can specify this url in the Settings Manager, by setting SystemSettings\Contact Managers\SFLoginOverrideURL={your url} [Build: 3.19]

 363. For Product Content Subscribers, the Manufacturer Part Number will be copied to the Windows Clipboard when Double-Clicking on the Manufacturer Part Number below the Product Image on the Etilize View. [Build: 3.19]

 364. For Product Content Subscribers, when performing an Etilize search and returning results from Native Product Sources, the Last Modified date for the item Definition will be displayed. [Build: 3.19]

 365. For TechData, Ingram Micro, SYNNEX, and D&H Online Ordering users, added F2Lookup (including a button) for the End User Email address. This can be a great time saver if you often choose to supply the distributor with your email address rather than the End User's. [Build: 3.19]

 366. When a Master Installation has its database hosted through the QuoteWerks Database hosting subscription, it is now possible for a Remote Site or Remote PC to synchronize with it. [Build: 3.19]

 367. For Arbitech and Westcon users there is now a "Disable" option. This is useful in debugging. [Build: 3.19]

 368. ConnectWise 2020.4 is now supported! [Build: 3.19]

 369. When running Management Reports with the DocumentItems table, the &Picture field is now available. [Build: 3.20]

 370. For QuoteValet users, all operation initiations now take one second less. [Build: 3.22]

 371. The Select Special search field now supports all visible columns, and lists the fields with their customized name first. [Build: 3.22]

 372. For Zoho and Maximizer Web users, when searching for a contact, the search field is now remembered. [Build: 3.22]

 373. There is now a "View/Edit Item in Product Database" grid toolbar button. This toolbar button can be hidden just like the Tools->View/Edit Item in Product Database menu. [Build: 3.22]

 374. The DepositAmount column will now be displayed in the Open Document window grid. [Build: 3.22]

 375. For QuoteWerks Web users, added new email template macro &DH_&URLToOpenDocumentInQWW. This can be used to include a link in emails (typically for peer review and approval) to open the document in QuoteWerks Web. [Build: 3.22]

 376. The DocumentHeaders->&QuoteValetTotalPaymentsMade field is now available in Management Reports. [Build: 3.22]

 377. On the Edit E-mail signature window, there is now a [Reset to Default] button. [Build: 3.22]

 378. -New: The "Select E-Mail Recipient(s) default list" option on the Email.Defaults tab of the Tools->My Preferences menu has been removed. In the Select Email Address window, the last selected list is now remembered per user and per context of what type of email is being sent. [Build: 3.22]

 379. Added [Export to Clipboard] button in Event Viewer. [Build: 3.22]

 380. For ConnectWise Manage Users, there is a new 'QuoteValet' subtab in the ConnectWise Setup. This setup Tab is located on the main 'Opportunities' Tab. There are new options that control what QuoteValet Links to attach to the ConnectWise Manage Opportunities. There are options for 'Attach QuoteValet EXTERNAL Viewing Link', 'Attach QuoteValet INTERNAL Viewing Link', and 'Attach QuoteValet Sales Rep Facing Page Link'. By default, the option to attach all of the links will be set for backwards compatibility. [Build: 3.22]

 381. For ConnectWise Manage Users that also have a QuoteValet subscription, the QuoteValet Acceptance Package can automatically be uploaded and attached to the ConnectWise Manage Opportunity when the QuoteValet quote is accepted and converted to an Order in QuoteWerks. This setting is on the QuoteValet tab on the ConnectWise Manage setup in QuoteWerks under Opportunities. [Build: 3.22]

 382. For Kaseya BMS Users that also have a QuoteValet subscription, the QuoteValet Acceptance Package can automatically be uploaded and attached to the Kaseya BMS Opportunity when the QuoteValet quote is accepted and converted to an Order in QuoteWerks. This setting is on the QuoteValet tab on the Kaseya BMS setup in QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.22]

 383. For Maximizer CRM users, Maximizer CRM 2021 R1 is now supported. [Build: 3.25]

 384. For HubSpot CRM users, if the contact address is empty, the company address will be used when doing a search on the Lookup window. [Build: 3.25]

 385. For ACT! users, the Opportunity field Name can now be written to ACT! with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 386. For ACT! users, the Opportunity Line Item field Name can now be written to ACT! with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 387. For Autotask users, the Opportunity fields Rating, Title and Promotion Name can now be written to Autotask with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 388. For Autotask users, the Quote Line Item fields Description and Name can now be written to Autotask with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 389. For MSCRM users, the Opportunity fields RatingCode, Name and Description can now be written to MSCRM with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 390. For MSCRM users, the Quote Line Item field Description can now be written to MSCRM with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 391. For Zoho CRM users, the Deal fields NextStep, Title, Description, CampaignSource, Type and LeadSource can now be written to Zoho CRM with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 392. For SugarCRM users, the Opportunity fields Name, Type, LeadSource, LikelyCase, NextStep, Campaign and Team can now be written to SugarCRM with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 393. For SugarCRM users, the Revenue Line Item fields Name, Type, LeadSource, LikelyCase, NextStep, Campaign and Team can now be written to SugarCRM with DataLinking from QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.25]

 394. In the Paste Special Wizard, if you had set a default CostModifier or default Price modifier for Document Items, if you map a UnitCost or UnitPrice in the Paste Special Wizard, these respective Modifiers will now be cleared. Also if you are importing a line that has both a UnitPrice and a PriceModifer value mapped, the UnitPrice will be used and the PriceModifier will be cleared. Similarly, if you are importing a line that has both a UnitCost and a CostModifer value mapped, the UnitCost will be used and the CostModifier will be cleared. [Build: 3.25]

 395. Kaseya BMS v5.1 is now supported! [Build: 3.36]

 396. For Zoho CRM users, quotes can now be created from inside Zoho from a create button. [Build: 3.36]

 397. For salesforce.com users, if the contact address is empty, the account address will be used when doing a search on the Lookup window. [Build: 3.36]

 398. The Event Log will now record when a user runs the Product Import Wizard, and will record when the user confirms the option to 'Confirm DELETION of ALL existing products'. The Event Log will now record when a user runs Contact Import Wizard, and will record when the user confirms the option to 'Confirm DELETION of ALL existing contacts'. The Event Log will now record when a user runs Vendor Import Wizard, and will record when the user confirms the option to 'Confirm DELETION of ALL existing vendors'. [Build: 3.32]

 399. For Access backend users, When importing products into an existing product database, a backup is always made of the product database. The backup file name will have the same base name as the product database file but with a .bxx extension. This backup feature now also happens for SQL backend users but is implemented a little differently. The backup is a tab delimited text file backup of the database and will be saved to a file with the same base name as the product database SQL table name like "Products_OurProducts" and will have a .bxx file extension. This is not a replacement for proper full SQL database backups, but rather an extra resource in case accidental changes are applied to a product database. [Build: 3.32]

 400. Kaseya BMS v5.0.0 is now supported! [Build: 3.32]

 401. For Autotask users, if the contact address is empty, the company address will be used when doing a search on the Lookup window. [Build: 3.32]

 402. For Autotask users, there is a new 'QuoteValet' tab in the Autotask Setup. There are new options that control what QuoteValet Links to attach to the Autotask Opportunities. There are options for 'Attach QuoteValet EXTERNAL Viewing Link', 'Attach QuoteValet INTERNAL Viewing Link', and 'Attach QuoteValet Sales Rep Facing Page Link'. By default, the option to attach all of the links will be set for backwards compatibility. [Build: 3.32]

 403. For Autotask users that also have a QuoteValet subscription, the QuoteValet Acceptance Package can automatically be uploaded and attached to the Autotask Opportunity when the QuoteValet quote is accepted and converted to an Order in QuoteWerks. This setting is on the QuoteValet tab on the Autotask setup in QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.32]

 404. For SugarCRM users, SugarCRM version 11.0 is now supported. [Build: 3.32]

 405. For SugarCRM users, if the contact address is empty, the company address will be used when doing a search on the Lookup window. [Build: 3.32]

 406. For Tech Data customers, using the "Import Tech Data SAP Quote (JSON)" feature, when importing the Tech Data quote that contains Sub Items that are not a "Zero Dollar SKU", will be displayed in the preview and added to the quote in QuoteWerks. [Build: 3.32]

 407. ConnectWise 2021.1 is now supported! [Build: 3.25]

Version 5.6 Build 2 (released February 15, 2021)

 408. OAuth 2.0 Authentication is now supported when sending emails through Gmail/GSuite mail servers. [Build: 2.07]

 409. OAuth 2.0 Authentication is now supported when sending emails via SMTP through the Microsoft Office 365 mail server. [Build: 2.07]

 410. OAuth 2.0 Authentication is now supported when sending emails via SMTP through a Microsoft Live mail server. Microsoft Live mail servers host email addresses ending in '@hotmail.com', '@live.com', and '@outlook.com'. [Build: 2.07]

 411. Added MAPI support for sending emails. This will send emails created in QuoteWerks via the default Windows Mail Client. A limitation of the MAPI protocol is that the message body in an email can only be plain text - not HTML. There is a setup option to display the email in the email client before sending the email. MAPI support is useful for those that do not use Outlook and do not want to send via SMTP - like Groupwise and Thunderbird. [Build: 2.07]

 412. For Product Content Subscribers, when searching Etilize or using the Etilize Panel with the Multiple Database Search via the Product Lookup window, you can now choose to also have Native and External Product Data Sources also searched for the same product and the results will be displayed along with the returned real-time vendor results. The Manufacturer Part Number is used to find the product. If a product is not returned from Etilize or the PartLocator, a Product Data Source search will not occur. On the Product Content Subscription tab of the Real-time setup window, the QuoteWerks Administrator can specify which Product Data Sources to use with the Etilize Search, this setting is a site wide setting. [Build: 2.07]

 413. For Kaseya BMS users, you can now create a new Kaseya BMS Company and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from Kaseya BMS. Also, the Company, Contact, Email, and Phone fields must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Build: 2.07]

 414. For QuickBooks Online users, if the option to "[ ] Convert grouped items to single item" is not set on the Mappings.Items tab of the QuickBooks Setup window, and the new option "[] Include Group Header as a Comment when not converting grouped items into a Single Item." is set, the description of the Group Header line will be inserted as a comment line above the group member lines when exported to QuickBooks. [Build: 2.07]

 415. For QuickBooks Online users, when exporting to QuickBooks, if the option to "[x] Convert grouped items to single item" was set on the Mappings.Items tab of the QuickBooks Setup window, and the new option "[x] Include Group Items as Comments" is set, then the descriptions of all the group member line items will be added as comment lines below the group header line when exported to QuickBooks. [Build: 2.07]

 416. For Ingram Micro users that use the Quote Importer, the Ingram Micro Quote Number, Expiration Date, and the Line Item Comments can now be mapped to the imported QuoteWerks line item's CustomText or CustomMemo fields. [Build: 2.07]

 417. For Tech Data users that use the Quote Importer (including the Cisco Quote Importer), the Tech Data Quote Number and Expiration Date can now be mapped to the imported QuoteWerks line item's CustomText or CustomMemo fields. [Build: 2.07]

 418. For SYNNEX users that use the Quote Importer, the SYNNEX Quote Number can now be mapped to the imported QuoteWerks line item's CustomText or CustomMemo fields. [Build: 2.07]

 419. For ConnectWise Manage Users, there are new options on the ConnectWise Setup Window to include all Document Attachments and include all Notes from the Opportunity when converting a ConnectWise Opportunity to a ConnectWise Service Ticket. This does not affect creating one off Service Tickets in ConnectWise. [Build: 2.07]

 420. For Zoho users, there is now a "View Sold to" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Contact in Zoho CRM. [Build: 2.07]

 421. For Zoho users, if two words are entered when doing a Name search on the Lookup window, a match with the first word for the first name and the second word for the last name will be used. [Build: 2.07]

 422. For Zoho users, you can now create a new Zoho Company and Contact record from the QuoteWerks SoldTo/ShipTo tab using the information already entered on the SoldTo/ShipTo tab. For the feature to be enabled, the Contact field cannot already be populated with a contact that was retrieved from Zoho. Also, the Company, and Contact must be populated. This feature is available on the toolbar above the SoldTo, ShipTo, and BillTo areas of the Quote WorkBook. There is also an Access Right "CannotCreateCRMContact" that you can set if you do not want specific users to be able to use this feature. [Build: 2.07]

 423. For MS CRM users, the tax amount now comes over for a line item on a Quote. [Build: 2.07]

 424. For MS CRM users, if you select a different contact for an existing Opportunity, you are now given the option to clear out the existing Opportunity link data. [Build: 2.07]

 425. For MS CRM users, you can now choose the Status for new Opportunities. The default Status can be set with the MSCRMOppStatusCodeOpen setting. [Build: 2.07]

 426. For MS CRM users, you can choose the owner of an Opportunity on the Create Opportunity window in QuoteWerks. [Build: 2.07]

 427. For MS CRM users, you can choose the default owner for an Opportunity in the MS CRM Setup Window. The Owner can either be the logged in user or the Sales Rep. The Sales Rep name must match the MS CRM user name to be selected. [Build: 2.07]

 428. For SugarCRM users, a Call will now be saved to a contact if an account is not selected. [Build: 2.07]

 429. For SugarCRM users, there is now a "View Call" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Call in SugarCRM. [Build: 2.07]

 430. For SugarCRM users, there is now a "View Opportunity" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Opportunity in SugarCRM. [Build: 2.07]

 431. For SugarCRM users, there is now a "View SoldTo" link on the Links tab of the Quote WorkBook that you can click to view the Contact in SugarCRM. [Build: 2.07]

 432. For SugarCRM users, files can now be attached to opportunities from the Opportunity creation window. [Build: 2.07]

 433. For SugarCRM users, Opportunities can now have their name set by the user. [Build: 2.07]

 434. For SugarCRM users, the SugarCRM connection will be reconnected automatically if the session is expired. [Build: 2.07]

 435. For Maximizer CRM users, Enum fields in Maximizer CRM are now supported in the QuoteWerks DataLink. [Build: 2.07]

 436. When entering a PO NUmber when creating an Online Order or a Manual PO, you will now be warned if you are entering a PO number that already exists in QuoteWerks. It is not recommended to use the same PO Number for multiple purchase orders. [Build: 2.07]

 437. SugarCRM 10.3 is now supported! [Build: 2.07]

Version 5.6 Build 1 (released January 4, 2021)

 438. Added new "Enable individual Resource security" option on the Security tab of Tools->Options. When this option is set, you can specify File Access Rights for individual files like Cover Pages, Print Layouts, and Literature. Print Layouts support View and Modify. Cover Pages and Literature support View only. To set these File Access Rights, right click on a Print Layout or Literature file and choose "Set Access Rights...". This right click menu is not available on the 'Additional' Layouts tab, all Access Rights for layouts must be set through the 'Primary' tab. For a Cover Page, select the Cover Page, and click on the [Set Access Rights] button next to the Cover Page drop down list. You will be able to set these File Access Rights if you are a user with Master Rights or if you have the new Misc Access right of "NonMasterRightsUser_CanAdministerDeliverables". When this "Enable individual Resource security" option is activated, no users will be able to see any Cover Pages, Print Layouts or Literature files. To see these files and assign Access Rights, you will need to be a user with Master Rights (or have the Misc Access right of "NonMasterRightsUser_CanAdministerDeliverables"), and you will need to check the "[] Administration Mode" checkbox on the Print window. This will show all the Cover Pages, Print Layouts and Literature files. In this mode, any files that do not have any Access Rights set for them will be displayed in red (meaning they will not be visible by any users). For Files that do have Access rights set for them, you will see an indicator prefix like [ 02 ] in front of the name of the Cover Page, Print Layout or Literature file. This will indicate how many different users or groups have access to see this Cover Page, Print Layout or Literature file. When the "[] Administration Mode" checkbox is checked, you will be able to select multiple layouts at the same time by holding down the SHIFT or CTRL key while clicking on each individual Layout. The Access Rights that you set will be applied to all the selected layouts. Any previous rights set for these selected files will be replaced. The default rights to apply to all the files will be the ones for the layout that you right clicked on. [Build: 1]

 439. You can now show/hide individual toolbar buttons on the Document Items tab Grid Toolbar. These buttons can be hidden per user under the Menus tab of the User Properties window. There is a new "Grid Toolbar" hive in the treeview. Of note, some of the actions are available through a Menu and a Toolbar button. You will need to Show/Hide these actions separately. [Build: 1]

 440. For Maximizer users, Maximizer CRM 2020 R2 is now supported [Build: 1]

 441. For MS CRM users (Microsoft Dynamics), OAuth2 authentication is now supported. This is helpful for Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers that have Multifactor Authentication (MFA) / Two Factor Authentication (2FA) enabled in Dynamics. [Build: 1]

 442. For QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online users, you can now re-export Purchase Orders to QuickBooks. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchase window, right click on a Purchase Order and choose "Re-Export PO to 'QuickBooks'". [Build: 1]

 443. For Peachtree/Sage 50 US Edition users, you can now re-export Purchase Orders to Peachtree/Sage 50 US Edition. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchase window, right click on a Purchase Order and choose "Re-Export PO to 'Peachtree'". [Build: 1]

 444. For ConnectWise Manage users, you can now re-export Purchase Orders to ConnectWise Manage. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchase window, right click on a Purchase Order and choose "Re-Export PO to 'ConnectWise'". [Build: 1]

 445. For Autotask users, you can now re-export Purchase Orders to Autotask. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchase window, right click on a Purchase Order and choose "Re-Export PO to 'Autotask'". [Build: 1]

 446. For Product Content Subscribers using Etilize as a Product Source, the Etilize "My Favorites" now supports Folders. This will enable you to organize your commonly quoted products in folders and sub-folders instead of scrolling through an unorganized list of products. [Build: 1]

 447. For Product Content Subscribers using Etilize as a Product Source, under the Etilize Product Source, there is now a "Public Favorites" folder. This feature is similar to the Etilize "My Favorites", but can be seen by all users. At a site level, you can organize your commonly quoted products in folders and sub-folders to make it easy for your sales people to quote the items you want them to quote without having to search Etilize for them. [Build: 1]

 448. For Product Content Subscribers using Etilize as a Product Source, there is a new Etilize "Workspace" feature. The new feature is very useful when doing research. You can easily add products that you are considering selling to your customer, or products that you might want to sell, but need to do some more research on. Products that you add into the Workspace folder are remembered the next time you run QuoteWerks, so you can easily come back to the products you have been working with. Each user has their own Workspace. This Etilize Workspace folder is different than the Etilize "My Favorites" folder and Etilize "Public Favorites" folder. [Build: 1]

 449. The Product Content Subscription now has PartLocator support for Arlington. We've negotiated an arrangement with Arlington to host their parts list to provide our mutual customers with a better ability to locate Arlington part numbers when quoting. For Toner and other related searches both the Brand Name item and the Remanufactured item will be available in the results. [Build: 1]

 450. For QuickBooks Online users, on the Mappings.Items tab of the setup there is now an option to choose which field from the QuoteWerks line item that is used for the QuickBooks Item Description. You can choose Description, CustomMemo01, CustomMemo02, CustomMemo03, CustomMemo04, CustomMemo05. [Build: 1]

 451. For QuickBooks Online users, on the Mappings tab of the setup, there is now an option to choose which field from the QuoteWerks line item that is used for the QuickBooks Purchasing Description on Purchase Orders (POs). You can choose Description, CustomMemo01, CustomMemo02, CustomMemo03, CustomMemo04, CustomMemo05. [Build: 1]

 452. For QuoteWerks Web users, there is now a [Refresh] button on the File Links tab of the Quote WorkBook. Use this to synchronize layout, cover page, literature, spec sheet, image, lease rate files, etc. to/from QuoteWerks Web. After the synchronization is performed, the File Links list will be reloaded so that you can see any new files as a result of the synchronization process. Having this button located on the File Links tab is very useful as it lets regular users easily initiate the synchronization of the files when they need to. The Misc Access Rights of "CannotUseQuoteWerksWebSyncUp" and "CannotUseQuoteWerksWebSyncDown" have been added as a way to control user access to this feature. This synchronize and refresh feature can also be accessed with the new [Sync QuoteWerks Web] button on the Print window. [Build: 1]

 453. Added new Product->Lookup window, right click menu "Associate item(s) with Folder..." This will now prompt you to choose a product database folder from a folder selection dialog. This can make this activity faster than the existing way of selecting products, then Copying them, then navigating to a folder and right clicking and choose the "Associate copied items with this folder". [Build: 1]

 454. On the Product Lookup window, when right clicking on a native product database folder, the option to "Associate copied item(s) with this folder" will now indicate how many copied items are in the clipboard. The Disassociate feature has the same improvement. [Build: 1]

 455. Added new Product->Lookup window, right click menu, "Disassociate selected items from this Folder..." [Build: 1]

 456. For Tech Data customers in USA, using the "Import Tech Data SAP Quote" feature, there is now an additional "Import Tech Data SAP Quote (JSON)" feature if you setup your Tech Data JSON API credentials. Using this newer JSON API version you will be able to see Tech Data quotes that start with a '1', in addition to the Tech Data quotes that start with the number '4'. [Build: 1]

 457. For Tech Data customers in USA, there is a new "Import Tech Data CCW Quote (JSON)" feature if you setup your Tech Data JSON API credentials. With this new feature you can retrieve Cisco CCW Deals, CCW Estimates, CCW Quotes, and CCW Renewal Quotes. When you request these Cisco CCW quotes, behind the scenes the Tech Data API requests them from Cisco and copies them into a Tech Data SAP quote which is then returned to be imported into QuoteWerks. QuoteWerks automates this entire workflow. Your CCW account must be linked to your Tech Data account to use this functionality. On the Tech Data Website, go to the 'Buy -> Cisco 1' Source Menu. Under the 'Quote Creator' Section, if you see 'Connect To CCW' in a big yellow button, your account is not linked to Cisco. [Build: 1]

 458. For Tech Data Online Ordering users, the special instructions field length was increased from 55 to 132 characters. [Build: 1]

 459. Dicker Data Realtime Pricing and Availability now available for customers in Australia and New Zealand. A Dicker Data API Token is required to use this feature. If no API token is entered, the Part Locator Price will be used when performing an Etilize search. Real-time Module required for Realtime Pricing and Product Content Subscription required for PartLocator. [Build: 1]

 460. For SYNNEX Users in USA and Canada, you can now Import quotes from SYNNEX. These can be Quotes that you create on the SYNNEX website or that your SYNNEX Sales Rep creates for you. Simply enter your quote number and you can preview the quote items before importing them into your QuoteWerks Quote Workbook. [Build: 1]

 461. For ConnectWise Manage Users in Canada, there is a new mapping on the ConnectWise Setup Window for Taxable Products in the ConnectWise Manage Product Catalog. The mapping enables a taxable item to be set as PST Only, GST Only, or Both GST and PST. For users outside of Canada, the only option is 'Y' for taxable. [Build: 1]

 462. When a document is locked, you will now be able to select text in the individual fields so that you can copy text out of the fields on the Quote WorkBook. [Build: 1]

 463. Added new "Zoom Description" button to the grid toolbar on the Document Items tab of the Quote WorkBook. [Build: 1]

 464. In the Vendor Import Wizard, you can now import into the "Notes" field. [Build: 1]

 465. When a user deletes a products folder, it there will now be an Audit Trail record of it in the event.log. [Build: 1]

 466. There is a now an Edit->Paste Line Attributes menu. To use this, select a single line item, and right click and choose copy. Then you can select one or many line items, and right click and choose 'Paste Line Attributes' to paste the line attributes from the copied line item into the selected line items. This will paste all the Line Attributes as seen on the Edit->Edit Line Attributes window. [Build: 1.03]

 467. For QuickBooks Desktop and Online users, on the Export to QuickBooks window, when clicking on the [Find DocNo] button, you can now enter the % symbol for "Begins with" (AAAQ1%), "Ends with" (%100), or "Contains" (%Q%) searches. [Build: 1.03]

 468. Peachtree/Sage 50 US Edition users, on the Export to Peachtree window, when clicking on the [Find DocNo] button, you can now enter the % symbol for "Begins with" (AAAQ1%), "Ends with" (%100), or "Contains" (%Q%) searches. [Build: 1.03]

 469. When inserting/adding Section Header or Heading Line, when you are prompted for the description, you can now double-click in the description field to bring up the F2 Lookup in addition to pressing the F2 key. This is activated as long as the user preference of "Enable double-click to bring up F2 Lookup in text boxes" is set. [Build: 1.03]

 470. For QuoteValet users, when sales rep uploads a file to the Upload Area on the QuoteValet document the customer will receive a notification e-mail alerting them to this new upload for them. Since sales reps may upload multiple files before delivering the quote to the customer, the customer will only receive notifications of file uploads AFTER the customer has viewed the quote at least once. [Build: 1.04]

 471. There is now a Payment Option Recurring Phrase Display Macro setting on the Payment tab of the Tools->Options menu called "Payment Option Recurring Phrase display macro". The default is ", [plus %RecurringCycleSubtotalWithTax% %RecurringCycleWord%]". You can use this to customize the recurring portion of the text that appears in the Payment Options text. While the words for the "%RecurringCycleWord%" macro default for English users to weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually, you can change these in the Settings Manager with these settings: SystemSettings\System\PaymentOptionWeeklyRecurringCycleWord, SystemSettings\System\PaymentOptionMonthlyRecurringCycleWord, SystemSettings\System\PaymentOptionQuarterlyRecurringCycleWord, and SystemSettings\System\PaymentOptionAnnuallyRecurringCycleWord. [Build: 1.04]

 472. The Configurator now has a description preview panel (with scrollbar), so now can see the entire description of a product when selected. [Build: 1.04]

 473. For QuoteValet users, to provide context, the PAYMENT notification email subject line will now display the payment reference (like Deposit), and also the remaining balance. For Example: QuoteValet: PAYMENT: 'Deposit' Payment of $106.95 made (remaining balance is $536.05) - ABC Computer #AAAQ1001. [Build: 1.04]

 474. On the Send E-mail window there is now a toolbar button [Copy QuoteValet Customer Facing URL from] button. This will let you search for another quote to copy the QuoteValet Customer Facing URL from so that you can paste it into the current e-mail you are composing. In the situation where you have prepared more than one quote for your customer relating to the same project, and you want to just send them one QuoteValet notification email that contains the QuoteValet links to all of these quotes, this new feature helps you do this efficiently. [Build: 1.04]

 475. Added [Copy Customer facing URL] button to the QuoteValet tab. [Build: 1.04]

 476. In the Configurator, the prompt text display area now has a scrollbar. [Build: 1.04]

 477. On the Apply Multi-line changes window, the customized label names for all fields, not just Custom fields will be displayed. These changes have also propagated to other areas. [Build: 1.04]

 478. For QuoteValet users, there is a new search option for "DocNo contains" on the Reporting tab of the QuoteValet Dashboard. [Build: 1.04]

 479. When using the built-in QuoteWerks contact database as the CRM, you can now search for contacts by "Postal Code". [Build: 1.04]

 480. For QuoteValet users, when adding/editing a QuoteValet video, the Title and Video URL text boxes now support the F2Lookup ( F2 key and double-click). [Build: 1.04]

 481. On the Misc.General tab of the Tools->My Preferences window, there is now a new option of "" for the "Document Search Defaults". The benefit of this option is that the time it takes to load the Open Document window will be reduced dramatically since it will not run a default query every time it loads, before you have even entered in search criteria that you want to search for. [Build: 1.04]

 482. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window, adding and removing tracking numbers is handled more robustly now. When deleting the last tracking number, the ShipVia (Carrier), is also cleared so that you can specify it when adding the first tracking number back. There is now also a warning about manually adding tracking numbers to a realtime order. [Build: 1.04]

 483. On the Purchase Orders tab of the Purchasing window, the right click "Change ShipVia" menu for a PO Item now will warn you, but then let you change the ShipVia (Carrier), even for a realtime order. [Build: 1.04]

 484. You can now use the DataLink to retrieve a field value into the SoldToCompany, SoldToAddress2, and SoldToAddress3 fields. [Build: 1.09]

 485. When on the Product Lookup grid, you can now press the F5 key to refresh the grid with the underlying data in case that was just changed outside of QuoteWerks. This now works for Native Product Databases, MS SQL, ODBC, OLEDB, Excel, and Access data sources, in addition to QuickBooks, Peachtree, Zoho, and Salesforce.com. [Build: 1.09]

 486. The Act! Desktop search now remembers the last contact search method, either current contact, or search contact, per user. [Build: 1.09]

 487. The Paste Special Wizard now has a new step of "Additional Data Mappings". Here you can map in some static values or expressions. So if the data that you are pasting from the clipboard does not have a Vendor column, you can use this new capability to specify a static value like "Tech Data" to be set as the Vendor for all the pasted rows. Also, you can enter an expression like "The color of item is " and the values for Column3 and Column6 will be inserted into the text as it is pasted into the quote. [Build: 1.09]

 488. When creating a PO in QuoteWerks manually or through an electronic order, there is now a new "PO Created" dialog that appears. On this dialog you can choose to [Save PO as PDF] or [E-mail PO]. You no longer have to find the PO after you create it to then save it as a pdf, etc. The result text can be highlighted and copied to copy PO# from QuoteWerks, Distributor, and Accounting systems from this dialog. [Build: 1.09]

 489. There are now Audit Trail entries for when a User is deleted, a Group is deleted, a Group is created, or when a Group is renamed. [Build: 1.09]

 490. On the Save as Revision window, the "Delete previous revision" and "Update Expiration Date" checkboxes now remember their last setting per user. [Build: 1.09]

 491. On the Product Price History window, if the user has the Misc Access Right of "CannotSeeCostOnAddItemAssistant", then the Cost column data will only show "n/a". [Build: 1.09]