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QuoteWerks Help
Version 24 (Build 4.02) 
October 4, 2024

QuoteWerks creates Forecast Lines in the ConnectWise Opportunity. These are summarized line item representations of all items with the same ConnectWise Forecast Type, and are simply grouped together by their respective ConnectWise Forecast Types (Product, Service, Managed Service, or Other). This enables you to quickly glance at your Opportunity to see your revenue breakdown by Forecast Type.

ConnectWise Forecast line Descriptions

Here you will need to define the Forecast Descriptions for each of the Forecast lines.  These determine how the Forecast groupings will display on the Forecast tab of the ConnectWise Opportunity.  You also have the options to “Create individual Product items in ConnectWise (under opportunity Products tab)” and “Create individual Service items in ConnectWise (under opportunity Services tab)”.  This will add individual items identified as either a Product or Service Forecast type to the Products and/or Services tabs of the ConnectWise Opportunity.

QuoteWerks Item Type to CW Forecast Type

Here you can define the mappings between the QuoteWerks ItemType field and the ConnectWise Forecast Type. The QuoteWerks ItemType pulls from the F2 Lookup associated with the ItemType field and the ConnectWise Forecast types are pulled directly from ConnectWise. If you want to create a new ItemType in QuoteWerks from this window, you can click the button.

These mappings will determine how the line items in QuoteWerks are arranged in the ConnectWise Opportunity – whether they’re sent to the opportunity as Products, Services, or Managed Services and how they’re grouped together on the Forecast tab.

Tip:If you double click on the left column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy the mapped pairs to the clipboard. If you double click on the right column header, you will be prompted if you want to copy all of the available mappings to the clipboard. Copying the available mappings to the clipboard is helpful, because you can use this data to import into F2 Lookup values including the ItemType in QuoteWerks.

QuoteWerks Recurring Products

Here you can set how long to default the dates to for recurring items when the Recurring Start and End dates are not specified

Default ‘Create / Update individual Product items’ checkbox on ConnectWise Opportunity Integration Window

Checking this box will check the box for users to create products in the ConnectWise opportunity Window automatically.  This means that the products will be created in the ConnectWise opportunity when the opportunity is created, updated and/or won.  

When ‘Converting to’ or ‘Creating/Updating’ an Order or Invoice - Force the creation of individual product items

This checkbox will force the inclusion of products into the opportunity upon the quote being ‘converted to’.  Users will no longer have the option of choosing whether they want the products included when the quote has been converted to an order or invoice.  Instead, with this option the products will automatically be created in the opportunity when the document has been converted to a quote or invoice.  


To see a diagram of how item types are used, view the QuoteWerks Item Type Blueprint. Click here to view all of the QuoteWerks and ConnectWise blueprint and workflow diagrams.  

See the following topics for information about the other sub-tabs under the ConnectWise Setup window's Opportunities tab:

General Tab

Default Item Type

Shipping Tab

Addresses Tab